CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C903 Someone Bullied You

C903 Someone Bullied You

It was a long time. It was so long that he thought Young Master Gu would keep quiet like this.    


Gu Si spoke.    


"You can go back to the company."    


Zhang Heng stared at Young Master Gu's back and sighed. He turned around and left...    


Hua Yuqing took a taxi and went straight to Yupinxiang Restaurant.    


When she went over, everyone was already there. They were only waiting for her.    


Seeing her come over, everyone greeted her, "Yuqing is here!"    


Hua Yuqing Hua Yuqing said apologetically, "Sorry, I'm late."    


Everyone shook their heads. "It's alright..."    


Wen Qing stood up and called Hua Yuqing over. She went to sit beside Jing Xuan. "Yuqing, quickly come over here and sit."    


"I can sit here." Hua Yuqing pointed to the seat by the door and said.    


"No, I left this seat for you." Wen Qing said.    


Hua Yuqing had no choice but to walk over and sit down.    


The others all knew Jing Xuan's feelings for Hua Yuqing, so they all looked at each other with 'understanding' in their eyes.    


The dishes had been ordered in advance. Therefore, after Hua Yuqing sat down, she started to serve the dishes directly.    


During the meal, Jing Xuan gave Hua Yuqing a bowl of soup.    


"I heard from Wen Qing that your stomach has been feeling unwell recently and you can't eat many dishes. This pigeon soup is not greasy. Try it."    


Hua Yuqing took a bite and found that this pigeon soup was indeed not bad.    


She hurriedly said: "Delicious, very tasty."    


"Delicious, drink more." Jing Xuan said.    




Wen Qing saw Jing Xuan taking care of Hua Yuqing so carefully and her face was a little gratified but also a little dim.    


Very quickly, the dimness disappeared.    


What replaced it was the usual smile.    


She picked up the cup in front of her and stood up. She said to Jing Xuan, "Doctor Jing."    


Jing Xuan heard Wen Qing's voice and turned his head.    


He saw her holding a cup. He paused, then picked up the glass in front of him and got up.    


"Doctor Jing, I wish you a happy birthday..." Wen Qing's eyes stared at Hua Yuqing's face and continued to say the last sentence, "Your wish is fulfilled."    


After she finished speaking, Wen Qing lifted her wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.    


Jing Xuan felt that her words were a little strange, but he still said 'thank you' and drank a mouthful of wine.    


The others followed behind Wen Qing and gave their best wishes to Jing Xuan.    


When it was Hua Yuqing's turn, she picked up a cup of water.    


The others hurriedly said: "Yuqing, you can't use tea."    


"Sorry, I can't drink." Hua Yuqing said apologetically.    


Wen Qing helped her out, "Yuqing recently had a bad stomach, so she used tea to replace the bar."    


Hearing Wen Qing say that Hua Yuqing's stomach was not good, everyone said, "Then I will let you go this time. Next time, you must drink."    


"Okay, drink next time." Hua Yuqing nodded and then picked up the cup. She said to Jing Xuan, "Mr Jing Xuan, I will replace wine with tea. I wish you a happy birthday."    


Jing Xuan nodded, raised the cup, and drank all the wine in the cup.    


After the sumptuous dinner, Hua Yuqing thought about it. When she went out, Gu Si's mood was a little weird. He planned to go back.    


In the end, Wen Qing and the others wanted to go to the Jiangnan Conference.    


Hua Yuqing was not in a good mood either. She left alone.    


Then, she went to the Jiangnan Conference with everyone.    


Hua Yuqing had seen everything in the Jiangnan Conference with Gu Si before.    


Therefore, she sat quietly in the private room and watched everyone play.    


"Why don't you go play with them?" Jing Xuan sat down and asked.    


"I've played with them before." Hua Yuqing said.    


Jing Xuan asked in surprise, "You've been to the Jiangnan Conference before?"    


"Yes." Hua Yuqing said.    


Jing Xuan did not ask her who she was with. He just said, "Let's have something to drink." Jing Xuan picked up a glass of fruit juice from the coffee table and handed it to Hua Yuqing.    


"This fruit juice has no alcohol."    


"Thank you, Mr Jing Xuan." Hua Yuqing took the fruit juice and thanked Jing Xuan.    


"Why are you being so polite with me?" Jing Xuan asked with a smile.    


