Love Never Ends

C1106 Chapter 1106

C1106 Chapter 1106

If not for the fact that he had saved her before, how could she have escaped from the hotel unharmed?    


However, in the eyes of Zhi Qing, no matter how high his status was, there was one identity that she couldn't avoid … He's a criminal!    


Just because of this, Zhi Qing didn't want to have anything to do with this man.    


Looking at his densely packed curriculum vitae, Zhi Qing felt a headache coming on.    


To be honest, he really didn't think that he would have the chance to meet this man again after coming out.    


However, one yard was one yard. Although Zhi Qing didn't want to be entangled with him again, the job was still a job, so she had no reason to shirk it.    


Therefore, she did her homework carefully. The next day, she would meet up with this man at a designated location.    


In the afternoon tea time.    


Within the Sheraton 5-star hotel.    


When Zhi Qing was led into the living room of the suite by his subordinate, Morrill was already waiting there.    


He wore a black Ou Hua suit. His clothing was cut in a unique style and had an exquisite texture. His perfect figure, coupled with his noble demeanor, fully displayed his noble demeanor.    


He lowered his head and focused on the laptop in his hands.    


As Zhi Qing approached, she inadvertently glanced at the painting and was astonished.    


He was neither in the office nor reading. He was actually … Play games?!    


And what he was playing with was, Flappybird!    


Then, Zhi Qing looked at his test again …    


She had thought that for a man with high IQ and high education like him, who didn't have a 999 mark, he would at least need to have 888 points, right?    


In the end...    




Just as he was about to jump to '4', GAMEOVER!    




Zhi Qing's mouth was wide open as she looked at him in disbelief.    


It can't be? A top student who graduated from Harvard University, his IQ was actually the same as his own?!    


It was simply too weak!    


Morrill casually put his laptop to the side. He raised his head and glanced at the strange expression on Zhi Qing's face, "Let's begin."    




Not even basic greetings!    


It was as if the two of them had never met before this!    


He sat down opposite Mr. Mo and unhurriedly opened the recorder. "Hello, Mr. Mo. My name is Xi Zhiqing, I'm a reporter from Lin City's newspaper. It's my newspaper's honor to be able to visit you."    


"First question. On behalf of my large number of single female compatriots, I would like to ask you, are you single now?"    


Such a question like that was specifically asked by the editor in chief. He had to ask it.    


Zhi Qing had no choice but to obey.    


Morrill glanced at Zhi Qing with his brown phoenix eyes. Then, he crossed his legs and replied faintly, "I've never been single before."    




What an arrogant answer.    


Never been single before, and you still want me to sleep with him?! You want me to be his woman?!    


This guy!    


"What is Mr. Mo's usual hobby?" Zhi Qing continued to visit.    






Zhi Qing was driven mad, "What about other than women?"    


"There's nothing else."    


He threw up his hands.    


"Did Mr. Mo ever think about when he would get married?"    


Zhi Qing tried to suppress her temper as much as possible as she asked him in her heart.    


"Is there any woman in this world worthy of the title 'Lady Mo'?"    


Morrill did not answer, but asked a question in reply.    


Zhi Qing was silent.    


This man was way too difficult to deal with!    


No wonder the editor said that ordinary newspapers couldn't even invite him!    


"Then Mr. Mo, let's talk about your business experience! What are the key points of success that can be shared with everyone? "    


He probably didn't like people talking to him about personal matters, Qing thought, which was why he showed such a cold attitude.    


So she simply turned the conversation to work.    


Morrill glanced at Zhi Qing and replied with three words, "High IQ."    


Then, he picked up the laptop next to him and started to play the low-IQ game again.    


This time, he had passed all five trials.    




Zhi Qing was completely silent.    


For a moment, he really didn't know how to continue this non-interview like interview!    


This guy was even more famous than those A-list celebrities!    


Look, after a series of questions, he never gave her a proper answer!    


If the interview was going to end like this, he would definitely receive the approval of the editor when he returned!    


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