CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C1035 Hua Jingtong Was Not Willing to Play Any Tricks

C1035 Hua Jingtong Was Not Willing to Play Any Tricks

Hua Yuqing had already decided that she would no longer be related to Hua Zhenqiang and the others.    


However, Hua Zhenqiang and the others did not think so.    


As for the specifics, it should be said that it was Hua Jingtong.    


Hua Jingtong had suffered a lot during the time she was sent to M Country.    


It was not easy for her to come back, but in the end, she realized that coming back was not what she wanted.    


Her mother had schizophrenia and was in the sanatorium.    


Her father had been stripped of his position and imprisoned by her grandfather at home.    


She had lost everything but Hua Yuqing was so happy.    


Someone was in pain. There were people who loved her. How could Hua Jingtong be willing to accept this?    


Hence, Hua Jingtong began to think.    


Because from Hua Zhenqiang, she already knew that if she forcefully went against Hua Yuqing, she would not be a match for that man, Hua Yuqing. Thus, Hua Jingtong thought of another way.    


It was to use the media's public opinion.    


She found a gossip reporter and wrote a report about Hua Yuqing.    


Of course, this report was not positive about Hua Yuqing.    


The report was about Hua Yuqing being the illegitimate daughter of Hua Family. Back then, her mother was shameless and seduced Hua Zhenqiang.    


After that, she forced Hua Zhenqiang to recognize Hua Yuqing back to the Hua Family.    


Now, Hua Yuqing was married and conspired with her husband to murder her sister, causing her stepmother to have schizophrenia and be locked up in a sanatorium, causing her biological father to be placed under house arrest.    


The moment this piece of news came out, the entire internet went into an uproar.    


It could not be helped, the Hua Yuqing in the report was really too hateful.    


His mother seduced another man, but in the end, he went to the door himself.    


After the marriage, he collaborated with his husband's family, harmed his own sister, his stepmother, and even his own biological father. This was simply repaying kindness with enmity.    


On the Internet, there were all kinds of things to scold Hua Yuqing and Gu Si.    


The moment Gu Si received the news, he deleted this report.    


After deleting it, he immediately called and went back to the villa.    


The maid answered the phone.    


"Yuqing, did you see the report on the Internet?"    


The maid replied, "Young Mistress hasn't woken up yet."    


Gu Si heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the maid's words.    


He was afraid that Hua Yuqing would get angry when she saw the news.    


He said, "You must hide this from her. Don't tell her anything."    


"Yes, Young Master..."    


After hanging up the phone, Gu Si asked Zhang Heng, "Have you suppressed all the news?"    


"We suppressed it immediately, and the Hua Family also attacked. So, there is no news at all." They paused for a moment. "Minister Hua's secretary called. He wants to talk to you," Zhang Heng said.    


Gu Si was not surprised that the Hua Family and Wen Family would attack.    


However, Hua Zhenwu wanted to find him, which surprised Gu Si.    


"Call him." He said to Zhang Heng.    


"Yes, Young Master Gu." Zhang Heng nodded. He took out his phone from his pocket and called Hua Zhenwu's secretary.    


Gu Si and Hua Zhenwu answered the phone.    


"Gu Si."    


Gu Si nodded and replied, "Uncle."    


Hua Zhenqiang didn't waste any time. He asked directly, "Do you need the Hua Family to make a statement about this matter?"    


Gu Si was somewhat satisfied when he heard that Hua Zhenwu was planning to make a statement about Hua Yuqing.    


After all, the Hua Family was such a big family. For Hua Yuqing, this attitude was already very impressive.    


However, Gu Si refused, "No need, Uncle."    


Although Hua Yuqing was a member of the Hua Family, Hua Yuqing was Gu Si's wife.    


He would protect his people well. He did not need anyone else, not even Hua Yuqing's family.    


Furthermore, he had to hide it from Hua Yuqing now. If the Hua Family made a statement, he would not be able to hide it.    


"Her body can't take the stimulation right now. I am hiding this matter. If the Hua Family makes a statement, it will definitely cause trouble again and she will know about it."    


Hua Zhenwu said, "Yes, we should hide it from her. We are the ones who are thinking about the left."    


Gu Si said," Uncle is only concerned about Yuqing. That's why he is like this. "    


After that, Gu Si and Hua Zhenwu did not say much.    


After all, Gu Si was still busy dealing with the follow-up issues of this matter.    


After hanging up the phone, Gu Si asked Zhang Heng, "Have you arranged for someone to investigate this matter?"    


"I've arranged it." Zhang Heng nodded.    


Gu Si said, "Investigate it as soon as possible. I want to see who is behind this."    


Yes, Gu Si. He already knew that someone was behind this.    


"Yes, Young Master Gu..."    


Gu Si was hiding it from Hua Yuqing, but Hua Yuqing still knew.    


She knew it was actually an accident.    


That day, she slept until noon before waking up.    


Then, after lunch, Hua Yuqing's phone rang.    


She saw Lin Xin's number on her phone and immediately pressed the answer button.    


Before he could say anything, Lin Xin asked urgently.    


"Yuqing, are you okay?"    


"What? Am I okay?" Hua Yuqing looked confused.    


"It's just the news on the Internet." Lin Xin said.    


"What news on the Internet?" Hua Yuqing asked doubtfully.    


"You don't know?" Lin Xin probably thought of something and said, "No, it's nothing. I'll hang up first."    


Then, Lin Xin cut off the phone.    


When Hua Yuqing called again, no one on Lin Xin's side answered.    


What was going on? Why did Tutor Lin Xin have such a big reaction?    


Hua Yuqing thought about it and called Gu Si.    


Gu Si quickly answered, "Are you awake?"    


Hua Yuqing replied, "I'm awake. I have something to ask you."    


"What is it? Tell me." Gu Si replied.    


"Tutor Lin Xin called me just now and asked if I was okay." Hua Yuqing said.    


Hearing Hua Yuqing's words, Gu Si immediately asked, "What did he say to you?"    


Hua Yuqing felt that Gu Si's reaction was a little strange, but... Or answer, "I don't know what he meant by that. I asked him. He said 'you don't know' and then hung up. After that, When I called again, no one answered. I want to ask you, "Did something happen?"    


"No." Gu Si paused for a second and then said, "Maybe he is talking nonsense."    


Why would Tutor Lin Xin talk nonsense? Hua Yuqing was about to say this when Gu Si spoke again.    


"Do you have nothing to do at home?"    


"Yes, nothing to do. What's wrong?" Hua Yuqing asked.    


"Then go out for a walk. En, let the maids accompany you. Senior Gu will drive for you." Gu Si said.    


Shopping? " Hua Yuqing asked.    


"Shopping is fine too. Buy whatever you want." Other people's wives went shopping and they were worried that their wives would spend too much money.    


Gu Si was different. He was worried that Hua Yuqing would not spend money.    


It could not be helped. He and Hua Yuqing had gone shopping a few times and Hua Yuqing was not willing to spend money.    


Just last time, he went shopping with Gu Qin and the others in the old city.    


Hua Yuqing went shopping with Gu Qin. In the end, Hua Yuqing did not buy a third of what Gu Qin bought.    


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