CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C894 She Recovered Very Well

C894 She Recovered Very Well

Gu Si pursed his lips and didn't say anything.    


Hua Yuqing felt a little uncomfortable seeing the man like this.    


Finally, she added, "I want to go to the medical college to teach."    


Only then did Gu Si remember that Hua Yuqing was studying in the medical college.    


When he went back, he had to get Zhang Heng to get him Hua Yuqing's schedule in the medical school.    


In case something like this happened again.    


This was what Gu Si told himself in his heart, and then he said, "I know. I'll give it to you."    


"It's just a little distance. You don't need to give it to me." Hua Yuqing left without looking back after saying that.    


Gu Si stood there for a while and then left...    


Hua Yuqing ran for a few minutes and only stopped when she saw that Gu Si did not catch up.    


She turned around and looked back. She saw Gu Si's back when he got into the car.    


Her eyes flashed slightly and she quickly walked towards the entrance of the medical college.    


She held the magnetic card and went in unimpeded.    


Then she went straight to the building where the advanced course of the medical college was located.    


Hua Yuqing found the classroom where the advanced course was located and walked in.    


There were already a lot of people inside.    


Because they were all coming from major hospitals to study, everyone chatted and talked together.    


Hua Yuqing seemed to be alone.    


She was originally from Jingdu First People's Hospital, but she had already left Jingdu First People's Hospital.    


Therefore, Hua Yuqing appeared especially solitary.    


However, her pretty face was very eye-catching.    


After she sat down, a male doctor immediately went to talk to her.    


"Miss, do you need my help?"    


"No, thank you." Hua Yuqing shook her head and took out her book from her bag.    


When the female doctor saw Hua Yuqing come over and was surrounded by Ruo Duo's male doctor, she felt very upset.    


Especially the female doctors in Jingdu First People's Hospital, they said somewhat unfairly.    


"As expected of a slut. In minutes, a group of men will surround her."    


"That is just a rumor. What nonsense are you talking about?" Another colleague said.    


"Hur hur... a rumor? No wind, no waves. "And, just like her..." Before the man could finish his sentence, another male doctor interrupted her.    


Shut up. We're here for in-service training, not to talk nonsense. "    


The female doctors opened their mouths, wanting to say something. In the end, they shut their mouths in embarrassment.    


Hua Yuqing was very impatient with the people surrounding her.    


But if they wanted to stand here, what could she do?    


She frowned and looked at the book on the table.    


When Wen Mo entered the classroom, he saw a group of people gathered together.    


Originally, he didn't want to care.    


But he did not expect that the person surrounding him was Hua Yuqing.    


Thinking about it, he had promised Huang Qi that he would deal with Hua Yuqing properly.    


So his expression immediately darkened.    


"This is the medical academy's classroom. What are you guys doing? If you want to cause trouble, get out of the medical school."    


When he said that, the people surrounding Hua Yuqing immediately ran away.    


Hua Yuqing finally let out a sigh of relief and then lowered her head to continue reading the books on the table.    


Wen Mo originally thought that Hua Yuqing's expression would not be good if he gave Hua Yuqing face like this.    


But he did not expect that Hua Yuqing did not look bad at all.    


He stared at her and then said, "I am your instructor. My name is Wen Mo. In the following time, I will be teaching everyone surgery lessons..."    


Wen Mo was not a very good person.    


However, he was really good at teaching.    


Because Hua Yuqing's right hand had not recovered yet, she could not take notes and could only listen seriously.    


A cold light flashed through Wen Mo's eyes and he said, "About the reaction of the nerve endings I mentioned just now, I would like to ask a classmate to repeat it."    


After saying that, Wen Mo looked around the podium.    


Finally, it landed on Hua Yuqing.    


"Please tell me."    


Hua Yuqing did not expect Wen Mo to call her by his name.    


After a slight pause, she stood up.    


Then she repeated what Wen Mo had said about the reaction of the nerve endings.    


Although it was not exactly a word, she had said everything that needed to be said.    


This made Wen Mo, who had originally intended to embarrass Hua Yuqing in school, look a little unhappy.    


After Hua Yuqing finished speaking, there was no reaction from what she saw.    


She asked somewhat strangely, "Teacher, Am I wrong?    


