The Scars

C23 Chapter 23

C23 Chapter 23

“Reno, how can you find me here?”    


“We don’t have much time, Ilana. Let’s get out of here.” He drew my hand out of the shed.    


We sneaked out of the place where I was caged. Reno guided me to safe spots. The lights on the ceiling sent a dim beam to the area below. It helped us enough to run away. In no time, we had reached the road where a cab had been waiting for us.    


I never expected that I could run this far without pausing, even a second. It might be my desire to live longer or a remembrance about my mother which had transferred huge energy to me so that my power was recharged.    


Reno opened the door for me and I got inside in anxiety. My look was not even better than a homeless person. My reddish face, messy hair, watery eyes and nose, wounded lips and blistered arms proved that I had just gone through extremely bad things.    


The driver stole a glance from the rearview mirror. His eyes depicted misery rather than curiosity. My jawline stretched forming a tiny smile, signaling that I was alright. And it was sufficient to switch his focus. It was only the road ahead he was watching.    


“Are you okay?” Reno who sat next to me ascertained. My slight nod faded his worries.    


“You didn’t answer my question.” Maintaining my voice level, I endured the pains that bombed my whole body.    


“Which question?”    


“How do you know that I am kidnapped?”    


“Nina. It wasn’t for her; I would never know what happened to you. You might end up resting there throughout the night.”    


“Nina? Are you sure?” I just wanted to reassure what my ears heard.    


“Nina, a student of Class B, we are in the same grade as her. Do you know her?” Reno’s detail explanation almost made me jumped and forgot my painful body. I was ecstatic.    


“Of course,” I spontaneously responded. “I mean who doesn’t know her? She is one of Students’ Union members. Besides, she is popular among students at school.” My enthusiasm when talking about Nina turned a reaction on Reno’s face. It explicitly showed his wonder why I was that enthusiastic to talk about that girl. However, it was impossible for me to tell him the truth that Nina was my cousin. I had to secure her identity.    


“As a part of Angeline’s gangs, she was too brave to betray them,” Reno murmured. “I salute her.” Reno praised Nina for what that girl had done. I was so grateful that at least I knew Nina cared for me no matter how clearly she abhorred me at school.    


“I’m sure she is a kind girl. She was just trapped in their gang.”    


“Sometimes, people can do anything for popularity.”    


“Nina was not like that kind of person,” I argued.    


“It seemed as if you both were close.”    


“I am just guessing.” I looked out of the window and found that we just arrived at the hospital. “Why are we coming here? Who is sick? Is it you?” I panicked.    


“It is you,” he answered.    


“No. I am fine.”    


“Your body isn’t.”    


“What? No. Please, I want to go home. My mother must be worried about me now.”    


“I’ll send you home after you get a treatment for your wounds,” he decided. What I could do was only trailing behind Reno after we got off the taxi.    


We walked down the corridor, proceeding to the emergency room. One of the nurses brought me to the one of the beds. All the eyes in the room set on me. Some of them pictured me from top to toe. One of patient’s family even asked Reno whether or not I got a sexual violence. That made me shy so that I wanted to scoop my face with my palm of hands.    


The doctor whom I was familiar with approached us. It was unmistakably that he was the one who treated me in the emergency room when I fainted. His smile remained the same. He was my favorite doctor. He greeted Reno like they had long known each other.    


“Let me check your friend?” He checked on my wounds and blisters. “How long have you gotten these scars? You have scars almost all over your arms, legs, forehead and belly. It happened more than once. Who did this to you?” I silenced. He was inspecting me about the physical violence I experienced. I was eager to reveal that it was my father who did it. But, I could say nothing that it was as if my mouth was mute.    


“Tell him the truth. He is my uncle. No worries.” It was no wonder that they were that close. “Ilana, come on.”    


“My father did it. He beat me almost every day,” I admitted. I felt the tears welling up my eyes.    


“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll make sure that you will get a good treatment here,” he promised. It was a relief that he did not investigate me further or even suggests to report the case to the police. After all the one who threw me a hell was my father. Reporting him was an idea I never came up with.    


“But, I don’t think I need it.”    


“I am the doctor here. So, please listen to me. You will rest in the hospital tonight. Reno will inform your mother about this.”    


I saw Reno walking out of emergency room after listening to the doctor’s instruction. After checking my blood pressure, my wounds and blisters, that handsome doctor called a nurse to put in an IV on my hand. The doctor said to me that he would take care of other things. Not long after that, he came back and asked the nurses to take me to the ward. One woman and two men were ready. They looked friendly.    


This hospital was spacious. We had to pass many rooms, floors, and corridor to get to where I would stay. The ward was big enough. From its size and design, it was a VIP room.    


“Can I go back to emergency room?” I changed my mind as soon as after I realized that that doctor sent me to VIP room. How could I pay for the hospital charge?    


“I’m sorry you can’t, Miss,” said one of them.    


“I think you have taken me to the wrong ward.”    


“No. It is your room. You will stay here until you recover.”    


“But, I don’t have money to afford the charge.” I honestly told them. They did not have time to answer because that kind doctor was coming.    


“I hope you can sleep well here. I have prescribed some medicine for you.”    


“Thank you, anyway. I think you don’t have to do this to me. Let me go home,” I pleaded.    


“Good night.” Instead of responding to my words, he parted me and left me alone in this cold room. My life was a real roller coaster; it made me scared and thrilled at the same time. And tomorrow was a mystery, out of my reach.    


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