Love Never Ends

C889 Chapter 889

C889 Chapter 889

His tone was casual, indifferent, as if he was just casually asking a question.    


Yun Jing was stunned for a moment before he tilted his head to look at the man on Tang Xiao's left.    


Xi Zhinuan didn't look at her.    


He lowered his head and leaned against the back of the sofa, leisurely smoking the cigarette in his hand.    


His stern profile was hidden in the dim light, half in the light, half in the dark, making his fierce features seem even more three-dimensional.    


Between his slender fingers, there was a long cigarette.    


Red sparks flashed and dimmed, and smoke slowly rose in spirals, blurring his tall and steep face.    


After two years of not seeing each other, his bearing had become even more solemn.    


The secretive feeling gave his cold temperament a layer of mystery.    


Without a doubt …    


This man was much more mature and reserved than before.    


And more, the charm that makes young women fight for.    


Shallow ripples flitted across the moving eyes of Yun Jing.    


"I've been back for a while."    


She answered calmly.    


He didn't seem to be in much of an emotional mood.    


Chen Chumo was surprised, "You know each other?"    


Yun Jing wanted to reply, but she was turned white by Xi Zhinuan, "I'm her brother, Xi Zhinuan."    


After saying that, he stood up and stretched out his right hand politely towards Chen Chumo through Tang Xiao.    


Chen Chumo was a little surprised and immediately shook hands with Xi Zhinuan with a smile, "I don't think I've seen it before at the engagement ceremony."    


"Too busy."    


Xi Zhinuan's answer was light and concise.    


He put his hands away and sat back down.    


There was a sense of relief on his stern face.    


It seemed that Yun Jing and his fiancé's appearance did not affect his mood in the slightest.    


"Alright, let me make the introductions. This is my brother, Xi Zhinuan, Doctor Xi Da."    


Liu Tie naturally felt the strange atmosphere and pulled Xi Zhinuan and Chen Chumo to introduce them.    


"This is the famous Expert Chen from psychology who just came back from the United States, Chen Chumo. He can also be considered a doctor! "Fellow comers!"    


Xi Zhinuan nodded at Chen Chumo indifferently.    


"This is... Do you need me to introduce you? Chumo's fiancee and assistant, Yun Jing! "Your sister..."    


Tang Xiao emphasized the word 'your sister' very clearly.    


It sounded especially insulting.    


Xi Zhinuan glared at him coldly.    


Only then did Tang Xiao keep his words to himself.    


Yun Jing seemed to be unaccustomed to this atmosphere.    


"I'll go to the washroom first, excuse me."    


She got up and walked out.    


Xi Zhinuan's charming eyes sunk.    


This girl … It changed!    


That arrogant and willful little girl who had nothing to do with the affairs of the world was so proud that her eyes were high at the top. When did she learn to be so polite to others?    


He didn't know why, but even though she had changed for the better, he suddenly felt as if there was a fire burning in his heart.    


… ….    


Before Yun Jing came to the Imperial Palace, she had never thought that she would meet Xi Zhinuan here.    


She was somewhat caught unprepared by the sudden encounter.    


Yun Long pushed open the door to the washroom and entered. She casually closed the door, but before she could lock it, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.    


The tall figure strode in, and the door slammed shut, followed by the sound of a lock being locked.    


Yun Jing stared at Xi Zhinuan who suddenly barged in, confused about the situation, and even suspected that he went into the wrong bathroom, "You... What are you doing? "    


Xi Zhinuan approached her leisurely.    


The bathroom space was not big to begin with.    


Especially after Xi Zhinuan came in, the figure that stood tall and straight, full of pressure, moved towards her. In an instant, the entire space became more narrow and crowded, almost causing her to be unable to breathe.    


"Speak... "Xi Zhinuan …"    


Yun Jing was forced back step by step.    


She raised her head and scrunched her eyebrows together in displeasure. She glared at him in embarrassment, "What are you doing?"    


"What are you doing here?"    


Xi Zhinuan quickly reached out his hand and forcefully grabbed her chin.    


The strength behind his fingers was not light at all.    


Yun Jing was shocked.    


She could clearly feel the anger on his body that caused chills to run down one's spine.    


Was he angry?    


What was he angry about?    


"Let me go! "It hurts!"    


Yun Jing angrily struggled in his big hands.    


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