Love Never Ends

C1404 Chapter 1404

C1404 Chapter 1404

"You know him?"    


Xi Zhipei looked at Dou Rann's leaving figure and turned to ask Zhiyi.    


As the wind blew past, Zhiyi's eyes became a little wet. She shook her head and said, "Let's go … it's time to go back …"    


"You don't know him?"    


Xi Zhipei frowned, "Why does he look so familiar to me? "It feels like I've seen it somewhere before …"    


Zhiyi didn't even hear a word her brother said. All she could think about was Dou Rann's leaving figure. The more she thought about it, the wetter her eyes became … She felt like she had gone too far!    


"Brother … …"    


Zhiyi couldn't hold back her tears any longer.    


Xi Zhipei was frightened, "What are you doing? Why are you crying for no reason?! "    


Zhiyi wiped her tears away and sobbed, "Mom and Dad didn't allow me to fall in love, so what should I do? I seem to like him again, but I don't want to make my parents sad … "    


Xi Zhipei immediately understood, "So, that was your boyfriend?"    


"But I haven't talked to him for a day!"    


"Just for Mom and Dad?"    


"Hmm …"    


Zhiyi said, then with a "wow" sound, she began to cry.    


Zhiyi's heart felt even worse when she thought of his lonely figure from before.    


He must have deeply hurt Dou Rann …    


"Xi Zhiyi, it doesn't matter if you want to be on good terms with him or not. Did you do it again for no reason?! How many times have I told you that you can't shut down your phone? Do you know how much you will make those who care about you worry?! I bet that man just wanted to see if you were all right … "    


In the end, before Xi Zhipei could finish his words, Zhiyi had already ran off to the back of Dou Rann.    


As he ran, he shouted, "Bro, tell mom and dad that I'll be back late. I'll explain everything to them when I get back …"    


"Be careful!" We have to be back by 10 o'clock, do you hear? "    


"Got it..."    


Zhiyi panted as she ran.    


Dou Rann had already got into his black palanquin. As the lights were turned on and the car was about to leave, Zhiyi ran over quickly. She spread her hands and stood in front of Dou Rann's car.    


Dou Rann didn't expect Zhiyi to suddenly appear in front of the car. As he was about to start the car, he was momentarily dumbfounded.    


Zhiyi stood in front of the car, gasping for air with red eyes.    


Dou Rann sat in the car and looked at her through the glass window. For a long time, he had no intention of getting out of the car.    


Zhiyi was also standing in the light, staring at him with tears in her eyes. Her face was full of guilt and self-blame. He was staring straight at her, but for a moment she didn't know what to do.    




Dou Rann still walked out of the car.    


He stood in front of the car door with both his hands resting on the door. He looked at Zhiyi and asked calmly, "Disappeared for an entire day, what for?"    


Zhiyi felt her eyes burn at his question, and tears welled up uncontrollably from her eyes.    


The crystal clear tears flowed down one by one …    


Dou Rann stood in front of the car and looked at her silently.    


Actually, he couldn't stand Zhiyi crying the most. Really, the tears were almost enough to melt his heart.    


However, he couldn't easily compromise on this matter today.    


He could forgive her for throwing a tantrum, but he really couldn't let her go.    


That feeling of not being able to connect them was not something that could be described by the word 'worry about personal gains and losses' at all. It was a feeling of going crazy! It felt like he was about to collapse!    


Dou Rann had lived for so many years, but he had never experienced such torturous days before.    


"Come here."    


He ordered Zhiyi in front of the lights.    


His tone was harsh, but the moment he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but soften his tone.    


Zhiyi didn't dare to delay for even a second. She quickly walked towards him and stopped half a meter away from him.    


Dou Rann looked down at her condescendingly, "What are you crying for?"    


It was better if she didn't ask, because when she did, Zhiyi cried even harder.    


Dou Rann pulled back his eyebrows and reached out his hand to wipe her tears. Unexpectedly, as soon as his hand touched her face, Zhiyi's tears flowed like a river, unable to stop, "Dou Rann, I'm sorry …"    


She was sobbing, apologizing to him, her voice barely audible because she was crying so hard.    


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