Star-source Legend

C1030 Arriving(part I)

C1030 Arriving(part I)

And at this moment, the people of Earth don't know anything about the outside world.    


Because the technology of this spaceship was much more advanced than that of Earth, it was naturally able to make the Earth's satellites unable to discover it.    


Including the astronomical telescope, when this spaceship hid itself through powerful stealth technology, it was even more impossible to see it.    


"Let's go, team one, follow me down with the detector.    


I just felt this planet, it's not that simple. Although our strength is very good, we can't be careless.    


After all, the technology of this planet is about to reach the initial stage of civilization. Perhaps there are some powerful methods that can threaten us."    


Kenny instructed a pair of crew members who had already finished their preparations behind him.    


"Yes, captain"    


Everyone said in unison.    


Then, kenny personally brought ten crew members and boarded a subship, silently heading towards Earth.    


And regarding all of this, on Earth, including Zhang Fann and the others, none of them noticed it.    


Earth, in the sky above the Pacific Ocean.    


Rustle, rustle ~    


The dark and boundless sea water slowly rippled.    


At this time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon in Huaxia. Above the surging sea water, a black flying ship was strangely suspended here. There were no instruments on Earth that could detect his tracks.    


Inside the control room, everyone was extremely excited.    




At this time, in the control room, a young woman's profile picture appeared, and immediately after, her clear voice rang out.    


"According to the detection, this planet is close to a spherical planet with a diameter of 6,400 kilometers. The surface area is 510 million square kilometers.    


Among them, 28% of the land area and 72% of the sea area. The gravity of the entire planet is about 0, and the gravity is about 10 standard units of the universe. Air composition, nitrogen accounted for 78%, oxygen accounted for 21%...    


At this moment, the spaceship's AI system Aya also quickly reported some basic data after a simple scan.    


"Everyone, it's almost time for us to collect the victory fruit. However, the more it is like this, the more we must not let our guard down! After all, although this is an ownerless planet, we know nothing about it!"    


At this moment, kenny's expression was filled with madness as he looked at the ten subordinates behind him and said.    


"Finding an ownerless planet, we must be careful! Perhaps there are some terrifying powerhouses hidden within this planet." Kenny then said in a low voice.    


It was not that there were no accidents, but there were a lot of them.    


Some of the universe adventure teams accidentally discovered a life planet, but under carelessness, they were killed by the powerhouses of this planet! Dying at the moment closest to victory! That was the most painful.    


"Understood, captain"    


"Don't worry, captain, we won't be careless"    


"It's not the first or second time we've experienced a life or death crisis due to carelessness, that kind of situation won't happen"    


Immediately, the crew members also patted their chests and guaranteed, causing Kenny to reveal a look of satisfaction.    


Kenny nodded: "Everything is to be absolutely careful and safe. If there is no one stronger than us on this planet, Then, we can obtain the greatest benefits, if there is someone stronger than us on this planet, then, the only thing we can do is escape and leave this galaxy.    


However, once we leave, we won't have such good luck to enter this place through the Hundun Black Hole again.    


I think you've all witnessed the scariness of the Hundun's black hole. That's because we're lucky. Otherwise, we'll basically die without a doubt.    


Furthermore, I feel that this Hundun black hole seems to be specially drawn over by an expert to protect this galaxy and even this life planet.    


Thus, we must use our fastest speed to understand the situation of this planet. At that time, we will have a choice whether to stay or leave."    


Kenny then looked at the console screen." Aya, start to explore this planet in all directions and obtain the planet's information as soon as possible. "    


"[Captain, this planet has a basic information network]" The beautiful face on the console was a bit excited, "I can hack into the network and quickly get information on this planet    


"Very good." Kenny's eyes lit up even more.    


"They already have an information network?" Those crew members laughed in surprise.    


"This is very normal. When we came, we saw that there were quite a number of detection satellites on the periphery of this life planet. Without an internet network, we wouldn't be able to do this. Obviously, this planet is different from those indigenous planets that we previously discovered. It can be considered to have entered the technological era."    


Kenny said immediately.    


"Rapid invasion, from economic, religious, strong people to military and technological aspects, investigate this ball." Kenny ordered, "The most important thing is the information on strong fighters! Prioritize the information on the strong! "    


"Yes, captain!" Aya quickly responded, and then easily hacked into Earth's network.    


This universe adventure spacecraft was far more advanced than Earth's, at least level 7 or even level 6.    


Silently, earth's history and other information were quickly collected, except for some secret data stored in physical storage and broken nets. The rest of the information that could be found on the internet were all discovered! As for Earth, up until now, not a single person had discovered the situation.    


At this moment, Zhang Fann and the other top powerhouses on Earth were all gathered at Mount Everest.    


As for Huaxia, europe, and America, it could be said that in the face of technology that far exceeded their own, it was simply impossible to discover the situation.    


Of course, this was also because Zhang Fann did not let Little Gu invade the Earth's network. Otherwise, with Little Gu's strength, he would definitely be able to discover Kenny and the others.    


It could be said that the entire Earth was facing a huge challenge.    


Even though Zhang Fann had already reached the Star Moon Realm, under the silent infiltration of Kenny and the others, he was still unable to react in a short period of time.    


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