CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C892 Take Good Care of Yourself

C892 Take Good Care of Yourself

A familiar temperature came from her hand and Hua Yuqing's heart trembled.    


After she regained her senses, she immediately broke free from Gu Si's hand.    


"I'm fine."    


Gu Si pursed his lips and said, "The temperature is low now, why isn't the air conditioner on?"    


"No air conditioner." Hua Yuqing finished and then asked, "Why are you here? "What is it?"    


No air conditioning? What did Zhang Heng do?    


Zhang Heng, who had completely forgotten about the air conditioner, sneezed.    


Huh, who's thinking about me?    


Gu Si furrowed his brows and replied vaguely, "Is something the matter?" He asked, "Are you used to living here?"    


"It's good." Hua Yuqing said.    


"Oh." Gu Si nodded and looked at Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing was embarrassed to be looked at by him.    


She opened her mouth and said, "Then are you done with your matters? I won't waste your time..." Before she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door from outside. Hua Yuqing was about to get up and open the door.    


However, Gu Si got up a step faster than her, "I'll open it."    


"No..." She wanted to refuse.    


But Gu Si had already opened the door.    


"Yuqing, lunch is ready, you..." Zhang Xiao said directly when she saw the door open.    


When she saw that the person who opened the door was Gu Si, she immediately stopped talking.    


Gu Si stared at her for a few seconds and then asked, "You are looking for Yuqing?"    


Zhang Xiao came back to her senses and replied, "I am Yuqing's neighbor. Have you come to see if she has come back?"    


"Zhang Xiao, it's you. Come in quickly." Hua Yuqing heard the voice and came out.    


Gu Si was here and Zhang Xiao did not dare to go in.    


She shook her head and said, "I was just about to go out and take a look. Are you back?"    


"Oh, I just came back." Hua Yuqing said.    


"Yes, I have something urgent to do, so I have to go." Zhang Xiao said to Hua Yuqing.    


"Yes, okay." Hua Yuqing nodded.    


Zhang Xiao glanced at Gu Si, then turned and left.    


Just as she walked out of Hua Yuqing's house, there was the sound of the door closing behind her.    


She looked behind her, then rubbed her nose and returned to her apartment.    


With Young Master Gu here, Yuqing should not have to worry about Yuqing eating.    


Hua Yuqing watched Gu Si close the door, then walked to the sofa and sat down.    


She touched her nose and said, "That, it's almost noon."    


Hua Yuqing opened her mouth to say that it was time for you to be busy with your own matters or to have lunch.    


But Gu Si said, "Are you hungry? Let's go eat together." Gu Si said.    


How could Hua Yuqing and Gu Si go out to eat together? She wanted Gu Si to leave.    


She shook her head. "No, you can go. I'll just eat at home."    


"Then I'll go with you." Gu Si said.    


Damn it. You are the Sect Chief of Dragon Gate, director. Can you come with me?    


Hua Yuqing secretly arranged her stomach in her heart and then said, "I will do whatever I want."    


"I will eat some." Gu Si said.    


Hua Yuqing was speechless.    


Hua Yuqing's throat was stuck. She did not know what she was feeling at the bottom of her heart.    


She looked at Gu Si and then stood up from the sofa.    


"I'll help you." How could Gu Si let Hua Yuqing cook by herself?    


He stood up as well.    


How could Hua Yuqing let Gu Si go to the kitchen?    


"No, no need."    


Gu Si stubbornly followed her.    


After entering the kitchen, Hua Yuqing opened the refrigerator and took out some simple ingredients.    


She then passed one of the ingredients to Gu Si. "Wash it."    


"Don't you need to wash the rest?" Gu Si looked at the other ingredients in Hua Yuqing's hands and asked.    


"Don't worry about the rest." What a joke. Would Hua Yuqing let Gu Si handle the ingredients?    


One should know that she let him wash the ingredients just to give him a perfunctory answer.    


However, Gu Si was not willing.    


"Let's eat the flower rice you made before." In Gu Si's impression, the flower rice cooked by Hua Yuqing was the most fragrant rice he had ever eaten.    


"I'll handle the ingredients." Gu Si said.    


Hua Yuqing looked at him and nodded. "Okay."    


She opened the refrigerator and took out the ingredients. Gu Si took them.    


"Are you going to clean them all?" He asked.    


