CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C830 Why Didn't You Ask Me

C830 Why Didn't You Ask Me

Gu Si heard the maid say that Hua Yuqing had dinner and said, "Give me the spare key to her room."    


The maid nodded and went to find the spare key for Gu Si.    


Gu Si took the spare key and opened Hua Yuqing's door.    


He walked in quietly.    


Hua Yuqing was lying on the bed and sleeping.    


There were still tears on her face.    


His heart ached as he reached out and touched her.    


Then, he sat beside the bed and looked at it for a long time.    


Finally, he helped her pull the bedding and walked out of Hua Yuqing's room.    


Then, she went to her room on the second floor.    


Yes, Gu Si did not stay in Hua Yuqing's room. Instead, he went back to his own room.    


The next day, Hua Yuqing opened her eyes and habitually looked to her side.    


Seeing that it was empty, she remembered.    


Last night, she and Gu Si went to the Jiangnan Conference.    


Then, in Gu Si's room, she met the beautiful woman who was with Gu Si.    


After that, she left the Jiangnan Conference.    


Later, Gu Si came back to find her.    


She also chased him out.    


At that time, she really did not want to see Gu Si. Then, her brain heated up and she chased him away.    


But she did not expect Gu Si to really go out.    


Originally, she thought he would vent his anger.    


Hua Yuqing sighed, then went to the washroom to wash up. She walked out of the room.    


In the end, she found that Gu Si was in the living room.    


She was stunned.    


Didn't he already leave? Why is he here?    


Gu Si saw her come out and stood up from the sofa.    


"She's up?"    


Hua Yuqing hummed and went to the dining room.    


Gu Si was not angry with her coldness. He followed her into the dining room.    


After entering the dining room, Gu Si wanted to talk to Hua Yuqing several times but Hua Yuqing called the maids when he opened his mouth.    


Finally, after breakfast, Gu Si only said 'get up' to her at the beginning. He didn't say anything else.    


After breakfast, Hua Yuqing went into the room.    


She did not come out and even asked the maids to bring lunch into the room to eat.    


During dinner, she asked the maid to bring lunch into the room.    


Gu Si could not hold it in anymore and rushed straight into Hua Yuqing's room.    


Hua Yuqing saw him come in and was stunned for a moment. Then she asked, "Is something the matter?"    


"Come out with me for a while." Gu Si said.    


"I don't want to go." Hua Yuqing replied.    


However, Gu Si made up his mind to take her out. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the villa. He then stuffed her into the passenger seat.    


Would Gu Si ask Hua Yuqing to reject him? Of course not. He directly pulled her into the car.    


Hua Yuqing was angry with Gu Si and did not say anything after getting into the car.    


Gu Si also did not say anything.    


He drove Hua Yuqing to the Jiangnan Conference.    


Hua Yuqing had a shadow over the Jiangnan Conference because every time she came here, she would meet that beautiful woman, Gu Si.    


When she saw Gu Si parked the car at the entrance of the Jiangnan Conference, she immediately pushed open the door and got out, "Are you here to do something? I'm not going in."    


But Gu Si specially brought her here today.    


Why did he let her go? "she asked.    


He reached out and grabbed her wrist. "Don't go."    


Hua Yuqing could not escape from Gu Si, so she could only let Gu Si bring her into the Jiangnan Conference.    


Gu Si did not bring her into the room like yesterday.    


Instead, he brought her directly to Bai Ke's office.    


Hua Yuqing walked over and looked at each and every one of them. She greeted Gu Si respectfully and felt that it was very strange.    


When she finally arrived at Bai Ke's office door, the person who was guarding outside her office called out to Gu Si respectfully, "Young Master Gu.    


Gu Si hummed and asked, "Is Bai Ke here?"    


"Manager Bai is here." As he spoke, the person helped Gu Si open the office door.    


Gu Si led Hua Yuqing into the office.    