Wen Mo came back to his senses and said, "Yes." You are right. "    


Hua Yuqing nodded and sat down.    


Wen Mo wanted to find an opportunity to make things difficult for Hua Yuqing.    


But the bell rang.    


He had no choice but to give up...    


After class, the male doctors surrounded Hua Yuqing again.    


But this time Hua Yuqing did not let them surround her. Instead, she said with a cold face, "Sorry, please step aside."    


After everyone moved aside, she walked out of the classroom.    


In the corridor.    


Not long after she stood there, a person walked over.    


It was a doctor from Jingdu First People's Hospital.    




Hua Yuqing heard the voice and turned her head. She saw Jing Xuan's assistant standing behind her.    


"Yes, Wen Yao."    


"Yuqing, Doctor Jing asked me to come with you." Wen Yao said with a smile.    


Hua Yuqing nodded and said, "Thank Mr Jing Xuan for me."    


"Okay." Wen Yao nodded and asked, "Yuqing, you seem to be very familiar with the courses."    


Just now, when Wen Mo asked Hua Yuqing to answer the question, Wen Yao thought that if it was her, it would definitely not be as complete as Hua Yuqing's answer.    


Hua Yuqing smiled and answered, "No, I just saw it at home. You know it too. My hand..." Hua Yuqing raised her hand towards Wen Yao.    


Wen Yao smiles in understanding," Yuqing, when will your hand recover? "    


"After class, I will go and remove the plaster and then know the situation." Hua Yuqing said.    


"I see..." Wen Yao wanted to say something but at this time, the bell rang.    


The two of them walked into the classroom together.    


This class was an internal science class, not Wen Mo. It was another instructor.    


Hua Yuqing did not suffer any difficulties. On the contrary, because her hands were not convenient, the instructor still took care of her.    


There were only two lessons in the morning. After the end, Hua Yuqing immediately packed her things and left the medical college.    


She wanted to go to the military hospital. Time was of the essence.    


She was just about to call for a taxi when Gu Si's car drove over.    


Yes, it was the car that Gu Si drove her to the medical college.    


While Hua Yuqing was in a daze, Gu Si had already opened the passenger door.    


"Get in the car."    


Hua Yuqing did not move. She just looked at Gu Si.    


Gu Si pursed his lips and said, "I have made an appointment with the doctor to remove the plaster."    


Gu Si said that he had made an appointment with the doctor.    


Hua Yuqing climbed into the car.    


After she got into the car, Gu Si subconsciously reached out to buckle her seatbelt. However, Hua Yuqing was already one step ahead of him, so he did it himself.    


He froze his hands and started the car.    


Gu Si drove all the way to the military hospital.    


"Thank you. I can go in myself." Hua Yuqing got out of the car and said to Gu Si.    


"I need a doctor," Gu Si said. How could Gu Si let her in alone? How could Gu Si let her in alone?    


In the end, Hua Yuqing had no choice but to enter the military hospital with Gu Si.    


They went straight to the director's office.    


"Mr Gu, Miss Hua, you guys are here." The dean greeted them with a smile when he saw them.    


Gu Si nodded lightly while Hua Yuqing nodded politely. "Dean Lin, I am here to remove the plaster."    


Dean Lin nodded and said, "I know. Mr Gu called me early this morning." Dean Lin said.    


Hua Yuqing looked at Gu Si and said, "Sorry, Dean Lin. I had something to do this morning. I was delayed."    


"It's okay." Dean Lin shook his head.    


What a joke. He originally thought that Hua Yuqing had such a big background as Ning Qianyu and was already powerful enough.    


In the end, Old Master Hua personally called him a few days ago to ask about Hua Yuqing's situation.    


Only then did he know that Hua Yuqing was actually Old Master Hua's granddaughter.    


Especially, this Mr Gu's face was filled with murderous intent.    


Would he dare to bicker?    


Dean Lin shook his head and brought Hua Yuqing to the examination room next to his office to remove the plaster.    


During the process of removing the plaster, Gu Si had always been by Hua Yuqing's side.    


After removing the plaster, he did a check on Hua Yuqing's arm.    


Checking the recovery of her arm.    


"Doctor, how is her arm recovering?" Gu Si asked.    


Dean Lin looked at Hua Yuqing's arm and answered, "Her arm is recovering well, but it can't be completely the same as before."    


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