CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C1016 It Was Not the Safe Talisman but the Yue Lao Talisman

C1016 It Was Not the Safe Talisman but the Yue Lao Talisman

After that, it became Gu Qin and Hua Yuqing walking in front.    


Ye Xi and Gu Si followed behind them.    


They had to look at them.    


Secondly, they had to pay them and carry their things.    


Ye Xi did this kind of thing often, so he didn't think anything of it.    


This was the first time Gu Si did this.    


It was not that he had never accompanied Hua Yuqing on the streets before.    


It was the first time he accompanied Hua Yuqing to Jingdu Plaza. In the end, Hua Yuqing walked around with him and did not buy anything.    


The second time, they went to Jingdu Plaza to buy pajamas together. In the end, because the staff of the maternal goods store swept Hua Yuqing's interest away, in the end, it was left unresolved.    


Looking in front of her, Hua Yuqing was happily choosing things with Gu Qin.    


Gu Si turned around and asked Ye Xi.    


"Do you often go shopping with Great Beauty Gu?"    


"She likes to buy all kinds of things." Ye Xi paused for a second and said affectionately, "I'm happy to see her buy."    


This was the level of a loving wife. Not only was she willing to spend money on her, but she was also willing to spend money with her. Alright, with Ye Xi and Gu Qin's current status, money was nothing. They were just willing to spend money with her. This was rare.    


After all, many men were willing to spend money on their women, but they were reluctant to give time to their own women.    


Gu Si hummed in acknowledgment and decided that he would accompany Hua Yuqing when he had time in the future.    


Hua Yuqing did not know that Gu Si already had the idea of accompanying her when he had time.    


After shopping with Gu Qin for a while, she told Gu Qin something.    


"Later, I want to go to a place. Gu Qin, can you help me stall your brother?"    


"Where are you going?" Gu Qin asked curiously.    


"This is a secret. Are you going to promise me?" Hua Yuqing asked.    


"Okay, I promise you. However, don't go for too long. I won't be able to hold Young Master Gu for too long." Gu Qin knew that her Young Master Gu was very cunning.    


"I will be back in twenty minutes at most." Hua Yuqing said.    


"Okay, okay..."    


After talking to Gu Qin, Hua Yuqing left the other alley at the corner.    


Gu Qin saw that she had left as if nothing had happened and continued to stroll around.    


But she underestimated the degree of Gu Si's attention on Hua Yuqing.    


When Gu Si saw Gu Qin walk out from the corner alone and Hua Yuqing, who had originally gone with her, did not come out, he immediately frowned.    


Then he asked, "Where's Yuqing? Why did you come out alone?"    


"Oh, sister-in-law is still inside. She will come out soon." Gu Qin said.    


Gu Si did not say anything and went straight inside.    


Gu Qin did not expect him to suddenly move.    


She immediately followed, "Young Master Gu, let's wait outside. Sister-in-law will come out in a while."    


"I want to go in and find her." Gu Si said.    


"Young Master Gu, don't go in. Sister-in-law will come out later." Gu Qin kept stopping Gu Si from going in to look for Hua Yuqing.    


Even Ye Xi could tell that something was wrong, not to mention the smart Young Master Gu.    


Gu Si did not say anything and went straight into the shop Hua Yuqing and Gu Qin entered.    


Gu Qin, on the other hand, followed with a face full of despair.    


"What exactly is going on? Is Sister-in-law not inside?" Ye Xi asked.    


"Sister-in-law has something to do." Gu Qin said.    


"What is it? Can't you let us know?" Ye Xi asked.    


"She doesn't want to tell me. She just wants me to stall Young Master Gu for 20 minutes." She didn't expect Young Master Gu to find her before she could stall for two minutes.    


"You..." Ye Xi was about to say something.    


At this moment, Gu Si ran out of the shop with a dark face.    


"Where did she go?"    


Gu Qin did not dare to hide it when she saw Gu Si like this. She said, "Sister-in-law went to this alley. She said she was going to do something and come back in 20 minutes."    


Gu Si glared at her. Then he walked quickly towards the alley Hua Yuqing had left.    


After Gu Si left, Gu Qin pouted and acted coquettishly towards Ye Xi.    


"Ye Xi, Young Master Gu stared at me just now."    


"You know that your brother values sister-in-law and you're still dragging your brother along. Of course he's angry." Although Ye Xi doted on his wife, his wife clearly knew that his brother-in-law valued sister-in-law the most, but she still provoked him. He had no choice.    


"But I promised sister-in-law." Gu Qin said with grievance.    


Ye Xi raised his hand and rubbed her head.    


Then he said, "Alright, don't be angry. Let's go find them."    


"Okay..." Gu Qin nodded obediently.    


After Gu Si went out of the alley, he found that it was a bluestone path.    


There were many people coming and going here.    


Moreover, it seemed like there was a man and a woman coming over.    


He did not pay much attention. He was currently busy looking for Hua Yuqing.    


He looked around as he walked along the green stone path.    


Only then did he realize that this was actually a temple.    


The people around him were all holding something in their hands.    


Gu Si was very familiar with something.    


It was something that was hanging around his neck. Back then, Hua Yuqing had asked him for the Peace Talisman.    


Could it be that Hua Yuqing had asked for the Peace Talisman here back then?    


With doubts, Gu Si continued walking inside.    


The more he walked, the more he realized that something was wrong.    


Because this place did not seem like a safe temple. Listening to the people around him, it sounded like the temple of Yue Lao.    


Yue Lao Temple? Yue Lao Fu?    


Gu Si raised his hand and touched the jade talisman hanging on his neck.    


He recalled what Gu Qin said last night.    


"Young Master Gu, I think sister-in-law loves you very much.    


His heart was pounding.    


Then, he asked the people beside him about the position of the Wishing Pool.    


He quickly headed over there.    


From afar, he saw them standing in front of the Wishing Pool.    


With her eyes closed, Hua Yuqing still wished.    


His footsteps paused and Ran Mo walked over.    


Hua Yuqing did not know that Gu Si had come. She put her hands together and was whispering something.    


A few minutes later, Hua Yuqing opened her eyes and found Gu Si standing beside her.    


She thought she was hallucinating.    


A few seconds later, Hua Yuqing asked.    


"Why are you here?"    


"I'm here for you." Gu Si replied.    


Hua Yuqing nodded. She then glanced at the Wishing Pool. "Then let's go first."    


"You don't want to join me in the Wishing Pool?" Gu Si did not answer her question.    


Hua Yuqing did not expect Gu Si to say that. She looked at Gu Si in shock. "You..."    


Gu Si didn't say anything. He reached out and held her hand. Then, he bowed sincerely in front of Yue Lao.    


After bowing, Gu Si led Hua Yuqing away from Yue Lao Temple.    


Gu Si didn't ask Hua Yuqing why he said Yue Lao Fu was a safety talisman.    


At that time, although he and Hua Yuqing were not in the state of drawing swords and arrows, they were not considered too good.    


He still remembered that time when he went to fetch Hua Yuqing that day.    


Coincidentally, Hua Yuqing and Jing Xuan were together.    


He saw that Hua Yuqing had changed her clothes and even beat Jing Xuan up.    


At that time, when Hua Yuqing came to pull him away, he was especially angry.    


It was just that at that time, he did not know that he was jealous.    


He just kept feeling that Hua Yuqing belonged to him. No one could touch her domineering heart.    


Thinking about it now, Gu Si felt that he was really stupid at that time.    


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