Bai Ke was sitting in front of the desk. When she saw Gu Si and Hua Yuqing coming over, she immediately got up from the office chair.    


"Young Master Gu, Young Mistress."    


Hua Yuqing looked at Bai Ke in shock. She did not hear Bai Ke call her Young Mistress at all.    


She really did not expect Gu Si to bring her to see Bai Ke.    


Could it be that Gu Si planned to open the skylight with her?    


Actually, it was good to open it. This way, she would not fool herself every time.    


Gu Si saw the expression on Hua Yuqing's face and understood that Zhang Heng was right.    


Hua Yuqing thought that he and Bai Ke had a relationship, so she left yesterday.    


He said, "Her name is Bai Ke, the supervisor of Jiangnan Conference."    


"Hello, Miss Bai." Hua Yuqing was first stunned, then politely greeted Bai Ke.    


Bai Ke immediately lowered her head and said, "Young Mistress, don't call me 'Miss Bai'. Just call me Bai Ke."    


She called herself Young Mistress? Hua Yuqing always felt that something was wrong.    


She stared blankly at Bai Ke for a few seconds before looking at Gu Si.    


Gu Si naturally understood what Hua Yuqing meant. He opened his mouth and said, "Bai is one of my subordinates, just like Zhang Heng and Senior Gu."    


"Ah?" Hua Yuqing opened her eyes wide and looked at Gu Si.    


Did she hear wrong? Or was Gu Si wrong?    


Did he say that she was related to Bai Ke?    


"She... she is your subordinate? Not you..." Before Hua Yuqing could finish her sentence, Gu Si answered, "What is it about me? Lovers?"    


Hua Yuqing did not expect Gu Si to be so direct and was stunned.    


When Bai Ke heard Gu Si's words, she was shocked.    


She said repeatedly, "Young Mistress, don't misunderstand. Young Master Gu and I have nothing to do with each other."    


"Really, I swear, if there is a relationship between Young Master Gu and me, I will thunder..." Before she could say the last word, Hua Yuqing hurriedly interrupted her.    


"I believe it."    


Hearing Hua Yuqing say she believed, Bai Ke gently exhaled.    


If there was a problem between Young Master Gu and Young Mistress because of her.    


Young Master Gu would not let her go.    


After the misunderstanding regarding Bai Ke was resolved, Gu Si brought Hua Yuqing to his room.    


"That time, I misunderstood the time you followed me to the Jiangnan Conference. You saw me with Bai Ke, so you didn't look for me and left?"    


The matter had already reached this point, and Hua Yuqing did not want to hide it anymore.    


She directly nodded, "Yes."    


Seeing that his guess was right, Gu Si let out a breath.    


Then he said, "Why don't you ask me?"    


Hua Yuqing pursed her lips and did not say anything.    


Gu Si sighed and said, "Don't hide things from the bottom of your heart in the future. Tell me."    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing nodded.    


Gu Si smiled when he saw her nod.    


Under the lights in the room, his strong facial features looked even more beautiful.    


Hua Yuqing could not help but reach out her hand to touch those eyes that were in high spirits. That tall and straight nose, then her fingers slid down lightly and landed on Gu Si's thin lips.    


Gu Si originally wanted to bring her back after explaining everything to her.    


But now, he couldn't wait anymore.    


Gu Si carried Hua Yuqing with both hands and walked straight out of the room.    


"Ah... What are you doing?" Hua Yuqing exclaimed and hugged Gu Si's neck reflexively.    


"What do you think I am doing when you are flirting with me like that?" Gu Si asked in a low voice.    


"I don't." Hua Yuqing saw that Gu Si had already opened the door to the room. She quickly hid her face in Gu Si's arms.    


Gu Si saw her actions and the corner of his mouth curled up. Then, he carried her and quickly walked towards his room in the Jiangnan Conference.    


After entering the room, Gu Si placed Hua Yuqing on the bed and impatiently pressed her body against his and kissed her lips.    


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