CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C882 Rent a House

C882 Rent a House

Hua Yuqing said with guilt, "I'm sorry, Mr Jing Xuan. I made you worry."    


"It's okay." Jing Xuan paused for a second and said, "As long as you feel happy."    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing originally wanted to chat with Jing Xuan for a while, but she saw the nurse come in from outside.    


She was afraid that Jing Xuan would find out about her injury. So, she quickly said, "Mr Jing Xuan, I have something to do. I need to hang up first."    


"Okay." Jing Xuan replied.    


Hua Yuqing was about to hang up when Jing Xuan's voice came from the other side.    




"Is there anything else, Mr Jing Xuan?" Hua Yuqing asked.    


Jing Xuan paused for a few seconds and replied, "Nothing. Take good care of yourself."    




After hanging up the phone, Jing Xuan shook his head with a smile.    


Why did he think of confessing to her just now?    


She divorced that man, but that did not mean that she did not love that man.    


From the tone of her voice, it could be understood.    


It was just that, for some reason, she brought it up and divorced him.    


Jing Xuan sighed deeply.    


After hanging up the phone, Hua Yuqing quietly leaned against the bed.    


Did Gu Si announce their divorce?    


That's right. The two families were married. Now that they were divorced, it was time to announce it. This way, they can completely have nothing to do with each other...    


Although he felt that it was very normal for Gu Si to publicly announce the divorce between the two families.    


This night, Hua Yuqing spent the whole night and did not sleep much.    


The next day, she was in a bad mood.    


After hanging up the water, she fell asleep.    


Not long after she fell asleep, her phone rang.    


"Miss Hua, your phone rang." The maid's voice came.    


Hua Yuqing opened her eyes and saw the maid holding the phone and standing beside her bed.    


"Sorry to trouble you." Hua Yuqing nodded and then reached out her left hand from the bedding to answer the phone.    


There was a string of unfamiliar numbers on it. Hua Yuqing frowned slightly.    


Then she pressed the answer button.    




Originally, she planned to directly cut off the phone when she heard that it was a stranger.    


Unexpectedly, the other party said that it was the director of the Capital Medical College.    


"Hello, may I ask if you are Student Hua Yuqing?"    


"Yes, I am." Hua Yuqing replied.    


"Student Hua. "Hello, I am the instructor of the twenty-fourth year advanced course of the Capital University of Medicine. We have approved your application for further studies. Please. Please come to the advanced course of the Medical College in a week's time to report. "    


Hua Yuqing was completely stunned when she heard what the person on the other side of the phone said.    


Didn't Mr Jing Xuan say yesterday that the quota for the advanced course was removed by the hospital? Why did the medical college call her and say that? She passed the application? Ask him to report?    


Right, Mr Jing Xuan said yesterday that he would ask his father for help.    


Could it be that he asked his father for help?    


Hua Yuqing thought that she had found the answer. After repeatedly thanking him, she hung up the phone.    


In fact, Jing Xuan had indeed persuaded Father Jing to help.    


It was just that when Father Jing helped the Capital Medical College and helped Hua Yuqing get into the course of her studies.    


The medical college had told him that Hua Yuqing had already passed her in-service training.    


"Yuqing passed her studies?" Jing Xuan asked in surprise.    


"The principal of the medical college said that someone donated 100 million yuan to the medical college for Yuqing's advanced studies. So you don't have to worry about him." Father Jing said.    


Donate a hundred million yuan as long as Yuqing's place for further studies?    


The first thing that came to Jing Xuan's mind was Gu Si.    


Don't ask him why.    


It was instinct.    


"Dad, is that person surnamed Gu?" Jing Xuan asked.    


"Gu? I don't know. The director only said they were from the L Corporation." Father Jing paused for a moment and said, "It's the L-Group that dominated Jingdu in less than half a year. Before this, your brother even made a project for the company."    


Someone from the L-Group? Not that man?    


Jing Xuan had wanted to ask Father Jing.    


But his phone rang.    


He took his phone out of his pocket and saw Hua Yuqing's number on it.    


He paused for a moment and then answered the phone.    


"Hello, Yuqing."    


"Mr Jing Xuan, the medical college called me just now and asked me to study. Did you help me?"    


"No..." Jing Xuan did not finish his sentence. Hua Yuqing said, "Mr Jing Xuan, I'm really happy. Thank you."    


"I did not do it. It was something else..." Before Jing Xuan could finish, Hua Yuqing's phone was cut off.    


What was going on? Jing Xuan looked at the phone that had been cut off.    


Then he called Hua Yuqing.    


In the end, he could not get through to Hua Yuqing's phone.    


Jing Xuan made a few phone calls but did not get through. He gave up.    


After that, Hua Yuqing thought it was Jing Xuan who did it. Jing Xuan did not know how to explain it.    


Later, the divorce between Gu Si and Hua Yuqing was made public.    


Jing Xuan did not think that it was Gu Si who gave Hua Yuqing this spot. So he did not tell Hua Yuqing.    


It was not until a long time later that he said it.    


Of course, these were all later words.    


Hua Yuqing's phone was out of battery.    


Because she was still hanging up, she could not charge it.    


So, she planned to wait until she hung up and charge her phone before calling Jing Xuan.    


Then, in the water, she fell asleep again.    


She forgot about this matter...    


This matter was indeed done by Gu Si.    


When he signed the divorce agreement with Hua Yuqing, he heard Hua Yuqing and Jing Xuan talking about the matter of advanced cultivation on the phone.    


How could he just stand by and watch?    


After he went back, he asked Zhang Heng to investigate.    


Then, Zhang Heng quickly reported the results of the investigation to Gu Si.    


Gu Si was very unhappy when he heard that it was Jingdu First People's Hospital who had taken care of Hua Yuqing.    


Previously, he was unhappy when he heard rumors about Hua Yuqing in Jingdu First People's Hospital. He was just afraid that Hua Yuqing still had to go to work there. That was why he held back his anger.    


And now, in Jingdu First People's Hospital, he had actually taken away her place to study.    


Gu Si was very dissatisfied. He was very dissatisfied.    


"Go find the director of Jingdu First People's Hospital and get the place."    


Zhang Heng was troubled when he heard Gu Si's words. "Young Master Gu, Doctor Jing seems to have found their director and failed to get the quota."    


After hearing what Zhang Heng said, Jing Xuan had already looked for the dean of Jingdu First People's Hospital, but he was unable to get the quota.    


Gu Si's expression was extremely ugly.    


Zhang Heng swallowed his saliva and said, "Young Master Gu, why don't we talk to the medical school? The quota was confirmed by the medical school. There might be room for negotiation."    


"You go and talk." Gu Si said after a few seconds of silence.    




He had already confirmed the matter of advancing to the next level.    


Hua Yuqing thought about finding a house near the medical college.    


When the time came, further studies would be convenient.    


She used her phone to search for a residential area near the medical college.    


After that, she would study in the medical college. It would be the most convenient for her to rent a residential area nearby.    


After a round of searching, she found that it was not too far from the medical college, even if the rent was expensive.    


In the agreement, Gu Si allocated a lot of his assets to her.    


But she did not intend to take it.    


Therefore, she had to follow her own circumstances in the rent.    


She did not have much savings, so she could not work for the time being. She had to rely on her own situation to rent the house.    


Hua Yuqing was a little sleepy today. She decided to look for it again tomorrow...    


She did not know that when Gu Si came to visit her after she fell asleep, the nurse told Gu Si that she was looking for a house.    


"Mr Gu, Miss Hua seems to want to rent a house."    


Gu Si was slightly surprised and asked, "Rent a house?"    


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