Love Never Ends

C1418 Chapter 1418

C1418 Chapter 1418



Zhiyi looked at Dou Rann with admiration again, "You've been supporting your family since you started school? This is too amazing! "    


Dou Rann smiled, pinched her cheeks and asked, "Are you raising it well?"    


"I'm especially good at keeping it!"    


Zhiyi smiled, her eyes curved into crescent moons. "I've never been picky with food. I'll eat whatever you give me. Is it that easy to raise?"    


"Yes, it's like raising a pig!"    


"... You're the pig! "I'm a pig, you're my boyfriend, what are you?!"    


Dou Rann continued to draw the map with a smile as he said, "I'm a pig breeder! When you graduate, I'll raise you, this little pigsty, and feed you fat and white every day, and then... I'll eat you whole! "    


His purpose was …    


Eat her up in one bite!    


However, the moment he thought of graduating …    


It was a distant four years!    


Dou Rann suddenly felt disheartened all over!    


Four years, this was way too fucking long term! He really wanted to swear.    


He looked at the girl in his arms. She still looked confused. She was innocent and didn't understand anything … That's great!    


On Wen Xi's side, she was currently truthfully reporting all the new information about her sister and Dou Rann to Zhipei.    


For example, today, they had a fight over their 'lifetime', and then they made up and so on and so forth.    


When they finished chatting, Wen Xi thought that they could stop their work. But suddenly, the MSN chimed and Zhipei's profile pic popped up. Wen Xi quickly opened it and looked.    


"What about you? Do you have anything trivial to tell me today? "    


Wen Xi stared blankly for a moment. Her heart skipped a beat for no reason. She thought for a long time before she finally started typing.    


His hand, touching the keyboard, felt somewhat stiff.    


"I'm fine, I'm just like that every day. After class, I eat and sleep. I'm bored to the point where I have nothing better to say..."    


Wen Xi herself felt that her life was extremely boring when she said that.    


It was a good thing that Zhiyi accompanied her. Otherwise, she would have been bored to death.    


However, sometimes she was actually quite envious of Zhiyi being immersed in her sweet love.    


On the other side, after Wen Xi finished her sentence, she didn't reply.    


Wen Xi didn't do anything in front of the computer and just stood there waiting. After waiting for a long time, there was no reply. Wen Xi was getting a little anxious. Could it be that Zhipei felt that what he had said was too boring and could not respond?    


Just as she was panicking, Jell and Zhipei's profile picture jumped up as she quickly opened the window.    


"Sorry, just now, my roommate asked me to help him with something. I didn't have the time to tell you, you've been waiting for a long time, right?"    


"No, no!"    


Wen Xi quickly replied.    


"What about the boy who chased you last time? The one holding the flowers, has there ever been anyone who harassed you? "    


Zhipei suddenly asked Wen Xi.    


"They would occasionally send me love letters, but they were usually scared away by Zhiyi."    


"Is she that powerful?"    


Wen Xi laughed. "You sure are awesome!" When the bear gets up, he's like a little man, especially funny! "    


On the other side, Zhipei couldn't help but laugh.    


Just thinking about her embarrassed state made her feel extremely funny and adorable.    


"Actually, I had chased after Zhiyi before …"    


Wen Xi typed in a line of words.    




Zhipei was so shocked that he almost spat out all of his coffee.    


"I'm very curious. Where exactly do you all like that silly little thing?"    


Wen Xi smiled. "It's hard to say. Maybe it's just my charisma!" She was too harmless to be disliked! But I didn't know then that she was a girl! I thought of her as a boy who came to chase her, and then I found out that she would be a good sister later on! How do you fall in love with someone of different genders, right? "    




Zhipei especially agreed with this point.    


"Alright, it's too late now. You should go to sleep."    


Zhipei raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. Calculating the time at home, it was about time to go to bed, so he ended this conversation first.    


"Alright. See you tomorrow. Good night. "    


"Good night."    


Dou Rann was invited to the office by the head of the Education Bureau.    


"Dou Rann, you should know that not everyone has such a good chance to study in France! The school hopes that you can lead the way. As you know, this time, it's not only for traveling, but the French side will also take a few outstanding students to participate in the international tournament. To put it bluntly, the school still hopes that you can be our representative to boost the glory of our school! "    


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