CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C978 Warning Lin Xin

C978 Warning Lin Xin

Why did they want to take advantage of the time Gu Si lost his memory to do all these things?    


Gu Qin gave them so much money. They could obviously go and have fun for a while.    


Then, with Gu Qin's soft-heartedness towards them.    


At that time, when they ran out of money, they could just go and ask her for more.    


Why were they so greedy?    




Unfortunately, it was no use regretting now.    


Gu Si would not bet their regret on Hua Yuqing's safety.    


After Zhang Heng sent Gu Xiaoyu and Qiao Xiao away.    


Gu Si called Gu Qin.    


Although he had just told Gu Xiaoyu and Qiao Xiao that he would not send them to the exiled island, he told Gu Qin.    


But he had only said it.    


He would not really not tell her.    


Because Gu Qin had the right to know about this.    


Gu Qin heard Gu Si's words and was silent for a few seconds.    


She said, "Brother, I know. I won't blame you. What they did was too much."    


"Sending them to the exiled island is the best choice."    


Gu Si felt relieved when he heard Gu Qin's words.    


"Yes, take good care of yourself."    


"The same goes for you. Take good care of yourself and take good care of sister-in-law."    




After hanging up the phone, Gu Si stood up from the sofa and walked out of the villa.    


When he reached the door of the villa, he stopped and said to Senior Gu who was waiting for him outside.    


"Get someone to clean up the villa like before."    


"Yes, Young Master Gu." Zhang Heng nodded and asked, "Young Master Gu, when will you and Young Mistress move back?"    


Gu Si looked up at the blue sky and answered, "When she agrees to remarry me."    


Senior Gu really wanted to ask when Young Mistress agreed to remarry.    


But when he thought of this question, it was possible that he would step on Young Master Gu's mine. So, he did not ask. He just nodded, "Yes..."    


After leaving the villa, Gu Si went straight back to the Maple Court apartment.    


When he passed by the entrance of the medical college, he raised his wrist and looked at the time.    


He found the distance. Hua Yuqing still had half an hour to go.    


She went to the medical college.    


Hua Yuqing's advanced course was waiting for Hua Yuqing outside.    


Hua Yuqing did not know that Gu Si was waiting for her outside.    


After the last lesson, she packed her things and took out her phone from her pocket as she walked out.    


Suddenly, she realized something was wrong.    


Hua Yuqing turned her head and saw a familiar person standing under the cherry blossom tree.    


He had one hand in his pocket and was looking at her.    


Behind him were cherry blossoms and pink cherry blossoms. Together with Gu Si's handsome and gorgeous face, the scene was breathtaking.    


And he was walking towards her.    


"Why are you here?"    


"I just came back. Look at the time. You're almost done with class, so I came to wait for you." Gu Si reached out and took Hua Yuqing's bag. "Let's go back," he said.    


Hua Yuqing nodded. Then she suddenly said, "Wait a minute."    


"Huh?." Gu Si looked at Hua Yuqing in confusion.    


Hua Yuqing said, "Lower your head."    


Although Gu Si felt that Hua Yuqing's words were very strange, he still obediently lowered his head.    


Hua Yuqing stood on her tiptoes and stretched out her hand to take off a cherry blossom petal from Gu Si's head.    


Gu Si looked at the cherry blossom petal in Hua Yuqing's hand and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.    


At this moment, a very insensible voice disturbed them.    


"Tsk tsk tsk, I knew it. Who could cause such a big commotion in the medical college? So it was this person who came."    


Gu Si and Hua Yuqing turned their heads and saw Lin Xin standing there.    


"Hello, Tutor Lin Xin."    


"Ahem... Hello, Classmate Hua." Lin Xin nodded and said to Gu Si, "Mr Gu, come to pick up Hua."    


Gu Si didn't say anything. He just looked at Lin Xin.    


Lin Xin felt that there was something strange in his eyes. It was slightly different from the previous few times.    


Suddenly, Gu Si opened his mouth.    


"When did you change your name?"    


When Lin Xin heard Gu Si's words, he was stunned for a moment. Then, he opened his mouth wide and pointed at Gu Si. "You..."    


Gu Si ignored him and turned to Hua Yuqing.    


"It's getting late. Let's go back."    


Hua Yuqing opened her mouth wide and looked at Lin Xin, who was staring at Gu Si.    


She nodded and left with Gu Si.    


When Lin Xin came back to his senses, he found that Gu Si and Hua Yuqing had gone far away.    


He quickly chased after them.    


"Yuqing... Your man... Is he..." Before Lin Xin could finish his sentence, Hua Yuqing answered for him.    




Lin Xin exclaimed. "Yuqing," he said, "your man is too scary. He lost his memory two days ago. He recovered in just a few days."    


Hua Yuqing hummed and said, "He recovered yesterday."    


Well... Lin Xin felt that he could only secretly suffer a loss.    


It was his fault that he could not beat Gu Si. He could not beat Gu Si.    


He could not defeat Gu Si either.    


Lin Xin walked to Gu Si's side and glanced at him.    


He glanced at him again.    


However, Gu Si didn't show any expression.    


It was as if he didn't exist.    


Lin Xin touched his nose and asked, "Do you have any memories of the time you lost your memory?"    


Gu Si looked at him coldly and asked, "What do you think?"    


How would I know? Lin Xin rolled his eyes.    


Gu Si said calmly, "Stay away from her from now on."    




Well, he didn't say anything else.    


But Lin Xin already understood.    


If Lin Xin still didn't understand such a familiar warning, he would be an idiot.    


Before he lost his memory, he had only done it in secret.    


How did he recover his memory? Shouldn't he have used this method in secret?    


How could he be so bold with this method?    


It was very simple. In the time Gu Si lost his memory.    


He had fully expressed his jealousy towards Lin Xin and Jing Xuan in front of Hua Yuqing.    


Although he had regained his memory, Gu Si did not intend to hide his jealousy like before.    


Instead, he could be famous now, but why would he hide it?    


Therefore, poor Lin Xin became a unlucky person.    


When they arrived at the residential area, Hua Yuqing invited Lin Xin to have dinner at home.    


Lin Xin was already afraid of Gu Si, so why did he follow her?    


He shook his head repeatedly. "I have something to do, so I won't go."    


"I have something to do, so I have to eat too." Hua Yuqing said.    


Lin Xin looked at Gu Si and said, "Someone at home has prepared lunch for me."    


He heard Lin Xin say that someone had prepared lunch for him.    


Hua Yuqing could not force Lin Xin.    


She nodded and said, "See you tomorrow."    


"See you tomorrow." After saying this, Lin Xin left as if he was running away.    


Hua Yuqing looked at his back in a hurry and felt very strange.    


"Tutor Lin Xin, why is he running so fast?"    


Gu Si's eyes flashed and answered, "It's probably an urgent matter, right?"    


Hua Yuqing did not doubt Gu Si's words at all. She nodded.    




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