CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C822 I Can't Get Through to the Phone

C822 I Can't Get Through to the Phone

"My stuff is gone. I want to find it." Hua Yuqing shook her head.    


Jing Xuan did not even think about it. He said, "Don't take it."    


Although the water from the fountain was not deep, it only reached the bend of Hua Yuqing's legs. It was just that she fell down and her clothes were almost completely drenched.    


It was winter now. If she stood in the water like this, she would definitely catch a cold.    


"No, that was something I had to find with great difficulty. I must find it."    


It turned out that when Hua Yuqing fell into the fountain just now, she had dropped the Yue Lao Fu that she had requested from Yue Lao Temple.    


Hua Yuqing bent over and started to feel the water in the fountain one by one.    


Bottles, chopsticks, plastic bags... all kinds of rubbish were taken out by her.    


Jing Xuan and his other colleagues stood outside the fountain and watched from time to time. Someone advised her not to look.    


However, Hua Yuqing insisted on looking for him.    


About ten minutes later, Hua Yuqing's frightened voice sounded.    


"Found it!"    


Jing Xuan raised his hand towards her and looked over. He saw the Yue Lao Fu that she had just requested from Yue Lao Temple.    


Actually, when he heard Hua Yuqing say that it was not easy to get it, he had guessed that it might be Yue Lao Fu. Otherwise, Hua Yuqing would not be so persistent.    


Jing Xuan stared at Hua Yuqing and said, " If you find it, come on up. What are you doing in there?"    


"I'll come up right away." Hua Yuqing stuck out her tongue and climbed up from the fountain.    


When she got up, Jing Xuan immediately took off his coat and covered her.    


Hua Yuqing quickly pushed it off, "Mr Jing Xuan, wear it yourself. I don't need it."    


"Yes." Jing Xuan said with a sullen face.    


"Yes, Yuqing. Put them on and go to the hotel to shower and change. Otherwise, you will catch a cold." The surrounding colleagues also tried to persuade her.    


Hua Yuqing could not refuse anymore and put Jing Xuan's jacket on.    


She was then brought to a nearby hotel. She took a shower, changed her clothes, and returned to the meeting place.    


The colleagues who came later heard about this from their colleagues and came over to take care of Hua Yuqing.    


"Yuqing, why are you so careless and fell into the fountain?"    


Hua Yuqing was stunned when she heard the other party's words and then said, "I don't know either. I just felt a huge force behind me and then I fell down."    


"A huge force? Could it be someone pushed you down?" His colleague asked in surprise.    


Jing Xuan, who was standing beside Hua Yuqing, heard Hua Yuqing's words and his face immediately darkened.    


Then he asked Hua Yuqing, "Who pushed you down?"    


Hua Yuqing shook her head, "I don't know. That person is behind me."    


When another colleague heard her words, he immediately asked, "Who was the person behind Yuqing?"    


Everyone looked at each other.    


Finally, someone said, "At that time, the person standing behind Yuqing seemed to be Liu Yuan."    


Liu Yuan, who was called out, quickly had a trace of gloominess in her eyes.    


Then she smiled and said, "I was standing behind her at that time, but I did not push her."    


"Yuqing said that someone pushed her from behind and you stood behind her. If you did not push her, who pushed her?" Someone immediately asked.    


"Did you see me push her with your own eyes?" Liu Yuan asked with a cold smile.    


"This..." That person naturally did not see Liu Yuan push Hua Yuqing with his own eyes, so he was unable to refute.    


"Or do you guys see me push her?" Liu Yuan's gaze swept around everyone's faces and finally landed on Hua Yuqing, "You saw it?"    


Although Hua Yuqing suspected Liu Yuan, she did not have any evidence.    


Furthermore, she did not think why Liu Yuan would push her.    


She shook her head, "No."    


"No. Don't randomly slander people." Liu Yuan's words were directed at others, but in reality, it was directed at Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing did not have any room for rebuttal.    


After the gathering ended, it was time to return to the city.    


Hua Yuqing followed Jing Xuan to the parking lot. She opened her wet bag and looked for her phone from inside.    


In the end, her phone was already black.    


Hua Yuqing tried to turn it on, but it only lit up for a moment before she fell into silence.    


Jing Xuan saw her actions and asked, "Do you want to make a call? Take mine and make a call."    


As he spoke, he took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing thought for a while and shook her head, "I'll be back soon. There's no need."    


Jing Xuan hummed and the two of them walked towards Jing Xuan's car.    


Before they could walk over, a person suddenly rushed over and punched Jing Xuan.    


Gu Si was busy in his office today. He didn't return to the villa until five in the afternoon.    


Realizing that Hua Yuqing was not back yet, he frowned slightly and then sat on the sofa in the living room. He took the remote control and turned on the TV.    


He randomly found a TV program and watched it absentmindedly.    


The maid went to the kitchen and made him a cup of tea. After placing it on the coffee table in front of him, she went to the kitchen to busy herself.    


Time passed bit by bit.    


The sun was setting and the night began to fall.    


But Hua Yuqing still did not come back.    


Gu Si could not sit still any longer. He stood up from the sofa and walked to the French window, staring out the window. To be specific, he was staring at the road outside the villa.    


After an unknown amount of time, the maid prepared dinner and came out of the kitchen.    


"Young Master, dinner is ready. Do you want to use it now?"    


Gu Si stared out the window. After a while, he asked, "Did she say she would come back for dinner?"    


The maid was stunned for a moment before she realized that the 'she' Gu Si was talking about was Hua Yuqing.    


She replied, "Young Mistress did not say." After a pause, the maid asked, "How about I call Young Mistress and ask?"    


Gu Si did not say anything and just gestured for her to make the call.    


The maid walked to the coffee table and picked up the landline on top of it. She dialed Hua Yuqing's number.    


However, Hua Yuqing's phone was not working.    


The maid paused for a moment. Then, he put down the phone and reported to Gu Si, "Young Master, Young Mistress's phone is not working."    


Hearing the maid say that Hua Yuqing's phone was not working, Gu Si immediately frowned.    


Her phone was fine, how could it not work?    


Gu Si took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Hua Yuqing's number.    


Sure enough, he could not get through.    


He frowned fiercely, then picked up the car keys on the coffee table and rushed out of the villa.    


"Young Master, where are you going?" The maid asked.    


Gu Si did not answer. He rushed out of the door of the villa.    


He drove all the way to the old city.    


Because he did not know where Hua Yuqing was, Gu Si could only drive aimlessly.    


When he found the fountain square, Gu Si suddenly saw Hua Yuqing and a man walking towards the parking lot together.    


That man was Hua Yuqing's Mr Jing Xuan, whom he had met several times.    


Gu Si frowned, stopped the car, and walked towards them.    


He had not noticed when they were far away just now. Now that they were close, he realized that Hua Yuqing was not wearing the same clothes she had worn in the morning.    


How could she have changed all her clothes?    


There seemed to be two clusters of flames in Gu Si's eyes, which made his eyes turn red.    


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