Love Never Ends

C1449 Chapter 1449

C1449 Chapter 1449



Zhiyi tilted her head to look at Wen Xi.    


Wen Xi pointed at her teeth. "Stop brushing them, they're bleeding …"    


Zhiyi suddenly reacted and looked in the mirror. Only then did she realize that her small, frothy mouth was already covered in a sea of blood.    


"I'm fine!"    


She grinned and spat the foam out of her mouth. "I'm just angry. It's okay, it's like this every day …"    


Wen Xi glanced at her and sighed before patting her on the shoulder. "Alright, go wash up. It's time to have breakfast for class."    


"... "Alright."    


After Zhiyi finished washing up, she carried her book out of the bedroom. She was about to call Wen Xi out for breakfast when Zhou Jiao ran out, "Zhiyi, did you know that your family's Dou Rann is back?!"    


Zhiyi was stunned once again. Her heart palpitated.    


After a while, he replied blandly, "I haven't paid attention to his matter for a long time! I'll go out for breakfast first. "    


Even before Wen Xi could call her, Zhiyi fled the dormitory in a panic.    


Dou Rann...    


Dou Rann...    


The name that haunted her every moment of every day. That name that seemed to have been carved into her bones and blood with a knife … Zhiyi fled from the dormitory with a book in her arms and walked towards the canteen in a daze.    


Dou Rann returned...    


Her heart was beating especially hard.    


Did he really come back?    


Didn't he only have two months left to study abroad?    


But so what if he came back? It was only a matter of time before he came back … They just parted again!    


It had been almost two years. She was in her second year, Dou Rann … Year 4!    


He had once said that he would study for a graduate student in his own school, and now, it was unknown if he still remembered this promise … Or perhaps, it was still not a sort of agreement.    


"Senior Dou Rann!"    


Suddenly, Zhiyi heard a girl cry out in surprise, "You guys really came back? "Long time no see …"    


"Mm, I'll be returning."    


Dou Rann's magnetic voice sounded behind Zhiyi.    


At that moment, it was as if a bomb had exploded in Zhiyi's head with a "Bang!" sound.    


Instantly, his mind went blank!    


His footsteps came to a stiff halt.    


Somehow, she turned around …    


What he saw was that he wasn't even ten meters away from her … Dou Rann!    


At that moment, Zhiyi's tears almost flowed out like a flood.    


But she had forced herself to hold it in!    


She couldn't cry, she couldn't cry in front of Dou Rann!    


Dou Rann was still the god that many girls admired. No matter where he went, he would always be a shining point.    


It was a simple white T-shirt and a pair of wet jeans. His hair was very short and he looked very energetic.    


It was not much different from the appearance she had seen half a year ago, only a little more reserved.    


Her gaze was fixed on Zhiyi's face, staring unblinkingly at her.    


There were too many complex emotions contained within his eyes …    


Ripples rippled out one after another, appearing in Zhiyi's mind, causing her to be momentarily at a loss as to what to do.    


After a while —    


She nodded at him graciously.    


Consider it a greeting.    


He turned around and prepared to leave.    




Suddenly, a familiar voice called out to her.    


"It's really you? "Good boy, it's been two years since we last met, and your hair has grown so long!"    


Other than the carefree Qi, who else could it be?    


He rushed forward and generously placed his arm on Zhiyi's shoulder as he grinned. "I can't tell, but you're a girl … …" Hmph, it's pretty beautiful! "    


"Ah …" "Qi …"    


Zhiyi greeted him embarrassedly, she escaped from under his arm and touched her own bangs. "You … You guys came back so early? "    


"That's right! What for? You think we came back early? "    


"Of course not!"    


"Hey, do you know why we came back so early?"    




Actually, Zhiyi. He didn't dare to be interested.    


He didn't dare to have any interest in Dou Rann's matter anymore.    


"Isn't it all because of Dou Rann …"    




It was unknown when Dou Rann suddenly walked up to Zhiyi and asked.    


Zhiyi was stunned. "No …"    


She shook her head, bit her lower lip and smiled at Qi, "Erm, Qi, I'm in a hurry to attend class so I'm leaving first!"    


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