The Scars

C35 Chapter 35

C35 Chapter 35

Both Vera and Reno were absent today. Vera went to the hospital with her lawyer. Meanwhile, the rumor spread that Reno was not allowed to go to school by his father. That man got indignant when he found out that Reno escaped from his house last night. The situation even got worse when his bodyguard caught that boy with me after accompanying his friend to the police station. I believed that it was his stepmother, a person who provoked Reno’s father to dictate Reno’s life, to intimidate whatever he did.    


I was still sitting in the library, flipping the pages of the book. For the first time in my life, the book was no longer interesting to me. A lot of complex things including Vera’s case and Reno’s issue had dominated my thought. Even spending one hour of reading in the library did not give me enough time to finish one thin book that I usually did in only a half-hour.    


Without Reno and Vera, I had no people that I could refer to as friends. I did not have any back then before Reno and Vera came and offered a friendship. However, it was different this time. It was not about my loneliness without them. They were in their hardest and worst condition. And I did not stay by their side.    


I endeavored to act normally, focusing on all lessons. To kill boredom, I just moved from classroom to library and vice versa in my free time. At least reading activity helped me stay calm although I can’t stop thinking about Vera and Reno. They were my only friends.    


It had been a second day after the night in the police station. There was no news from both Vera and Reno. It was no doubt that Reno would be safe because his father would not hurt him. But Vera could be in danger anytime. In her case, I was too afraid that someone could do any harm to her. I planned to check on her after school.    


A group of students waylaid me who just idly stepped out of the classroom. One of them in curly long hair was reaching out my hair. I swiftly dodged and fence off my head with my hands. Yet, she did not give up. She tugged the sleeve of my shirt.    


“Stop it!” I resisted. “What is it you want?”    


“It’s time for you to pay for what you did to me.” It was the girl name Eva. And behind her was Angeline standing easily with her hands folded on her chest. She enjoyed the moment I was being interrogated by Eva and friends. “Now, you reap what you sow.”    


“Please...I don’t have time to have a fight or quarrel with all of you. I am in a hurry. I’ll make it tomorrow. What about that?” I offered something I never fulfilled. My brain might be going crazy.    


“Who do you think you are?” Eva towed me to the center of the students who had circled me in the alley. The classrooms were separated by a long corridor. At this hour, no teacher was in the school. It was almost one hour after the last class was over. I should have left the school but I had a daily cleaning task to do. That girl toppled me to the floor. She did not even give me a chance to budge. She successfully pulled up my collar of shirt. “Who will help you this time? Vera and Reno are not here right now.”    


Clap...clap...clap...The sound made them all turned their eyes to the one who confidently walked near. I peeped through the students who stood before me and found out that it was Kevin. He proudly showed his domination and power as if no one in this school had bravery to defy him.    


“What an awesome show!” As I guess he was on their side. I had no an ally. At least, I had to fight although I would end up tragically, having my face black and blue. “Why do you think Reno could do even if he were here? He could do nothing but witnessing his friend dying.” Kevin sneaked into the throng and squatted near me who was glaring at him. The students stepped aside. Angeline and Eva followed Kevin and stood by his right and left side.    


“You are right, Kevin,” Angeline continued.    


“I am sorry girl. It seemed you will regret what your friend, Vera had done to me,” Eva added.    


“What are you waiting for, Kevin? It’s a show time,” Angeline provoked.    


“Of course!” In a second, Kevin grabbed my hand. At first, I thought that he would bully me physically like the others by hitting or punching me. But it was not like I expected that he pulled me into his arm and guided me out the crowd. I did not react or say anything until we were out of the students’ circle. I let go of his arm.    


“Kevin... please tell me that you are acting out right now! You are just pretending to be kind before you do something to her.” Angeline’s face turned pale.    


“I am not acting out. I am not Reno who is good at pretending to be kind.” Kevin’s assertive voice engraved pain in Angeline’s heart. It was clearly seen through her sweating eyes. Kevin held my hand and lugged me to the lift.    


“Kevin....” Angeline was still enticing to get Kevin back.    


“I have saved your life twice,” Kevin said when we had been inside the lift    


“Why are you doing this? I was clueless about your intention but I was pretty sure you didn’t do this for free. Am I right?” I paused. “What do you want from me?”    


“What a smart girl. But you have paid me once.”    


“I don’t know what you mean.”    


“Because of you, my father would send him to United States.” I knew whom he meant by him. It was Reno. That was why he did not show up at school. “I should have thanked you. I have rescued you from Eva and the gang. I think I don’t owe you anything.” The lift opened. I burst out immediately.    


“At least I can see your true color now. Well, thanks anyway for helping me out from Eva and her gang. And I will make sure I will pay for it one day. But, to be honest, you still can’t reach Reno’s level in anything. I should repeat, in anything you cannot be on his level. Never.” I turned around after silencing him.    


I knew confronting Kevin was like looking forward to more obstacles. What couldn’t he do with his power let alone with his mother’s power?    


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