CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C858 I must Let Her Die

C858 I must Let Her Die

"Don't worry. Nothing happened to her this time, but that doesn't mean she'll be able to escape next time." The middle-aged man on the opposite side comforted him.    


Su Mann said viciously, "Brother, you must let her die next time."    


"Don't worry, I will definitely do it for you..."    


Hua Yuqing was more frightened in this car accident and had nightmares for several days.    


Gu Si did not go to the company. He stayed at home with him every day.    


Although the documents could be sent by Zhang Heng to handle.    


However, Gu Si basically canceled all the meetings. If he could cancel, he would cancel.    


If he could not cancel the meeting, he would hold a video conference.    


On this day, when Gu Si refused to go to the company, Hua Yuqing heard him.    


It was dinner time. The maids prepared dinner and came out to call Hua Yuqing and Gu Si for dinner.    


"Young Master, Young Mistress, have dinner." The maid did not say anything and found that Gu Si was not in the living room.    


"Hey, where is Young Master?"    


"He went to study to pick up the phone. You go and do your work. I will go and call him." Hua Yuqing said.    


"Okay, Young Mistress." The maid nodded and turned to enter the kitchen.    


Hua Yuqing stood up from the sofa and went to study to call Gu Si for dinner.    


The door of study was not closed. Hua Yuqing came to the door of the study and was about to call him for dinner as usual.    


However, before she could open her mouth, she heard Gu Si's usual cold tone coming from study.    


"Why are you looking for me? Minister? "I already told Zhang Heng that he would treat... he is your father? Zhang Heng will treat... I am not free tomorrow. When I am free, I will treat your father to a meal... hmm... Gu Si cut off the phone.    


However, just as he hung up, his phone rang again.    


He looked at the caller ID on his phone and put it back in his ear.    


"Tomorrow? "No, I don't have time. I've already told Wen Yunzhe. I don't have time to see his father tomorrow. "That's it."    


Gu Si cut off the phone after finishing his last sentence.    


The study finally stopped. Hua Yuqing stood at the door of the study for a long time. She raised her hand and knocked on the door.    


"Come in." Gu Si's voice came.    


Hua Yuqing pushed the door open and walked in.    


Gu Si was not in front of the desk, but in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. He was looking out the window, thinking about something.    


Hua Yuqing's footsteps paused for a moment. She walked over and said, "Dinner is ready."    


Gu Si heard her words and turned around. He looked at her and then nodded. "Okay."    


When the two of them were about to leave, Gu Si's phone rang again.    


Hua Yuqing looked at the phone on Gu Si's desk and looked over.    


She saw that the caller ID was' Hua Zhenwu '.    


Uncle's phone?    


Hua Yuqing's line of sight paused.    


Gu Si picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. He did not answer immediately. Instead, he said to Hua Yuqing, "You eat first. I'll answer the phone."    


Hua Yuqing nodded and walked away.    


When she walked to the door of the study room, she heard Gu Si pick up the phone.    


"Hello... Uncle... I have something to do tomorrow. I can't get out of here. I can't see the department head..."    


Hua Yuqing quietly stood at the door of the study and listened to Gu Si's phone call.    


Until Gu Si's phone call was almost finished.    


She then quickly left.    


Hua Yuqing had a mixed taste of this dinner.    


These few days, he was at home every day. She more or less understood why.    


Because of her car accident, she always had nightmares.    


As the head of the Dragon Gate, he carried the entire Dragon Gate on his shoulders. Right now, the L Corporation had just settled down in Jingdu. If they could get the support of Minister Wen, they would develop even faster.    


This was also why Wen Yunzhe and even his big uncle called Gu Si.    


But he refused...    


How could Hua Yuqing bear to let Gu Si give up this opportunity because of her?    


Even if she knew that even if Gu Si missed this opportunity, he would still be able to stand at the peak of the capital.    


But she still hoped that he would not miss it.    


