Star-source Legend

C125 Zhang Fan's Plan(part Ii)

C125 Zhang Fan's Plan(part Ii)

Lee Nian walked to the side and turned on the equipment one by one.    


At this time, Zhang Fann had already walked to the front of the power measuring target.    


At this time, Zhang Fann took a deep breath and secretly circulated the Profound Heaven Devouring Spirit Spell. He suddenly exerted strength in his footsteps. His body slightly turned around, and a powerful force burst out from his waist and hip. In an instant, it penetrated into his arm.    


At this time, Zhang Fann's fist was like an arrow shot out from a full moon bow, leaving behind an afterimage. With a bang, it smashed onto the power measuring target.    


Instantly, a number was displayed on the screen at the side.    


"3500 kg."    


"My God, your strength has increased too quickly. The strength of this punch had absolutely reached the peak of a martial artist, and it had even surpassed the strength possessed by many early Internal Organ Stage martial artists.    


It seems that your power will surpass mine soon. Sometimes, I really want to pry open your head to see if you are an alien or not. "    


Lee Nian was also dumbfounded when he saw the strength value of Zhang Fann's punch.    


This kind of strength was comparable to an early Internal Organ Stage warrior.    


Generally speaking, the strongest warrior could reach a maximum strength of no more than 3,000 kg without some equipment. Zhang Fann's punch had far exceeded this limit. Naturally, he was also very surprised.    


When Zhang Fann heard what Lee Nian said, he didn't answer. Instead, he walked to the speed meter. It was similar to a treadmill. It could test a martial artist's speed.    


After slightly adjusting his breathing, Zhang Fann immediately started running on the spot.    


Looking from where Lee Nian was, he discovered that Zhang Fann had completely turned into a shadow. Clearly, his speed had reached the extreme.    


One minute later, the speed indicator showed Zhang Fann's current average speed, 45m / s.    


After a short rest, Zhang Fann went to the compartment that specialized in testing his own reaction.    


After entering the room, there was a circle of machine gun like instruments placed around the room. There were a few holes on each of them.    


Zhang Fann also stood in the middle of a limited circle.    




After greeting Lee Nian, Lee Nian immediately turned on the switch outside the room.    


After that, red lights shot out from all the instruments towards Zhang Fann's position. It lasted for a full minute.    


After a minute, Zhang Fann walked out of the room with sweat all over his face.    


At this moment, he saw Lee Nian staring at him like he was looking at a monster, which surprised him.    


"Fann, are you sure you are not a monster from another planet? It has only been about a month since I took you to participate in the test. Your strength has actually reached this level?    


Could it be that you are just like the Buddha in the legends, enlightened under the bodhi tree? So, your entire potential has been completely stimulated?"    


Looking at Zhang Fann, Lee Nian felt that his brain was not enough.    


When a martial artist thought about entering the Internal Organ Stage, their strength needed to exceed 3000 kg and their speed exceeded 50 m / s. As for their reaction speed, they needed to be hit within 60 seconds. Less than 5 times was the basic requirement.    


Of course, generally speaking, the first two requirements were to be able to enter the Internal Organ Stage. Strength and speed were the most basic requirement for a strong person. As for their reaction speed, it would depend on their individual situation. After all, many powerful martial artists also had differences in their reaction speed.    


The test of reaction speed could only be used on beginner martial artists at most, not Internal Organ Stage martial artists.    


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