Star-source Legend

C1548 Form Displacement Transposition

C1548 Form Displacement Transposition

It could be said that it took Zhang Fann more than a hundred years to learn the first level of the illusion while he was in the primeval universe. It seemed to be a short time, but for Zhang Fann, it took him more than a hundred years to learn the first level of the illusion. With his master, heaven Rending, and Elder Star's help, it had taken him a long time. One could imagine how difficult it was for him to learn the first level of the illusion.    


Although Zhang Fann had never tested the power of the phantom before, he was certain that just the first level alone was enough to instantly raise Zhang Fann's strength to a level that was not inferior to an Ancestor Realm expert. Therefore, Zhang Fann had two objectives at this moment.    


If the three-headed dragon could survive after Zhang Fann used the illusion, he would use the slave seal to temporarily subdue it. If the three-headed dragon died, Zhang Fann would directly devour it.    


It could be said that if Zhang Fann could devour the Three-Headed Dragon, his own strength would be enhanced further, allowing him to approach the half-step Ancestor realm.    


This was something Zhang Fann had personally verified before.    




Without further ado, with a thought, in an instant, from within Zhang Fann's body... A small silver sword with a length of about half a meter appeared. Upon closer inspection, one could see that the silver white small sword was surrounded by a powerful sharp Aura. And there are lines of natural law patterns that appear and disappear... It was very mysterious.    


This was the normal form of the Divine Weapon Controller Phantom that Heaven Splitter had given to Zhang Fann. It could be said that if Zhang Fann did not know the details, he would probably treat it as an ordinary flying sword.    


At this moment, the phantom seemed to have its own consciousness the moment it appeared. It kept revolving around Zhang Fann, seeming very excited. That feeling... It was like a child acting like a spoiled child, causing Zhang Fann to reveal the smile of an old father.    


"Hehe, phantom, you must have held it in for too long, right? Today, let this big guy have a taste of your power."    


At this moment, Zhang Fann stretched out his palm. Instantly, the phantom landed on top of him and gently shook it, producing a crisp sound, as if it was replying to Zhang Fann.    




In the next moment, under Zhang Fann's control, in the next instant, under Zhang Fann's control, the phantom turned into a hundred-meter long phantom. The terrifying sharp Aura caused the surrounding space to be unable to withstand it. A series of intense friction sounds were heard.    


At this moment, Zhang Fann also injected his spiritual Telekinesis into the illusionary figure.    




In the next moment, the phantom image that had become bigger suddenly disappeared as if it had turned invisible. It made the Three-Headed Dragon, who had been prepared to defend to the death, disappear on the spot. They all felt somewhat confused.    


However, the sense of danger did not disappear. With the wisdom of the Three-Headed Dragon, the three heads were staring at three different directions. Once they sensed movement, they would immediately resist.    


Zhang Fann smiled faintly in response.    


It seemed like this illusion ability could be used by many divine weapons. However, after Zhang Fann made the phantom recognize him as its master, he also knew its true ability.    


There were a total of illusions. The phantom had five different abilities, and the first one was called Form Displacement Transposition.    


It could be said that once the first layer was used, it would instantly consume more than a third of Zhang Fann's spiritual Telekinesis. Furthermore, the Form Displacement Transposition was directly targeted at space. Back then, Zhang Fann had also used the Form Displacement Transposition to let his master, heaven Splitter, verify it.    


Even with Heaven Splitter's ability, after using the Form Displacement Transposition, he couldn't sense any trace of the phantom, as if it had vanished into the entire universe.    


As for the combined strength of the Three-Headed Dragon, compared to Heaven Splitter, it was many times weaker. Therefore, even though he could still sense danger, the Three-Headed Dragon was completely unable to determine the location of the phantom.    




In the next instant, the phantom's figure also appeared. It appeared in midair, from top to bottom. It was as though the space had been sliced apart. It directly cut off one of the heads of the Three-Headed Dragon completely, and then disappeared.    




At the instant the head fell, it could be said that the other two heads of the three-headed dragon let out a painful roar at the same time. Its huge wings were also wildly flapping in all directions.    


In an instant, the powerful force brought along a huge tornado. Sand and stones were flying everywhere, making it look very chaotic. Zhang Fann's figure couldn't be seen clearly for a while.    




In the dark, Zhang Fann controlled the phantom image once again and used the first layer of Shifting Forms. Then, he easily cut off the head on the left side of the Three-Headed Dragon.    




At this time, the phantom that had completed its attack finally returned to its normal size. It returned to Zhang Fann and circled around him.    


"Big guy, I think you have also discovered it. I don't have the intention to kill you. Otherwise, the thing that was attacked wasn't your head, but your heart. I think with your intelligence, I don't need to say anything to understand this.    


I am very interested in you, so I plan to let you follow me. After all, if even you die, perhaps the entire universe will not be able to find a second Three-Headed Dragon. I think, you don't want your race's bloodline to be directly cut off from you?    


As long as you agree to follow me, not only will I be able to help you recover, I will also be able to increase your strength further. If you agree, then you will give up resisting right now. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to kill you."    


At this moment, Zhang Fann spoke to the Three-Headed Dragon who was in pain.    


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