CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C846 He Heaved a Sigh of Relief

C846 He Heaved a Sigh of Relief

The girl who saved her life on the subway platform yesterday.    


"It's you!"    


That girl also recognized Hua Yuqing and nodded at her.    


"Is your hand better?"    


"It's much better. Thank you." Hua Yuqing said.    


"It's not that serious. It's just a small matter." The girl said.    


Gu Si was not a fool. He had already suspected that Hua Yuqing's hand injury was strange.    


After all, a normal scratch would not be so serious.    


Now that he heard Hua Yuqing and this girl's words, he immediately understood that Hua Yuqing's injury had an inside story.    


Now was not the time to ask Hua Yuqing. Therefore, Gu Si looked at them without batting an eyelid.    


After Hua Yuqing chatted with the girl for a while, she found that Gu Si did not speak.    


She quickly said, "Shall we order first?"    


"You order." Gu Si said.    


Hua Yuqing looked at him and saw that there was nothing wrong with his expression.    


She felt relieved.    


Then she started to order.    


After ordering, the girl left.    


Gu Si sat for a while and got up from his chair.    


"I'm going to the bathroom."    


Hua Yuqing did not think much about it and nodded. "Oh, okay."    


After Gu Si came out of the room, he did not go to the bathroom but went downstairs to the front desk.    


"sir, is there anything I can help you with?" When the receptionist saw him, she immediately asked politely.    


"I want to look for the waiter who ordered the dishes in room 09," sir said. Gu Si said.    


Yes, he wanted to find the waiter and figure out what had happened to Hua Yuqing.    


The waiter at the front desk nodded politely. "Okay."    


After a while, she found the waiter and informed him to come over.    


The waiter came over and was surprised to see Gu Si.    


"Are you looking for me?" Gu Si asked.    


"Yes," the waiter said. Gu Si nodded and said, "I want to know how she got hurt yesterday."    


The waiter did not expect Gus to specially look for her for this matter.    


He was stunned at first and then told her everything that had happened.    


Gu Si really did not expect Hua Yuqing to be so shocked yesterday.    


Without this waiter, she would have died.    


He said to the waiter. : "Thank you for saving her."    


Then he took out the cheque book from his pocket, filled out a cheque for one million yuan, and handed it to the waiter.    


The waiter looked at the cheque in Gu Si's hand. He was stunned for a moment before he said, "sir, it was a piece of cake for me to save that lady. I never thought of asking for payment."    


"You don't want it?" Gu Si raised his eyebrows.    


"No, sir." The waiter shook his head.    


Gu Si nodded and put the check away. He then took out a business card and handed it to the waiter.    


"If you need anything, you can give this business card a call. She will help you."    


Don't misunderstand. What Gu Si gave the waiter was not his business card, but Zhang Heng's business card.    


Sweat. His own business card was not something that could be casually taken out.    


Although the waiter did not think he had anything to ask for help, he still kept the business card.    


But in the near future, this business card gave her a great surprise.    


Of course, those were the last words.    


After Gu Si thanked the other party again, he returned to the private room.    


In the private room, the dishes were already served. Hua Yuqing was waiting for him.    


Seeing him come in, she immediately said, "You're back!"    


"Why don't you eat first?" Gu Si frowned and asked.    


"I want to wait for you." Hua Yuqing said.    


"Eat first next time." Gu Si said.    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing agreed. In fact, she was the only one who knew if she would eat first the next time.    


After dinner, Hua Yuqing wanted to ask the waiter for a contact number.    


But she was afraid that Gu Si would discover something. So no.    


Gu Si always acted the same as usual until they entered the room.    


However, on the second day, Hua Yuqing had an extra driver.    


"You said you are my driver?" Hua Yuqing stared at that person and asked.    


"Young Mistress, I am the driver Young Master Gu arranged for you." said the driver.    


Gu Si arranged it for her? Why did he suddenly arrange a driver for her?    


Hua Yuqing was puzzled. She took out the phone from her pocket and dialed Gu Si.    


Gu Si answered the call very quickly.    


"What's wrong?"    


"Why did you arrange a driver for me?" Hua Yuqing asked directly.    


"I have been busy recently. I can't pick you up. Let the driver pick you up." Gu Si replied.    


"I can take a cab myself." Hua Yuqing said.    


"It's more convenient to drive." Gu Si said.    


"I don't like a driver to pick you up. I can take a taxi myself." Hua Yuqing said.    


"Taking a taxi by myself and then accidentally almost fell off the platform? Then I got hit by the subway and died?" Seeing Hua Yuqing's repeated rejection, Gu Si also exploded.    


Hua Yuqing was stunned for a moment when she heard Gu Si's words. Then she asked, "How did you know?"    


She clearly did not say it all along. How did he know?    


"You don't need to care how I know. From today onwards, you obediently let the driver pick you up." Gu Si said in a domineering tone.    


"I don't." Hua Yuqing said.    


"You have no right to say no." Gu Si said.    


Hearing Gu Si say that she did not have the right to say no, Hua Yuqing's face instantly turned pale and she hung up the phone.    


Gu Si did not expect Hua Yuqing to hang up on him. First he was stunned, then he called Hua Yuqing again. In the end, Hua Yuqing's phone could not be called.    


He frowned and slapped his phone on the conference table.    


In Conference Room. The others in Conference Room felt their hearts jump when they saw him slap his phone on the conference table. They were afraid that Gu Si would be unhappy, so they took the big guy and swiped it.    


They all looked at Zhang Heng at the same time.    


Why Zhang Heng? It was very simple. Zhang Heng was now the closest person to Gu Si.    


Moreover, he was a special assistant. Who else could he find?    


Zhang Heng coughed lightly and then asked in a low voice, "That Young Master Gu, what happened to you?"    


"She hung up on me." Gu Si replied with a dark expression.    


The others didn't know who she was, but Zhang Heng did.    


Young Mistress was so brave that she dared to hang up Young Master Gu's phone.    


"That Young Master Gu, call Young Mistress."    


"I can't get through." Gu Si said.    


"Uh... Young Master Gu, Young Mistress must be angry." Zhang Heng said.    


"I'm not angry. What is she angry about?" Gu Si said angrily. Then he chased everyone out of Conference Room. "Get out, all of you!"    


Everyone was baffled by the scolding. Who was this' she '? Why did she make Young Master Gu so angry?    


Zhang Heng was afraid that everyone would step on a mine, so he quickly brought everyone out of Conference Room.    


Gu Si called Hua Yuqing a lot of times today, but no one answered Hua Yuqing's phone.    


Why didn't she answer the phone?    


Was she angry?    


He wasn't angry, but she didn't tell him about it. What was she angry about?    


Gu Si shook his head and put down his phone.    


Although he thought so, he did not have peace for an entire day.    


The people in the office were scolded by him one after another.    


Finally, he managed to endure for an hour and called the driver.    


Then, he found out that she was already in the driver's car.    


Only then did he heave a sigh of relief.    


Then, he began to busy himself with his own matters.    


At six in the afternoon, Gu Si drove back to the villa.    


When he entered, Hua Yuqing sat on the sofa and watched television.    


When she saw him return, she did not get up from the sofa as usual. She just lifted her eyelids and looked at him before continuing to watch her TV.    


Could it be that she was still angry?    


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