CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C879 A Bolt out of the Blue

C879 A Bolt out of the Blue

Gu Si reached out his hand to wipe away the tears on her face. When he touched her eyelashes, all of his movements suddenly stopped.    


There was a drop of tears hanging on her eyelashes. It was crystal clear and reflected a bright light. It was like the drop of tears she shed when she collapsed on the cruise ship.    


The tear that made Gu Si feel pain was filled with sadness and despair.    


This dream was very real. It was so real that Hua Yuqing could not bear to wake up.    


In the dream, she had returned to five years ago.    


She returned to mommy's warm embrace.    


There was no bullying from the Hua Family, no despair and loneliness.    


There was only warmth that belonged to Hua Yuqing.    


"mommy, I missed you so much."    


"mommy also misses Yuqing." mommy tightly hugged Hua Yuqing.    


"mommy, I will always be with you, okay?" Hua Yuqing asked.    


"No, Yuqing should go back." mommy shook her head and pushed Hua Yuqing away.    


"No, mommy, I'm not going back. I want to be with you." Hua Yuqing reached out and pulled mommy's hand. She was very reluctant.    


"Yuqing, you should go. Someone is waiting for you." mommy's hand slowly dissipated in Hua Yuqing's hand.    


No, mommy, you take Yuqing away. You take Yuqing away, okay? " Hua Yuqing cried and pounced towards mommy.    


But mommy had already dissipated into a white fog...    


Hua Yuqing opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling. There was a strong smell of disinfectant in the air.    


Was she in the hospital? Hua Yuqing turned her head and saw Gu Si who was guarding her bed.    


Gu Si was probably tired. He closed his eyes and counted.    


Seeing Gu Si, Hua Yu was not surprised that Jing Xuan was not there.    


The one that jumped off the cruise ship was already delicate, so she chose to give up.    


She moved her left hand and prepared to sit up with it. However, she found that her left hand was held by Gu Si.    


Because of her, Gu Si, who originally had his eyes closed, immediately opened his eyes.    


Seeing Hua Yuqing wake up, he got up from the chair excitedly, "Yuqing, you're awake! Is there anywhere uncomfortable?"    


"No." Hua Yuqing shook her head and pulled her left hand away from Gu Si's hand. She closed her eyes again.    


When Gu Si saw Hua Yuqing's teardrop on the cruise ship, he knew that she cared that he had chosen Ning Qianyu and the little darling.    


Previously, he was too worried about her. So I never thought about it.    


Until just now, she broke free from his hand.    


Only then did Gu Si remember.    


He was flustered. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Hua Yuqing fell asleep again.    


Gu Si quietly stood by the bed for a while, then covered Hua Yuqing with the blanket and walked out of the ward.    


Hearing footsteps, he left.    


The door of the ward was closed, and Hua Yuqing's eyes, which were originally closed, opened.    


She did not blame Gu Si. Really.    


It was normal for him to choose the person he loved.    


I love you. I don't have the right to ask you to love me as well.    


The opposite of love is not love.    


She didn't hate Gu Si. She wanted to marry him back then. She wanted to love him. Did he force her to do so? From the beginning to the end, she was the one who forced him to marry her.    


Because of her greed, because of her persistence, she could not ask him to marry her.    


She originally thought that she might be able to enter his heart.    


But now, she knew. His heart would only open for someone called Ning Qianyu, and she, Hua Yuqing, would never be able to.    


So, she gave up.    


She really gave up...    


Ning Qianyu, who had been guarding outside the ward, was very surprised when she saw Gu Si come out of the ward.    


Didn't he keep watch over Hua Yuqing and not leave? He did not even change his wet clothes.    


Why did he come out?    


"Young Master Gu, why did you come out? Did something happen to Yuqing?"    


"No, she woke up. Gu Si replied.    


Ning Qianyu was stunned when she heard Gu Si say Hua Yuqing was awake. She then asked, "She is awake. Why did you come out?" Shouldn't she be guarding her?    


She probably doesn't want to see me. " Gu Si raised his right hand. He could still clearly feel the feeling of her struggling away from his hand.    


