CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C853 It Made Her Feel Despair

C853 It Made Her Feel Despair

Lin Rong's wife immediately rushed towards Mei Xue.    




Hua Yuqing was only shocked for a second before she looked at Gu Si.    


There was no expression on his face. He slowly got up from his seat and walked towards her.    


"Does it look good? If it looks good, I'll get someone to arrange a cruise ship. Take your time."    


"Look over here. There's no need to look." Hua Yuqing shook her head. Then she pointed to Mei Xue who was helped up by Lin Rong's wife and asked, "What happened to her?"    


Gu Si did not want Hua Yuqing to know what Lin Rong and Mei Xue did and not be happy.    


So he replied very coldly, "accidentally slipped."    


Hua Yuqing did not doubt Gu Si's words at all. She first made an 'oh' sound and then said, "You have to be careful when walking. Especially when you are wearing such high heels."    


Mei Xue was thrown to the ground and did not make any sound other than crying out in pain.    


As for Lin Rong, he had just been warned by Gu Si and did not dare to say another word.    


Gu Si did not even look at them and said directly to Hua Yuqing.    


"Don't worry about their matters. It's late. Let's go back."    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing nodded.    


Then Lin Rong took them off the cruise ship.    


After they left, Lin Rong returned to his room.    


His wife immediately questioned, "Lin Rong, why are you so respectful to people? My sister has already become like this."    


When Lin Rong heard his wife's words, his face darkened and he said, "You still want to say? I shouldn't have listened to your sister and let her seduce Young Master Gu."    


"If Young Master Gu wasn't worried about that girl, do you think your sister and I could still stay here?"    


"I..." Lin Rong's wife opened her mouth wide in shock.    


Lin Rong sighed. Then, he said to his wife, "Take her to the hospital to pick her up first."    


On the way to take Mei Xue to the hospital, Lin Rong received a call from the director.    


He told him that he had been expelled from the Jiangnan Conference.    


He didn't want to go to the Jiangnan Conference again.    


Lin Rong was filled with regret.    


Unfortunately, regret was useless.    


When he listened to Mei Xue's words and plotted against Gu Si.    


He was doomed...    


After leaving the cruise ship, Gu Si brought Hua Yuqing back to the hotel.    


Gus took off his coat and went to the balcony to make a call. Hua Yuqing took her pajamas and went to the shower.    


Gu Si came out after making the call and saw that Hua Yuqing was not in the room.    


He walked around and finally came to the shower.    


"Are you taking a bath?" Listening to the sound of water in the shower room, He raised his hand and knocked on the door, but it was not locked.    


When his hand knocked on the door, it opened a crack.    


Hearing the sound, she turned around and saw Gu Si standing at the door.    


"Why are you here?"    


"I called and didn't see you, so I came to find you."    


"You go out first, I'll take a bath."    




It took the couple several hours to finish.    


"Remember to dry your hair." Hua Yuqing said while yawning.    


"Okay." After Gu Si nodded and answered, she closed her eyes in peace.    


Gu Si covered the blanket tightly, then went to the shower room to wash himself. Then he blew his hair dry with an electric wind.    


Then he returned to the bed.    


Hua Yuqing very consciously got into his words, found a comfortable position and fell asleep.    


Gu Si slightly curled the corner of his mouth, then hugged her and closed his eyes...    


Hua Yuqing had fun in Jin City, but in Jingdu First People's Hospital, she turned the sky upside down.    


Because of Liu Yuan.    


Gu Si had arranged for Zhang Heng to give Liu Yuan a good eye for an eye. It was not for fun.    


Immediately, Zhang Heng announced what Liu Yuan had done in secret to the hospital.    


These were nothing. The most important thing was the video on Liu Yuan's bed.    


Videos of her and all kinds of different men were posted online.    


In particular, the official website of Jingdu First People's Hospital was posted.    


Therefore, in the entire Jingdu First People's Hospital, there was no one who did not know Liu Yuan.    


Under this kind of attack, the rumor of Hua Yuqing being kept as a mistress was quickly covered up.    


Everyone was talking about Liu Yuan.    


Liu Yuan hiding at home and not going out was useless.    


Because the wives of the few men she found did not know where they found Liu Yuan's address and they came to find her together.    


"Bitch, you actually seduced my husband."    


Liu Yuan's face was white as she said, "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know your husband."    


That woman pointed at Liu Yuan agitatedly and scolded, "Don't know my husband? In the video, you slept with him? Little slut, let's see if I don't tear you apart today. "    


Liu Yuan's face turned pale. She said 'I don't know what you're talking about' and then closed the door.    


"Don't close the door, little slut!" The woman in the middle roared and pushed open Liu Yuan's door.    


Liu Yuan staggered and fell on the ground.    


The middle-aged woman grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the ground. Then, without saying anything, she slapped Liu Yuan's face.    


The middle-aged woman's slap was very powerful.    


Liu Yuan's face turned red and purple at the speed of the naked eye.    


She stared at the middle-aged woman with eyes full of hatred. Then, she raised her hand and slapped the middle-aged woman's face hard.    


The middle-aged woman was stunned at first. As she scolded, she pounced towards Liu Yuan, "You slut, you seduced my husband. Shameless. Being a mistress, you actually dare to hit me..."    


Liu Yuan was not someone to be trifled with. She did not want to be outdone and started tearing at the middle-aged woman.    


The two of them fought and exchanged blows.    


It could be said that they were equally matched.    


Unexpectedly, a few more women came running over and shouted, "It's this woman. She seduced my husband."    


Fine, she became several women all of a sudden and hit Liu Yuan.    


When Liu Yuan first started, she struggled a few times but then she lost her strength. She asked the people around her for help.    


Other than the patients, there were also the doctors and nurses in the hospital.    


However, no one came to help Liu Yuan.    


Liu Yuan's video had already spread on the Internet. Everyone in First General Hospital in Jingdu knew about it.    


Who would help her? Who would dare to help her?    


Those who usually had a good relationship with Liu Yuan now wanted to draw a clear line with her.    


In the end, the police came. They just separated...    


Hua Yuqing did not know anything about Liu Yuan.    


She slept very soundly this time.    


Being tossed and turned by Gu Si in the shower room so many times that she was so tired, how could she not sleep soundly?    


When she woke up, she found that Gu Si was not on the bed.    


She immediately lifted the bedding and ran outside.    


She felt relieved when she saw Gu Si making a phone call in the living room.    


Gu Si heard the noise and turned around.    


He saw that she was barefooted and not wearing any shoes.    


He frowned slightly.    


"Go put on shoes."    


Hua Yuqing heard his words and was stunned for a moment. She then lowered her head to look at her bare feet.    


She stuck out her tongue and ran back to her room.    


Zhang Heng, who was on the other side of the phone, heard Gu Si say "go and put on shoes." He paused for a moment and understood that Gu Si was probably talking to Young Mistress.    


He said, "Young Master Gu, Liu Yuan is still at the police station now."    


Gu Si hummed in acknowledgement. "Let her out," he said.    


Locking her in the police station was a good place for Liu Yuan now.    


But Gu Si would not let her off easily.    


He wanted her to experience the power of the rumors and let her bear the despair.    


"Yes, Young Master Gu."    


He paused for a moment. Zhang Heng asked, "Young Master Gu, is Young Mistress still going to work in First General Hospital?"    


Gu Si glanced at Hua Yuqing, who had already put on her slippers and came out of the room. He then replied, "Depends on what she says."    


Then he hung up the phone.    


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