"By the way, your gift." Hua Yuqing suddenly remembered that she did not give him the gift she gave Jing Xuan.    


She quickly took the gift out of her bag and handed it to Jing Xuan.    


"What is it?" Jing Xuan asked.    


"Mr Jing Xuan will know when he opens it." Hua Yuqing replied.    


Jing Xuan hummed and was about to open the gift.    


At this moment, there was a noise from the other side.    


"What's going on?" Hua Yuqing immediately asked.    


"I don't know. I'll go take a look." Jing Xuan stood up and said.    


"I'll go with you." Hua Yuqing also stood up.    


When the two of them went over, they happened to see Wen Qing and a few women surrounded.    


Jing Xuan saw that it was his people and immediately went over to block Wen Qing and the others.    


"What's wrong?"    


"Doctor Jing, we were dancing here, but they stopped us." Wen Qing said.    


Hearing Wen Qing's words, Jing Xuan's gaze turned to the men who stopped Wen Qing and the others.    


"What are you guys doing?"    


"We just want to ask them to dance." The men answered.    


"They don't want to dance. Didn't you hear?" Jing Xuan said.    


"Where the hell did you come from? Do you think they don't want to jump? We want them to dance." The men said.    


"I want to see who dares." Jing Xuan said with a cold face.    


They were about to fight.    


"Gentlemen, this is the Jiangnan Conference. The rules of the Jiangnan Conference forbid any disputes. Please follow us."    


How could Hua Yuqing let Jing Xuan be taken away by the people of the Jiangnan Conference?    


She walked over from behind and said, "You can't take him away."    


Hua Yuqing had come to the Jiangnan Conference a few times and also twice with Gu Si.    


But the only ones who knew her were the higher ups of the Jiangnan Conference.    


The staff of the Jiangnan Conference did not know her.    


Seeing a woman stop them, the staff of the Jiangnan Conference said, "I'm sorry. According to the rules of the Jiangnan Conference, I must bring them away."    


"Like I said, you are not allowed to take them away." Hua Yuqing said.    


"Yuqing, don't be like this. I will go with them. Nothing will happen." Jing Xuan did not want Hua Yuqing to cause trouble with the Jiangnan Conference.    


Moreover, he was a member of the Jing Family. Even if the Jiangnan Conference took him away, nothing would happen to him.    


However, Hua Yuqing couldn't.    


"Don't worry, it's fine." Hua Yuqing smiled at Jing Xuan and then said to the staff of Jiangnan Conference, "I know General Manager Bai. Can I not take them away?"    


When the staff of Jiangnan Conference heard Hua Yuqing's words, it was first stunned, then said, "Everyone who came to Jiangnan Conference said that they know General Manager Bai."    


Hearing what staff said, Hua Yuqing's face became a little embarrassed.    


"Sorry, can I make a phone call first?"    


The Jiangnan Conference's staff said impatiently, "Hurry up and make a call."    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing nodded and took out her phone from her pocket.    


She originally planned to call Bai Ke. Later, she remembered. Gu Si had told her before that Bai Ke had gone to City A.    


Therefore, she called Gu Si directly.    


After Hua Yuqing left, Gu Si had been standing in front of the French window.    


During this time, he had only sent Zhang Heng away.    


He did not speak or move.    


After an unknown amount of time, the phone in his pocket rang.    


It was the ringtone that he had specially set for Hua Yuqing.    


He was first stunned, then quickly took out the phone from his pocket.    


He pressed the answer button.    




"Um... I need your help." Hua Yuqing said hesitantly.    


Gu Si did not ask any questions and just said, "Okay.    


Hearing Gu Si's reply without hesitation, "Okay. Hua Yuqing's heart was a little restless.    


She pursed her lips and said, "I am currently at the Jiangnan Conference's side. There is a problem..."    


Before she could finish, Gu Si asked anxiously.    


"What's wrong with you in the Jiangnan Conference? Did someone bully you?"    


"No, no one bullied me." Hua Yuqing immediately said, "No, no one bullied me. "My colleague had a bit of a disagreement with someone, and then the people from the Jiangnan Conference wanted to take them away."    


Gu Si heard Hua Yuqing say that she was fine and it was her colleague who was busy.    


His worried heart relaxed.    


Then he said to Hua Yuqing, "I will call the person in charge of Jiangnan Conference now."    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing finished answering and hung up the phone.    


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