Cold Husband, Don’t Seduce Me

C53 He Gave Her a House

C53 He Gave Her a House

Perhaps it was because she "accompanied" Jiang Juan on a business trip for more than a month, the reporters who were waiting at the entrance of Jiang's Mansion to get news had already lost their patience. This time, when they went out, Uncle Ying said that there were no reporters following them.    


Since that was the case, Gu Qingyou and An Yaru randomly arranged to meet at a coffee shop. But she asked Uncle Ying to drive the car far away to avoid attracting attention.    


In the coffee shop, Gu Qingyou did not drink coffee. She only ordered a cup of hot water. This matter attracted An Yaru's attention, "How is it? You did not even tell me the results of the pregnancy test. Why didn't you pick up my phone for a few days straight? Could it be that you are really pregnant?" After saying that, An Yaru deliberately glanced at the cup of hot water she wanted.    


Gu Qingyou picked up the cup and took a sip and replied leisurely, "Do you think that if I am pregnant, with Mrs Jiang's nervousness towards her grandson, do you think that I can still go out today?"    


"Ah?" An Yaru widened her eyes in surprise and then revealed a disappointed look, "You are really not pregnant?"    


Gu Qingyou nodded her head in disappointment, "I did not answer your phone for the past two days because I was doing an examination. The result was that I was not pregnant. "    


Please forgive her for lying to her best friend.    


Since Gu Qingyou and Jiang Juan had already ended, why should she tell this to her friend?    


She did not want her friend to find trouble with Jiang Juan after learning the truth. Gu Qingyou was sure that with Yaru's unyielding character, she would do this.    


"But that day in the car, I saw that your nausea was very serious. "    


"I was just a fake pregnancy. " Gu Qingyou explained in a serious tone. "The doctor said I might have given myself too much pressure. That's why there are symptoms of false pregnancy. "    


An Yaru had been a nurse before. She knew very well that artificial pregnancy referred to the symptoms of similar pregnancy in females, such as menstruation stopping, nausea, vomiting, and so on. But the truth was that she was not really pregnant.    


An Yaru sighed heavily, "Looks like Boss Jiang's sperm still needs to work harder!"    


Gu Qingyou smiled and revealed a little shyness.    


At this time, An Yaru's eyes suddenly widened. She stared straight at the pink diamond ring on Gu Qingyou's left ring finger that suddenly flashed in her eyes and said in surprise, "Qingyou, what is this?"    


Gu Qingyou followed An Yaru's line of sight and looked at her own hand. The pink diamond ring was dazzling under the warm light of the coffee shop.    


An Yaru took her hand as if she was looking at a treasure and looked at her smartly, "This was given to you by Boss Jiang?"    


This ring made Gu Qingyou lose her mind for a moment before she replied, "You think too much. The last time I accompanied him to a charity banquet, there were media reports that I did not wear a wedding ring. When he came back from his business trip this time, he took this ring and gave it to me. "    


Even now, she still remembered the scene of him putting a ring on her that day.    


He was clearly just helping her out at that time, but she actually engraved this scene deep in her heart.    


"Boss Jiang really trust you. This pink diamond ring costs at least a few million. He is not afraid that you will run away with the ring. " An Yaru said jokingly.    


Gu Qingyou shook her head and calmly said, "I am afraid that he also knows that I do not have the guts. "    


An Yaru lightly laughed, "But I keep feeling that this diamond ring is somewhat familiar. I seem to have seen it in a magazine before. It seems to be very expensive. "    


"This shouldn't be possible, right? Jiang Juan said he just bought it casually. "    


"Then I might have remembered it wrongly. "    


At this moment, Gu Qingyou's phone in her bag rang.    


She did not think that the phone call was from Jiang Juan. Gu Qingyou looked at the "husband" displayed on the screen and was stunned for a long time.    


This was really strange. Why would he call her?    


The coffee shop she chose this time, she was certain that it had nothing to do with the Jiang’s Group!    


An Yaru was originally drinking coffee, but when she saw that she did not answer the phone, she came over and glanced at the phone screen. She quickly swallowed the coffee in her mouth and exclaimed, "My God, this is Boss Jiang's phone number. Why are you still standing there?"    


Only then did Gu Qingyou answer the phone. "Boss Jiang. "    


"Let's go out for lunch at noon. " No matter what, Jiang Juan's voice always had a strong tone that did not allow anyone to reject him, even if his tone when talking to her was always very calm.    


Gu Qingyou did not react in time. "The two of us are going out to eat?"    


"Yes, ask Uncle Ying to send you to the Hantian Hotel. I might be a little late. The scenery there is not bad, you can take a walk there first. "    


Gu Qingyou did not want to meet Jiang Juan. At this moment, her idea was to have less contact with Jiang Juan. However, the transaction had not ended yet. She still needed to be very obedient to Jiang Juan.    


"Alright, I'll be right outside. I'll be there in a moment. "    


Hearing her reply, Jiang Juan ended the call.    


Gu Qingyou put down the phone beside her ear and was confused.    


Why did he suddenly ask her out for a meal? Could it be that he wanted to see someone or something happened?    


An Yaru, who had overheard the conversation just now, suddenly called out at this moment, "It turns out that Boss Jiang's voice is so domineering and gentle. He is really charming. "    


Gu Qingyou arrived at the Hantian Hotel first.    


It turned out that the Hantian Hotel was a vacation hotel at the seaside of C City.    


This place was far away from the bustling city.    


She stood on the balcony on the second floor of the hotel and was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of her.    


The sky was blue, as if it was connected to the blue sea water. The white beach was so clean that there were no impurities at all, and the waves were beating quietly. A young couple dressed casually was playing on the beach. Not far away, there was a white yacht passing by.    


When the hotel manager saw a rare guest like "Mrs Jiang," he kept flattering her, "Mrs Jiang, I used to see you on TV. Only now did I know that you were much prettier than on TV. No wonder Boss Jiang was so devoted to you. "    


" If you think this place is good, you can come here often with Boss Jiang to relax in the future. I know Boss Jiang doesn't like to be disturbed. Don't worry, we have very tight security here. There won't be any reporters here who can sneak in and take pictures of your private life. "    


Gu Qingyou quietly listened to the hotel manager's compliments. She faced the warm sea breeze and gradually became absent-minded until a familiar deep male voice suddenly came from behind her, "Do you like the environment here?"    


Gu Qingyou was stunned for a moment, then she turned around and looked at the owner of the voice.    


It turned out that she had been absent-minded for a long time. The manager of the hotel did not know that he had left long ago.    


Jiang Juan was wearing the ink-black suit he wore when he went out in the morning. He was deep and handsome, which was fascinating.    


Gu Qingyou's white and elegant face revealed a faint smile, "The place is so beautiful, of course I like it. "    


"It's good that you like it. "    


Jiang Juan waved his hand, and Ye Shuo handed a document in his hand to him. Then he walked towards her and handed the document to her.    


Gu Qingyou was puzzled, "What is this?"    


Jiang Juan replied, "Since you like this place, I think you will like this place too. "    


This place?    


Gu Qingyou opened the document with confusion and saw a photo.    


The photo showed the blue sky, the blue sea water, and the white sea villa. The scene in the picture was similar to the one she was in at the moment.    


At first, she thought that he wanted her to see a scenery photo, until she saw that underneath the photo was a house transaction contract in English.    


She was stunned and raised her confused eyes, "What is this?"    


Jiang Juan put his hand into his pocket and his usual aloof attitude. "I asked Que Yan to buy the villa in the photo in France. It is under your name. After Xia Qingchen recovered from her leg injury, she exchanged her identity with you. You should go and live there first. "    


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