"I need to pick the yellow leaves first. I need to fold them..." Hua Yuqing said as she wanted to personally come.    


She was dodged by Gu Si, "What do you want me to do? I will do it."    


Hua Yuqing saw that Gu Si did not want her to do it, so she could only teach Gu Si how to do it.    


Gu Si had never gone into the kitchen, but according to Hua Yuqing's instructions, he washed the ingredients one by one.    


Then he cut the vegetables.    


Gu Si was pretty good at it, but it was his first time cutting vegetables with a knife.    


How should I put it? Precise, very accurate.    


Every piece was the same thickness, and every piece was the same size. It was as if it had been measured.    


"You... cut the vegetables?" Hua Yuqing looked at the table and asked as she cut the ingredients neatly.    


"Yes." Gu Si said "yes," because he had practiced on people.    


Hua Yuqing paused for a second and then remembered something.    


She said, "That ingredient is ready. I will stir-fry it." Gu Si did not know how to stir-fry this dish, but Hua Yuqing had her left hand.    


Gu Si felt a little regretful. He had been so focused on eating the stir-fried rice cooked by Hua Yuqing just now.    


He had forgotten that it was not convenient for Hua Yuqing.    


If he had known earlier, it would have been the simplest. The noodles would have been fine.    


Hua Yuqing saw Gu Si staring at her hand and immediately understood what he meant.    


"It's okay. During this period of time, my left hand has become very convenient."    


It was very convenient for her to practice her left hand. Gu Si's heart tightened when he heard this.    


If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't even need to do it herself.    


Hua Yuqing didn't know what Gu Si was thinking.    


She turned on the fire and started to cook the fried rice.    


She did not know how much Gu Si could eat, but Hua Yuqing cooked more.    


Almost last time, she, Gu Si, and Senior Gu had the same amount of rice.    


Anyway, there was a lot of leftovers. She could not keep them for the next meal. She would finish them all. If she could not finish them, she would fall.    


However, Hua Yuqing did not expect Gu Si to eat all of them.    


He ate all of them.    


Hua Yuqing looked at the person in front of her, her face full of astonishment.    


She did not know that Gu Si had not been able to eat or sleep well ever since she brought up the divorce.    


This was a rare time that Hua Yuqing stir-fried the flower rice.    


Could he not finish eating?    


He definitely had to finish it.    


"What's wrong?" Gu Si looked up and saw Hua Yuqing looking at him.    


"Nothing." Hua Yuqing shook her head.    


"Oh." Gu Si opened his mouth and was about to say something.    


His phone rang.    


He took his phone out of his pocket and answered it impatiently.    


"What is it? I'm busy."    


Hua Yuqing looked at him and lied seriously. She then stood up and prepared to clean up the plates.    


Gu Si saw her actions and quickly said, "Put it away. I'll do it."    


Then, he said to the phone, "Do you need to tell me this kind of thing? Do it yourself." Then, he hung up the phone.    


You go and do your... " Hua Yuqing did not finish her sentence.    


Gu Si threw his phone on the table and took the plate from Hua Yuqing.    


He prepared to go into the kitchen.    


Hua Yuqing pulled him back.    


Gu Si stopped and turned to look at Hua Yuqing's wrist.    


Hua Yuqing saw him turn around and quickly let go of her hand.    


Gu Si's eyes slightly moved. He asked, "What's wrong?"    


"You are a guest, how can I let you clean up?"    


The word "guest" made Gu Si's eyes darken.    


After a few seconds of silence, he said, "I will clean up for you and leave."    


There was a hint of a request in his voice.    


Hua Yuqing was stunned.    


Gu Si pursed his lips and asked, "Is it okay?"    


Can I? He had only used the tone of an order.    


But now, he actually asked for her opinion.    


Hua Yuqing could not help but nod her head.    




Gu Si's lips curled into a smile. He then took the dirty plate and went into the kitchen.    


Ten minutes later, he came out of the kitchen.    


As he put down the sleeves that he had brushed up, he said, "Let the maids take care of you."    


"No need. I can. I spend most of my time eating at my neighbor's house." Hua Yuqing said.    


Gu Si paused for a moment when he was buttoning his sleeves. He then picked up his coat from the sofa and put it on.    


He said, "I'll go first. Take good care of yourself."    


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