Love Never Ends

C703 Chapter 703

C703 Chapter 703

His heart, when it rose up, was about to reach his eyes.    


Actually, Zhixin was thinking, if he really does beg her to let go …. He should … He really will let go!    


However, the prerequisite was that he had to live a happier life without her than when he had her!    


Only then would she be able to let go without any worries …    


But now …    


"Forget it, don't answer! "I don't want to hear it."    


Zhixin sniffed with her nose, feeling a little sour. "Right now, I can't let go of you either. If I let you go, we'll both freeze to death here!" No matter how much you want to get rid of me, you should just bear with it.    


Xi Shenyuan raised his eyebrows in amusement, "Did I tell you to let me go?"    


"But …"    


Those words just now …    


"I originally wanted to reprimand you for what you just said. All day long, I have been listening to you nagging about how much we used to love each other, but now that I have forgotten about you, you want to give up on me. If this is what you call love, then I am really disappointed! However... I am quite satisfied with your follow-up performance! "    


Xi Shenyuan pinched Zhixin's chin and smiled wantonly as she gradually recovered her rosy lips.    


Zhixin glared at him coquettishly. "Arrogant!"    


"In the field of psychology, there was such a pathology..."    


Xi Shenyuan let go of her chin and suddenly changed the topic.    




Zhixin's eyes were wide open as she looked at him in confusion.    


"Sometimes in a human's memory, there would be a rebellious mentality!"    


"What do you mean?"    


Zhixin was even more confused now.    


"In short, sometimes the more you want to remember, the easier it is to forget! It was because he was too nervous and rushed forward, resulting in the counterforce. This was the opposite of what he expected! I say that, do you understand? "    


Xi Shenyuan patiently explained to Zhixin.    


Zhixin blinked, then blinked again, her mood suddenly became a little agitated, "You mean... The reason why you've forgotten about me is because you want to remember me too much?! "    


Zhixin was instantly overjoyed.    


Xi Shenyuan deliberately straightened up his expression, "I just said that I can't rule out this possibility."    


"That must be it..."    


Zhixin snuggled closer to him.    


Like a blissful wife, she muttered, "You must really want to remember me so much that you forgot me …"    


She comforted herself.    


Xi Shenyuan couldn't help but laugh when he saw how easily she was satisfied.    


"You've put your spirit to good use."    


Zhixin lay happily on his shoulder as she narrowed her eyes. "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep for a bit …"    


"Okay, but don't sleep too deeply."    


"Um... "If I sleep too deeply, remember to call me …"    


Zhixin's voice carried a trace of weariness.    




Xi Shenyuan replied and wrapped her clothes tighter.    


Zhixin laid within his embrace as she comfortably fell asleep.    


Xi Shenyuan naturally didn't dare to fall asleep. He was afraid that if he slept like this, the two of them might really freeze to death in this cave.    


I hope that the rescue team can really save them!    


What if he couldn't save her?    


Xi Shenyuan looked at the woman in his arms who was sleeping soundly, and a part of his heart subconsciously sunk down... The light in her eyes could not help but soften.    


Perhaps, the two of them could only resign themselves to fate!    


However, to be able to feel the warmth of the human world before his death was not really a pity, right?    


He lowered his head and couldn't help but peck at Zhixin's forehead.    


"You kissed me …"    


Zhixin didn't open her eyes, but mumbled something in his arms.    


Xi Shenyuan was stunned for half a second, then helplessly smiled, "Didn't you fall asleep?"    


"Tell me not to sleep so deeply …"    


Zhixin squirmed in his arms, her whole face buried itself in his clothes, sticking to his warm chest.    


So warm …    


So comfortable!    


However, Zhixin's seemingly casual action startled Xi Shenyuan, who had finally calmed down with great difficulty.    


On his chest, Zhixin's shallow breath of hot air was like a feather fan, stirring his skin time and time again … itchy, numb.    


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