Therefore, when Hua Yuqing finished dinner and watched television with Gu Si,    


Yes. "Gu Si..."    


"Huh?" Gu Si turned around and looked at her.    


Hua Yuqing pursed her lips and said, "You can go to the company tomorrow."    


Gu Si was slightly stunned when he heard her words. Then he replied, "No."    


"I'm fine. You don't have to stay at home with me anymore. Really." Hua Yuqing paused for a moment and then said with a bright smile. I'm planning to go out tomorrow too. You don't even know that I've been staying at home for the past few days."    


Gu Si tilted his head and looked at Hua Yuqing. He did not even blink his eyes.    


The bright light in the living room shone on his face. It outlined a golden halo and looked very handsome.    


Hua Yuqing's lips curled up slightly, "Or do you plan to stay at home alone? Then I will not care about you."    


"I know." Gu Si slowly spat out three words.    


Hua Yuqing's heart was sour and sweet when she heard his words, but her hanging heart relaxed.    


The next day, Hua Yuqing was woken up by the alarm. She told Gu Si yesterday that she was going out today.    


She had to pack up early and go out.    


When Hua Yuqing woke up, Gu Si also woke up.    


He stared at her back for a few seconds and then got up.    


Gu Si had just put down his bowl and chopsticks when Hua Yuqing, who was still eating breakfast, said, "It's getting late. Quickly go to the company. Later, I want my lips too."    


Gu Si stared at her and then left the restaurant with a "En.    


He went to his room and walked out of the house.    


Hua Yuqing heard the sound of a car starting up outside and let out a sigh of relief.    


Finishing the breakfast in the bowl, she went back to her room and found her own bag.    


She told the maid and went to the entrance to change her shoes.    


After changing his shoes, he opened the door and walked out.    


He hadn't gone out for a few days. Hua Yuqing suddenly went out of the warm house. She shivered violently from the cold wind.    


She shrunk her neck and lowered her head as she walked out.    


Just as she walked out of the yard, she realized that something was not right.    


Why was Gu Si's car on the road outside the yard? Didn't he leave more than ten minutes ago?    


Could it be Mr Zhang Heng who came to pick him up?    


Just as this thought flashed through Hua Yuqing's mind, the passenger door opened.    


Gu Si was sitting in the driver's seat, his head tilted to look at her.    


Hua Yuqing touched her nose. Then, she walked over. "Why haven't you left yet..."    


Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Gu Si.    


"Come up."    


"Uh... come up? Was he planning to let her ride his ride out?    


Hua Yuqing blinked her eyes and climbed onto the passenger seat.    


She closed the car door and was about to put on her seatbelt when Gu Si leaned over and helped her put on the seatbelt.    


"Well... you can take me to the roadside in the city."    


Gu Si did not say anything. He stepped on the gas and drove out of the villa.    


The roads in Jingdu were the most congested at eight in the morning. They were congested all the way and it was not easy for them to reach the city.    


Hua Yuqing thought that Gu Si would put her on the roadside. After all, she had already told her before.    


She did not expect Gu Si to drive her all the way to the L Corporation.    


"Get out of the car." Gu Si said as he turned off the engine.    


Hua Yuqing pushed open the door and got out.    


Just as she was about to say, "I'm going for a walk," Gu Si reached out and grabbed her hand.    


Then, he walked into the company.    


The last time Hua Yuqing came to the company, her relationship with Gu Si was not as close as it was now.    


They just walked side by side and received a lot of attention.    


This time, Gu Si held Hua Yuqing's hand and received even more attention.    


The receptionist on the first floor opened her mouth and did not react for a long time.    


As if he did not see everyone's reaction, Gu Si directly brought Hua Yuqing into the room and nodded.    


They took the elevator all the way to the floor of Office of President.    


A female secretary in Gu Si's office saw Gu Si come in and was about to greet him.    


"President Gu..."    


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