The Scars

C18 Chapter 18

C18 Chapter 18

My hand trembled again. It was a summons I held that ignited it. I was screwed up with a guilty feeling which churned in my head. My mother had put a high expectation on me that I would study well and graduate from senior high school with pride. This letter I was gripping might kill all her hope. The world she had built for me in the future would break down into pieces due the incident that actually never occurred.    


“Next, please….” I quickly slipped the summon letter into my pocket and proceeded to the front line to receive the money after the broker weighed my junks.    


After thanking him, I sneaked out of the long line and counted the money I saved in my bag. The amount was not ample yet sufficient to pay for the house rent if my saving was added into it.    


Because of time efficiency, I took a shortcut to go home. It was not the road I usually took yet so far it was safe. Many people and vehicles passed it by. I had no feeling that obstacle had lied ahead.    


Five young men intercepted me in an intersection. Their faces undeniably showed that they were ready to snatch whatever I had. This kind of people would do anything to survive no matter it would hurt or even take other people’s life. How disgusting it was to live such a life meanwhile they had healthy and fit body to work.    


I slowly looked for the way to elude these scums. With their number, they can easily ambush me from all directions. It required me to be more vigilant. There was a slit for me to escape. And I used that only chance to barge out of their ambush.    


They did not give up and ran after me. I would not simply let them catch me. Even though, I was not a sprinting athlete, I could count on my speed in running. Those five scums had been left far behind. I had a doubt that they could follow my steps.    


I hunched and put my hand on my knees. I let out a sigh of relief. My life scenario presented more sad stories than the happy ones. Almost being killed and accused to do nasty act by the school principal were only a few parts of the scenes I should act out. I was wondering when I could play the best part.    


“I got you.” One of them in black jacket shouted out. His voice thundered like a storm in the day. It was the worst voice I had ever heard. It was enough to make my stomach roil and throw its contents.    


“Where are you going now?” another boy with smelly curly shoulder length hair added.    


“You can’t escape from us this time.” The fattest on in big rebel jeans and gray t-shirt sneered.    


I moved back in caution, my eyes trailed from one face to another. They on the other hand observed me with a joy like hunters who had successful caught their game. Their laughter made them slack so that gave another opportunity to go away. I did it again.    


This time, I ran and ran without even looking back as though it was my last chance to save my life from the killers. I did not realize that my steps brought me to the opposite way of where my house was. It led me to the big road.    


They apparently did not stop from chasing me. I dragged my tired legs to the parking lot not far from the park. Ducking among the cars parked, I found a hideout. I knelt between two cars.    


Someone got out of the silver car. His face seemed familiar. I covered my mouth with my hands as soon as I noticed that it was Kevin, a young boy who was just out of that fancy car. He opened his black sunglasses and jerked back to see me next to his car.    


I put my forefinger on my lips, hushing him to be quiet. Whether he did not understand my body language or blatantly wanted me to be in danger, he spoke lauder instead of shutting his mouth.    


“Why are you here?” he exclaimed. And I lost of words and felt helpless when finally the voices of those seven bastards heaved on my ears. I stooped with my knees bent.    


“Hey! Did you see the girl with a ponytail around her,” one of them asked Kevin.    


“Yes I saw her.” This time I might meet God who created me. It did not mean I had no love in my heart for God yet I was not ready to see Him. I was a sinner. “She went to that way.” Kevin pointed to the other way. I breathe out of a sigh. “You should thank me.” Kevin faced me.    


“Thank you,” I muttered.    


“Not that way,” he refused    


“How? What should I say?” I replied nonchalantly.    


“It is not what you should say, but what you should do,” he clarified. His sentence made me puzzled.    


“You confuse me. I don’t get the point,” I responded.    


“Since you owe me your life, you have to do something for me in return.” It did not shock me as I knew his trait. A person like him would always demand others to do anything for the sake of his concerns. It did not make me wondered.    


“What If I turn it down?” I was seriously asking him.    


“You have no choice but confirming your consent.” His word was clear and assertive.    


“Why should I? You can’t intimidate me with your threatening words. This is my life. I always have many choices on how to live it, whom I interact with, whom I obey and listen to,” I said firmly. “And whom I should avoid also matters.” I continued in a very soft voice while tilting my head toward him. I walked away.    


“Let’s see how far you can go.” I paused a moment and looked back. “I think this is more than enough to ruin your life.” He held high the envelope containing the summons from school. I glared with all rage inside me.    


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