When Ning Qianyu heard Gu Si's words, she understood what was going on.    


"I'm sorry. It's all because of me and the little darling."    


"It's alright. I promised Mu Shengchen that you and the little darling would be safe. After a pause, Gu Si said," She's safe too, isn't she? "    


She was safe, but she had experienced life and death.    


Until now, Gu Si still could not recall. At that time, he carried Hua Yuqing out of the water.    


Hua Yuqing's entire body was cold and there was no reaction.    


But now, she was very safe. That was enough!    


Gu Si stayed in the hospital to take care of Hua Yuqing. Hua Yuqing had rejected him many times.    


But Gu Si still did what he wanted.    


On this day, Hua Yuqing ate fish while eating.    


She only felt her stomach churn.    


She quickly threw away the spoon, covered her mouth, and was about to get out of bed.    


Gu Si was shocked. "What's wrong?"    


Hua Yuqing was so angry that she could not help but push Gu Si away and throw up.    


The pure white twisted and turned into a lump of dirt in an instant.    


The ward was full of sourness. The taste of the food was very unpleasant.    


Gu Si did not seem to feel it.    


He patted Hua Yuqing's back gently to ease her discomfort.    


After she finished vomiting, he poured her a glass of water and rinsed her mouth.    


Then he twisted the towel and wiped her face and hands.    


After he was done, Gu Si asked, "Are you feeling better?"    


Hua Yuqing hummed. She then looked at the dirty things on her body and the dirty things on the floor.    


She said, "Sorry, I vomited on your body."    


"It's okay. Where are you feeling unwell? I'll get the doctor to take a look at you."    


"It's fine. I just feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I'll vomit if I eat fish or meat." Hua Yuqing said.    


"I have." Gu Si frowned.    


Why didn't Senior Gu tell him?    


Senior Gu, who was busy investigating the person behind this, felt a chill down his spine.    


Hua Yuqing hummed. "Go change your clothes and find a nurse to clean up."    


Gu Si did not answer her question. He just asked, "I'll order a meal for you. You threw up all the food you ate just now."    


"No need. I can't eat it." Hua Yuqing shook her head.    


Gu Si nodded and took off his coat. He rolled up his sleeves and started to clean up.    


The dignified sect master of the Dragon Gate Sect was actually doing this kind of cleaning work.    


Hua Yuqing's heart was full of mixed feelings.    


Hua Yuqing, he doesn't love you, he just feels guilty. It's just guilt!    


Closing her eyes, Hua Yuqing made a decision in her heart!    


After Gu Si cleaned up the ward, he found a nurse to ask for disinfectant and sterilized the poison in the ward.    


After disinfectant, he found that Hua Yuqing was already asleep.    


Gu Si covered her with bedding and went to the doctor's office. He asked about Hua Yuqing's gastroenteritis.    


After the doctor heard Gu Si's description, he looked at him strangely.    


"Mr Gu, the symptoms you mentioned should be the pregnancy and vomiting reaction. Gu madam has been pregnant for a month and is in the reaction stage."    


When Gu Si heard the doctor's words, he remembered that the doctor had said Hua Yuqing was pregnant.    


"Then why is she vomiting like this? What to do? Is there any way to treat her?"    


Don't blame Gu Si for not understanding.    


Ning Qianyu had stayed with him when she was pregnant. But at that time, he arranged for the servants to serve Ning Qianyu.    


Furthermore, Ning Qianyu had been pregnant for almost five months and her vomiting had ended.    


"Mr Gu, there is no way to cure this pregnancy. You can only pay attention to food and drink."    


"Please write me a list of things to take note of and food," Ning Qianyu said. Gu Si said.    


After listening to Gu Si's request, the doctor looked conflicted.    


Although he was the hospital director, he was not good at gynecology.    


However, this Mr Gu was Professor Ning's younger brother.    


The director said, "I'll get the director of gynecology to arrange a detailed list for you."    


"Thank you..."    


Gu Si returned to the ward happily after he got the list.    


Unexpectedly, what greeted him was a bolt out of the blue.    


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