The Scars

C43 Chapter 43

C43 Chapter 43

My instinct remarked that I would not make it this time. The death seemed closer because he was only a few meters behind. It might be my end. If there was one thing I wished I could ask for, it was my mother’s forgiveness.    


In no time, my shoulder was numb in his grasp. His clutch remained strong though I had used all my power to debilitate it. His hand covered my mouth. He turned my body to face him. My body gave up in his hands. In shock, I peeped through the man’s shoulder; Vera was coming with a big wood in her hand. With her courage and agility, Vera successfully knocked him out only in one attempt. That man collapsed on the ground while brushing the blood which trickled down from his head.    


Vera seized my hand and got away. We rushed. I did not find it difficult to do it. But, Vera had to struggle to equal my pace. She paused to take a breath. I looked back to make sure that the man no longer hunted us while Vera recharged her energy.    


“Thank you,” I said sincerely while tidying up my t-shirt.    


“This is why I urge you to go to school. You can only avoid that kind of person if you stay away from the place where you are now.” She ceased. What she meant was clear. “It means you must have a better life. The only way to pursue that is through good education,” she asserted. “Please...don’t mind those who never invest anything in your future life. Don’t give a damn about the people who contribute nothing except pain. Don’t let them define your happiness, success, and even your life.”    


I could not utter any kind of comment on her advice. All her true words were engraved in my heart and soul like a stamp on a letter. It would be stuck there forever as a reminder. In a friendship, I might be among those who were lucky. Having a friend like Vera was one of the things I was grateful for. She was always there even in my darkest moments.    


She accompanied me to go home. Being in the filthy area did not bother her even a little. She did not care that her school uniform had mixed with the soil and dust. The color even darkened because of the dirt. Her shoes were full of clay so I initiated to clean them but she refused. She said that I was not a slave.    


My mother had left the house when we arrived. Her only destination was her workplace, Mrs. Ali’s house. It had been a week since she assisted Mrs. Ali with her catering business. It was me who was employed by Mrs. Ali. Yet, the troubles I had caused me a lot of absence. My mother decided to substitute for me.    


I took Vera inside the house and served her a glass of mineral water. There was no food on the table. She did not look tactless as if it was not her first time getting into my small house. She sipped her drink idly.    


“You must be hungry now. But, I can’t provide you with the food. I can take you to....”    


“Do I look like a beggar?” She cut me off. “I am not that hungry. I had my lunch in the school canteen. Don’t worry. What about you? Have you eaten anything?” she asked.    


“I am still full.” I was not a good liar. Vera noticed that from my trembling mouth. She unlocked her bag and fished something out of it. It was a pack of biscuits.    


“I don’t have the power to read people’s minds. But, I am a hundred percent certain that you haven’t eaten anything since this morning.” She unpacked the biscuit and handed those small round brown biscuits. I hesitantly picked one and took a bite.    


“Thank you.”    


“Don’t you remember the rule? Don’t thank me.”    


“I will always break the rule because it was made according to your own accord,” I rejected.    


“Alright,” Then, we could not hold our laughter.    


“What about your case?” She stopped eating. Her expression changed. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable.”    


“My lawyer announced that the court for my case will be conducted next week.” She chewed a bite of the biscuit before she went on. “My lawyer found out something.”    


“What?” I questioned impatiently.    


“My mother always sent me money every month to support my daily needs and education. My aunt never revealed that. She used all the money in her life. She always claimed she spend a lot of money to pay for my school fee. That was sucked.”    


“That’s awful,” I responded. “Sorry for not being by your side during your toughest times. It must be hard for you to confront your aunt.”    


“No need to say that. You have inspired me to stay strong. My burden was nothing if it is compared to your suffering.” She paused. “Please, come back. Would you?”    


“For now, I can’t answer that. But, I am always here for you. Let me know if you need me,” I ascertained her.    


She bid farewell after spending a half-hour in my house. My gaze set on that girl’s back until her body vanished. Throwing myself on the chair, Vera’s sentences slid through my mind. I could not deny that I missed school. I missed reading in the library and language class. Above all, I was yearning to write for the school bulletin. However, the library and the editor room changed into the face of my bullies. Their mocking laugh and smirk still haunted me. Imagining that they might do something worse feared me from even thinking about school.    


It had been one week since my absence. A summon letter from the school was just sent through. Yet, I did not let my mother see it. My mother treated me the same. She had not talked to me since checking out of the emergency room. She just dozed off every time she was with me in the bedroom. That hurt me so much.    


After having a deep reflection, I made up my mind that I would give myself a chance. It might be my last chance to achieve my dreams. Vera was right that education was the only weapon I could use to change my destiny.    


My mother could not be happier listening to my final decision. I promised her to complete my senior high school well. She hugged me tightly as if she did not want to lose me. The tears in her eyes showed that she felt touched.    


My mother freed me from all work today so that I could get to school earlier. I inhaled and exhaled while facing the gate in front of me. I closed my eyes for a moment to fuel my energy before getting into the gate. But, when I opened my eyes, those five girls led by Angeline blocked my sight. “Should I return or go forward?” my heart implored in hesitation.    


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