The Scars

C86 Chapter 86

C86 Chapter 86



Nina was still twirling the straw in her juice. Her eyes focused on the beverage, her thought had gone somewhere. The time did not eat her beauty. Her figure was perfect with a long dark skinny skirt and short sleeves yellow blouse. Her long wavy hair was secured with a brown bandana. Her bangs covered her smooth forehead.    


Twenty minutes passed without a single word she uttered. It was my request to catch up with her here in this restaurant. The burden drained all her energy that she chose to muffle.    


"How long has it been?" She did not react, not because she did not know where my question led to, she might falter where to start. "How long have you both been in a relationship?" I affirmed. She sought, collecting her strength to elucidate.    


"We have dated since we were in college." Her fingers still played that straw being flanked between her fingers. "We broke up last week."    


"What? How could he leave you after what he has done to you? That son of b...." I wanted to curse him, but I held it back.    


"It is my fault." Tears pooled her eyes and streamed down her cheek.    


"No, it is his!" I contended.    


"He is a playboy. I have known that since the beginning but I still believe in him." I passed her a paper towel. She used that to wipe the tears on her face. "Now, what should I do? I'm pregnant. What will the neighbors say if I give birth without a husband?" Her words cut me like a sharp knife. Even though I had never been in her position, I could imagine how it felt being in her shoes. I stroke her shoulder to solace her.    


"He will marry you. I swear I will make him marry you no matter what!"    


"You have saved me once from Angeline and her gang, and now you will help me. I did nothing when Angeline and her friends bullied you, pulled your hair up, and kicked your bag away, and hurt you like...."    


"Could you please stop? Sorry, that moment was just something I don't wish to recall. After all, you informed Reno of the place where I was busted by Angeline. I owe you."    


"You have paid that by sacrificing yourself to protect me from Angeline and her gangs. And I don't think I deserve your kindness this time." She rose in her feet.    


"Where are you going?"    


"I have an appointment to see an obstetrician today."    


My eyes were still attached to her body until it faded away through the glass door. Only a beep from my mobile phone distracted my focus. The message from an unknown number popped up on the screen. I hesitated to read the text. My curiosity urged me to finally click on the message.    


Can we meet in Starlight Cafe at 1 p.m. today?    




The message was so brief. I replied that I would be there. The time had stuck at ten and it took about two hours to get to that restaurant due to the traffic jam. I immediately rushed out after paying the bill. I just wondered why Alice wanted to see me. Was it about Reno? Whatever I would hear or encounter, I was ready.    


Alice was sitting on a stool with her crossed legs and her back facing the table when I stepped into the cafe. That young woman in a red tank top and blue rebel jeans welcomed me with her beautiful smile. I acknowledged that she was an attractive girl who would be the center of attention wherever she was. It was no wonder that Reno once fell in love with her.    


"Hi, how are you? Thank you for coming," she greeted me. I took a seat next to her.    


"Good. How are you?"    




"There must be something important that you want to see me."    


"You're right. It is about Reno and what truly happened that night."    


"I am not interested in listening to anything about your relationship with him."    


"We did nothing that night. Reno fell asleep because of the sleeping pill I put into his drink. That's all. And... Reno never loves me even if we dated. His heart is not for me, but you. No matter how hard I try to chase him, he won't be mine." I hardly believe what she was saying but her eyes didn't lie. She revealed the truth. "I have four hours before my flight. I wish a joyful life for you both." She grabbed her handbag in her left hand and her luggage in her right hand. I just froze in my stool, her words trapped me.    


"I wish we could be friends." Eventually, my mouth could produce a sentence.    


"I didn't make a friend with the girlfriend of someone I love. Goodbye."    


My brain was still processing the information I absorbed that I did not realize Alice had disappeared. Did Reno find out this? He did nothing to her. If so, why didn't he tell me anything? I got rid of that thought of my mind.    


Leaving the cafe, I headed to Kevin's office by taxi. I needed to talk to him on behalf of Nina. I knew that Nina did not want me to do this on her behalf. Yet, as a cousin as well as a woman, I thought it mattered to meet face to face with Kevin. That man had to marry Nina.    


Kevin's office was not as big as it was in my imagination. It was more like a house, but it looked bigger. Vera told me that Kevin inherited his father's property. The office used to be big and located in central Jakarta. It moved here after his company got bankrupt. Kevin could not manage the company as his father did. It seemed Vera knew a lot about Kevin and Reno's family. How that girl got the information was something I was clueless about.    


"It's a surprise that you come to my office! So, what is it I can do for you?" Kevin greeted me while walking toward me. I could not hold outrage that was about to explode out.    


"Can you share ten minutes of your precious time? We have to talk.'    


"Anything for you."    


"What have you done to Nina?" I confronted him when we had been in his room. "You have to be responsible for what you have done. Marry her!"    


"Well, we did because of love. And I think she enjoyed it." My slap landed successfully on his face. He rubbed his cheek. "I will marry her with one requirement." My eyes widened. This man was trying to control the game. "You have to be my first wife." I placed a second slap on his right face.    


"Who do you think you are? You must think that the world revolves around you. You once had your father to back up your fault. Now, the game has changed. No one is submissive to you." I got out with the door slammed behind me.    


I just walked across the parking area, I heard someone hurrying behind me. Before I had a chance to turn my head, someone hit my shoulder. Everything around me turned dark.    


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