CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C1010 The Guqin Has Come to the Capital in Advance

C1010 The Guqin Has Come to the Capital in Advance

Because Gu Qin hadn't eaten lunch yet, they switched to the restaurant again.    


While Gu Qin was going to the washroom, Gu Si said to Hua Yuqing, "Gu Qin has a lively personality. Stay away from her."    


"Why does she have to stay away from her jumping personality?" Hua Yuqing asked curiously.    


Of course Gu Si could not say. Gu Qin was bold. She would think of all kinds of ghosts and elves at any time.    


He said, "Just listen to me."    


"No." Hua Yuqing replied.    


Gu Si suddenly felt speechless. ...    


The girl was disobedient, and even his wife was disobedient.    


He felt that he should not have agreed to let Gu Qin come over.    


Now, he would feel his heart palpitate all the time.    


Gu Si had already predicted how much Hua Yuqing would have to worry about Gu Qin's days in the capital.    


Hua Yuqing did not know what Gu Si was worried about.    


She liked Gu Qin's personality very much. She was straightforward and carefree.    


Originally, the plan was to arrange for Gu Qin to be at the villa.    


In the end, Gu Qin asked Hua Yuqing to stay in the villa in Jinyuan.    


Hua Yuqing did not even think about it and agreed.    


Thus, Gu Si's plan to move into the villa in Jinyuan after remarrying Hua Yuqing was implemented by Gu Qin in advance.    


Of course, there was also a remarrying plan that had not been implemented yet.    


However, Gu Qin patted her chest and said to Gu Si that it was all hers.    


She promised Hua Yuqing and Gu Si that they would remarry.    


Yes, Gu Qin quickly let Hua Yuqing live in the villa in Jinyuan.    


Gu Si thought that perhaps Gu Qin really had the ability.    


But he did not expect that Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin almost got into trouble the next day.    


The next day, Gu Si went to the company.    


Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin were at home. He thought that there were several bodyguards Gu Qin brought over.    


Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin should be fine together.    


But he did not think that not even half a day had passed.    


He received a call from Gu Qin's bodyguard, saying that Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin went out together.    


He even dumped them.    


Gu Si was anxious at that time.    


While talking about the phone, he rushed out of the meeting room.    


As he rushed out of the meeting room, his secretary rushed over.    


"Young Master Gu..."    


"What's the matter? You look for Zhang Heng. I need to go out now." Gu Si said as he walked towards the elevator.    


"But Young Master Gu, Miss Hua and another lady are here." said the secretary.    


"If they're here, then they're here." Gu Si said and walked into the elevator.    


In the end, he had only taken two steps when he realized what the secretary had said.    


He turned around in shock and asked, "What did you just say?"    


"Miss Hua and another young lady are here." The secretary was shocked by Gu Si's appearance and answered with a trembling voice.    


"Where are they?" Gu Si asked urgently.    


"In your office..." Before the secretary could finish, Gu Si turned around and ran to his office.    


Yes, he ran to his office.    


Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin were talking when they rushed into the office.    


Hua Yuqing was shocked when she saw him come in.    


"Hey, didn't I tell the secretary not to look for you? Why did she go to look for you?"    


"Why are you guys here?" Gu Si did not answer her question. Instead, he questioned Gu Qin.    


Before Gu Qin could answer, Hua Yuqing was already dissatisfied.    


"Why are you questioning her? I am coming. Why are you not welcome?"    


How could Gu Si dare to be dissatisfied with Hua Yuqing?    


His anger instantly died down.    


"No, you can come over at any time."    


Gu Qin originally thought that she would be scolded.    


She did not expect her sister-in-law to finish off Young Master Gu with just one sentence.    


Their family's Young Master Gu finally met his nemesis.    


Sister-in-law was really great! Sister-in-law was awesome!    


Hua Yuqing glared at Gu Si and then said to Gu Qin.    


"Don't listen to your brother. We will play here."    


"Yes, sister-in-law." Gu Qin winked at Young Master Gu and then sat on the sofa in Gu Si's office with Hua Yuqing. They ate and watched TV.    


Gu Si stood there alone for a long time and no one paid attention to him.    


Finally, he rubbed his nose and called Gu Qin's bodyguards to inform them that they were here.    


Then, he took the documents and sat on the office chair. He looked at Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin as he read the documents.    


He only saw Hua Yuqing take out a large pile of snacks from her bag.    


These snacks were what Gu Si normally forbade Hua Yuqing from eating.    


Of course, it was also Ye Xi who forbade Gu Qin to eat Shen.    


But today, the two of them actually bought so much.    


Just as Gu Si was about to say something to stop them.    


Gu Qin asked Hua Yuqing in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, Young Master Gu won't let us eat this, will he?"    


"Don't worry about it." Hua Yuqing replied.    


Gu Si swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.    


Gu Qin saw that Gu Si did not say anything to stop him.    


She immediately started to eat happily.    


What a joke. She was under Ye Xi's control during this period of time.    


She was not allowed to eat anything.    


She was about to go crazy.    


Now, she could finally eat a lot.    


Sister-in-law is still the best...    


Then, the two of them ate too much and did not eat dinner that day.    


The next day, they were still not feeling well.    


Even if they were not feeling well, the two of them did not have time to rest.    


The two of them held hands and went to the amusement park.    


This time, they did not throw off their bodyguards, but still made Gu Si rush over in fear.    


What a joke. There were so many people in the amusement park. If they knocked on the ground, where did they hit? What should they do?    


Therefore, Gu Si had the idea of moving back to Maple Court.    


If that was the case, Gu Qin would not be able to drag Hua Yuqing along with her.    


"Let's move back to Maple Court District."    


"Why? Didn't you always want to stay in Jinyuan?" Hua Yuqing asked curiously.    


"But you run around with Great Beauty Gu every day. It's too dangerous." Gu Si said.    


"How is it dangerous? We're fine." Hua Yuqing said unhappily.    


Very good? Yesterday, she brought you to my office to shake off the bodyguards. The bodyguard was very anxious. "Call me and I rushed to find you. Then I found out that you came to my office."    


"Then, you guys ate too much snacks yesterday and your stomachs were uncomfortable.    


Today, she took you to the amusement park.    


The amusement park was very dangerous. What if she bumped into it?    


Hua Yuqing was silent for a few seconds and said, "You can't blame her all. Actually, I want to go too."    


"Like the snacks I ate yesterday, I also want to eat. It's not just her that wants to eat. " Like going to the amusement park today, I actually want to go as well. I've grown up, and when I went with you to C City, I've been to the amusement park once. Besides, we didn't play at the amusement park today. "We just stayed in places with fewer people for a while."    


Listening to Hua Yuqing's words, Gu Si's heart ached so much that he held her in his arms.    


Then, that night, Gu Si booked the amusement park in the eastern suburbs of the capital.    


He brought Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin to the amusement park.    


Although many games were very dangerous to them.    


Still, they had a good time.    


Gu Qin said to Hua Yuqing, "Sister-in-law, thank you for making Young Master Gu so humane."    


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