CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C843 He Didn't Admit to the Crime

C843 He Didn't Admit to the Crime

Wen Yunzhe didn't answer manager's question. He turned around and asked Gu Si, "Is it this bag?"    


"Yes." Gu Si nodded.    


manager's heart was beating fast. mommy was really this bag.    


This person was wearing a high-end hand-made suit. Why does he need such a bag?    


manager raised his hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Then, he respectfully handed the bag to Gu Si. "Your bag."    


Gu Si took the bag and opened it to take a look.    


He confirmed the things in Hua Yuqing's bag.    


Don't ask him why he knew what was in Hua Yuqing's bag. After all, he had been with Hua Yuqing for so long.    


Furthermore, when Hua Yuqing's bag was wet, he had poured out everything. He knew it.    


Wen Yunzhe stuck his head over and asked, "Is there anything missing?"    


manager was sweating profusely at the clubhouse. There was only one bag, and no one could take a look at it even if it fell into the washroom. How could there be anything missing?    


If not for their clubhouse's careful medicinal staffs, they would probably have been taken away by the cleaners.    


"No." Gu Si shook his head, then picked up his bag and prepared to leave.    


A cheap bag did not look bad in his hands.    


It felt quite elegant.    


It could only be that the nature of a person was there, and the external things were there. It was useless.    


After coming out of the clubhouse, Gu Si went to Zhang Heng's place to deal with the man he told Zhang Heng to take from Wen Yunzhe.    


After confirming that Hua Jingtong had left, he returned to Jinyuan.    


When he returned, Hua Yuqing was sitting on the sofa watching television.    


Seeing him come in, she waved her hand.    


"You're back? Have you eaten?"    


"No." Gu Si replied.    


"You didn't eat. Why didn't you call in advance? We didn't wait for you." Hua Yuqing pouted.    


"Nothing." Gu Si passed the bag to Hua Yuqing.    


"Thank you," Hua Yuqing said. Hua Yuqing took the bag and happily kissed Gu Si's face. Then her face turned red and she turned away in embarrassment.    


Gu Si stared at the side of her face and the corner of his mouth curled up.    


"That... I'll get you something to eat." She put down her bag and was about to get up.    


She was stopped by Gu Si. "Just let the maid do it. Watch your TV."    


Hua Yuqing hummed and then shouted to the kitchen, "Servants..."    


"Hey...," the maid answered and ran out of the kitchen. When she saw Gu Si was there, she immediately greeted him respectfully. "Master," Gu Si said.    


After greeting, she asked Hua Yuqing, "Young Mistress, what did you call me for?"    


"Go and make something to eat." After that, Hua Yuqing asked Gu Si, "What do you want to eat?"    


"Just two dishes," Gu Si said. Gu Si said to the servant.    


"Yes, young master." The maid bowed to Gu Si and Hua Yuqing, then turned and went into the kitchen.    


While Gu Si was eating, Hua Yuqing took out her phone from the bag Gu Yi brought back for her.    


She then opened it.    


There were many calls from Jing Xuan on it. They were all from last night.    


"Mr Jing Xuan called me last night." Hua Yuqing said.    


Gu Si frowned when he heard Mr Jing Xuan's name. He didn't say anything.    


Hua Yuqing did not notice Gu Si's gaze. She called Jing Xuan back.    


Jing Xuan quickly answered, "What did you do? Why did you only call me at this time?"    


Hua Yuqing immediately apologized to Jing Xuan, "I'm sorry, Mr Jing Xuan. I was delayed by some matters, so I didn't call you. I'm sorry. "    


Gu Si heard Hua Yuqing and Jing Xuan apologize, and his brows locked tightly together.    


However, Hua Yuqing did not see it.    


Jing Xuan said, "I thought something happened to you. I called you and no one answered my phone."    


"My bag was left at the club last night. I just got it back." Hua Yuqing said honestly.    


"Why did it land at the clubhouse? Also, last night, I went to look for you at the end of the banquet. But you weren't there. When did you leave? "    


Hua Yuqing felt very embarrassed when she heard Jing Xuan's words.    


Originally, she wanted to talk to Jing Xuan after the banquet ended.    


In the end, she got drunk and left.    


She didn't even yell at Jing Xuan. When Jing Xuan went to look for her, he found an empty space.    


"Er, sorry, Mr Jing Xuan. I was drunk last night and left early."    


"Drunk? You can't drink, can you? Why did you suddenly drink?" Jing Xuan immediately asked.    


"Yes, I can't drink. So, one drink and you get drunk. " Hua Yuqing replied.    


"That's why I didn't come to work today?" Jing Xuan asked.    


"Yes. When I woke up, it was almost 10 o'clock. I didn't go to work because I didn't feel well. I wanted to call you, but my phone wasn't there." Hua Yuqing said.    


Jing Xuan was not an unreasonable person. When he heard Hua Yuqing's explanation, he also let go.    


"Don't drink again next time."    


"I know. I definitely won't drink next time." After a pause, Hua Yuqing said, "I'm sorry, Mr Jing Xuan. I caused you trouble."    


"It's okay. Take a good rest."    


"Okay, Mr Jing Xuan..."    


Gu Si was eating while listening to Hua Yuqing and Jing Xuan's phone calls. His good mood instantly became dull.    


Hua Yuqing hung up the phone and saw that the rice in Gu Si's bowl did not move much. She asked curiously.    


"What's wrong? Isn't it delicious?"    


"No." He lowered his head and continued to eat.    


Hua Yuqing nodded. Then she suddenly thought of something and asked.    


"By the way, what were you busy with just now? Going to the company?"    


Gu Si was stunned when he heard Hua Yuqing's question. He then replied, "I went to the company for a meeting."    


Hua Yuqing replied, "Oh." She then only picked food for Gu Si and did not say anything else.    


After lunch, Hua Yuqing sat on the sofa and watched television. However, she was a little dizzy and sleepy.    


Gu Si knew that she was suffering from the side effects of the aphrodisiac, so he let her go back to her room to rest.    


"Go back to your room and sleep for a while."    


Hua Yuqing muttered, "Hua Jingtong and I had a glass of wine, but we were drunk."    


"We were just drunk, but our bodies were very sleepy."    


"It's okay. I just need to sleep for a while." Gu Si's eyebrows twitched.    


Hua Yuqing hummed and yawned. She went back to her room with Gu Si to rest.    


After Huang Qi arranged for someone to transfer Gu Si away, she had been keeping an eye on Hua Yuqing.    


She saw Hua Jingtong bring the wine over and talk to Hua Yuqing.    


Then Hua Yuqing drank her wine.    


After that, Hua Yuqing went to the washroom. Hua Jingtong called two medicinal staffs from the clubhouse to take Hua Yuqing away.    


Although she did not participate, she had been watching in the dark.    


Seeing Hua Jingtong bring Hua Yuqing into the car, she thought that the plan really succeeded.    


But she did not expect that not long after Hua Jingtong took Hua Yuqing away, Gu Si Yan hurried back to the banquet hall.    


From his look of looking around, she knew that Gu Si probably found some clues.    


Although she was a little scared, she did not leave.    


She knew Hua Jingtong.    


She was stupid. Even if she was caught by Gu Si.    


But she wouldn't give her up.    


Besides, even if she did, she would have arranged everything.    


When she gave Hua Jingtong the medicine, she specially chose places that the surveillance cameras in the banquet hall could not capture. Even when she took the medicine, she wore gloves on her hands.    


Therefore, even if Hua Jingtong really confessed to her, there was no evidence.    


When the time came, she would not admit it and that would be fine.    


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