System Makes Me Super Star

C1469 Lu Li's Death

C1469 Lu Li's Death

About an hour later, Xue Lai appeared in front of the ward.    


Ye Zichen looked at Lu Lee, who was sitting in front of the sickbed and chatting happily with the big guy.    


At this moment …    


Xue Lai's eyes were slightly red as she slowly walked towards Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee noticed Xue Lai at a glance and said in surprise,    


"Xue Lai, you're here. Are you alright?"    


Xue Lai held Lu Lee's hand and kissed him in front of Yang Ni, Mei Mei, and Dai Xiaojun.    


Seeing this, Yang Ni was enraged.    


"Hey, what are you doing!"    


Xue Lai smiled.    


"This is how we Europeans express our gratitude."    


Yang Ni was slightly taken aback.    


"Is that so? However … You can't kiss me either. "    


Xue Lai said 'Sorry'. She smiled and stepped aside.    


Seeing this, Mei Mei laughed in her heart.    


This little girl …    


He really was bold!    


Lu Lee coughed and asked curiously.    


"What happened to you last night?"    


Xue Lai sighed.    


"It's like this …"    


Originally …    


Since "Allen Xiu", Xue Lai exposed herself for the first time, and she has been targeted by many people.    


Xue Lai was walking alone when a car kidnapped her.    


When she came to, she found herself in a hotel.    


A bald man was looking at Xue Lai with a lewd smile.    


Yes …    


This bald man was trying to force a relationship with her!    


Fortunately, Xue Lai was not a little white rabbit. She pretended to agree to help the bald man untie her.    


She picked up the red wine bottle and threw it at the bald man's head.    


After knocking out the bald man, she managed to think of a way to escape.    


"But I didn't expect that there would be a group of people chasing after me right after I left the hotel."    


"If I hadn't run into you on the street, I might have... "They're going to capture me again …"    


At this point …    


Xue Lai couldn't help but tremble.    


Lu Lee nodded and said in a deep voice,    


"So, did you catch these people?"    


Xue Lai shook her head.    


"No, but I've already reported it."    


"I believe the police will get an answer soon."    


"Lu Lee!"    


Dai Xiaojun suddenly exclaimed.    


"What's wrong?" Lu Lee asked in confusion.    


Dai Xiaojun took out her phone and said excitedly,    


"Right now, Facebook is full of news about you. The netizens are strongly urging the Mi States police to find out who the mastermind is."    




The fact that Lu Lee got shot was not a secret.    


Every day,    


There were countless puppies following behind Lu Lee.    


These people had personally witnessed the scene of Lu Lee being shot.    


The Chinese superstar, in a foreign land, had actually been shot!    


Once this gimmick was exposed, it would definitely create a storm of public opinion.    


Sure enough …    


After a night passed, the entire internet was filled with reports of Lu Lee's assassination.    


"Explode!" The Chinese superstar, the director and male lead of "The Joker", Lu Lee, has been shot to death. "    


"Lu Lee fell into a pool of blood, his body was badly mangled. I ask the Mi States police to give us an explanation as to what exactly has happened. "    


"Lu Lee, you must be alright!"    


"Lu Lee, if you die. We will suppress the Mi States Police for you. "    


"This is too terrifying. I keep having the feeling that this is all part of a premeditated plan …"    


"I heard that Lu Lee had failed to save him and died. August 22nd is the day of Lu Lee's sacrifice. "    


Looking at these rumors, Lu Lee's face was full of black lines.    


"Damn, these people are too much." Aren't I merely injured in the foot, do you have to write me down? "    


Yang Ni snorted. She covered her mouth and laughed.    


"Can you not be so funny?"    


Lu Lee shrugged.    


"I think I need to clarify it. Otherwise, everyone would've thought that I was dead after all the public sentiment … "    


Dai Xiaojun said at this moment.    


"No, Lu Lee, I suggest not to appear at this time."    


Lu Lee opened his mouth.    




Dai Xiaojun said in a deep voice.    


"Someone has to take responsibility for this."    


Dai Xiaojun's analysis was not wrong. Under the pressure of public opinion, the Mi States police increased their investigation of the shooting.    


Finally …    


At eight o'clock in the evening of August 23rd,    


They found Lu Lee and Xue Lai.    


"Respected Mr. Lu Lee, Lady Xue Lai. First of all, I apologize for what happened to you. "    


"I'm sorry to put you in such danger in a foreign country."    


A white cop said seriously.    


Lu Lee waved his hand and said,    


"I just want to know how the mastermind is doing."    


"I've found out. It's a gang leader named Steve. He kidnapped Miss Xue Lai and is trying to force Miss Xue Lai."    


"The police are now on the wanted list for Steve."    


Lu Lee said calmly.    


"You mean you haven't caught him yet?"    


"Yes, I am very sorry. "They reacted too fast. We didn't make it in time …"    


Lu Lee's face revealed a hint of disappointment as he lightly said,    


"Give me an hour."    


The white cop asked.    


"Mr. Lu Lee, you have to …"    


"I'll help you check their positions."    


"…" White cop.    


Through the clues provided by the police, Lu Lee used his S-rank hacking technique to find out where Steve's base was and where they were.    


Seeing this scene, the white cop felt a sense of awe.    


"Mr. Lu Lee, with this skill of yours, it's really …"    


Lu Lee said lightly.    


"I hope you don't have any bad intentions."    


The Caucasian man quickly waved his hand and said,    


"I won't."    


After the white cop left, Lu Lee was controlling something on the computer.    


After a full two hours, Lu Lee stopped.    


Looking at the contents of the computer, Xue Lai's eyes widened.    


"Lu Lee, you... "You can actually …"    


Lu Lee put his index finger on Xue Lai's lips.    






When Anne saw the news on the internet, especially the moment when many people said that Lu Lee was dead, she looked at the Times in her hands in a daze.    


This was a weekly magazine that she had spent many days preparing.    


However …    


Now you're telling me that Lu Lee is dead?    


Have I issued this Time magazine yet?    


Thinking of this …    


Anne felt depressed.    


At that moment, the president of Weekly News Corporation walked over. He patted Anne's shoulder and sighed.    


"Anne, you've worked hard."    


"President, I …" "I think it's still necessary to make a phone call to confirm if Lu Lee is alright or not."    


The president nodded.    


"Although everyone on the internet said that he died, but... It's a good thing that you're sure of it. "    


Anne nodded and then dialed Lu Lee's number.    




Allen's first thought was that Lu Lee had been shot dead.    


This was a rumor!    


However …    


He looked at the many solid hammers on the internet, as well as Lu Lee's photo of him lying in a pool of blood.    


Allen couldn't help but start to feel confused.    


This... Could it be true?    


When Allen thought of the possibility that Lu Lee might be shot dead, for some reason, a hint of joy flashed through his heart.    


She felt that …    


At this moment, the gloom in his heart dispersed!    


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