Overriding the Heaven

C628 Number of Individual Sects

C628 Number of Individual Sects

Chu Yan disguised himself as Luo Tiancheng and everything else was easy to settle. The only difficulty was that there were different realms between them.    


Chu Yan's Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage was at the small success stage, but as long as Beast King Pavilion Disciple who were familiar with Luo Tiancheng paid a little attention, it would naturally arouse suspicion.    


Although Chu Yan had already prepared a plan to deal with it, he did not expect it to be so successful.    


After seeing him "heavily injured", Cao Feng and the others actually did not even have the interest to look at him once more.    


Their attitudes helped Chu Yan smoothly pass through this most difficult trial, and also helped him gain a deeper understanding of the concept of training disciples in the Beast King Pavilion.    


"This kind of method, akin to nurturing a Gu, can indeed nurture powerful cultivators, but it is too lacking in humanity."    


Chu Yan couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.    


"I wonder if it's because they were together with demon beasts all year long, that I always felt that when these Beast King Pavilion Disciple saw their Imperial Beasts die, they would be more hurt than if they saw their own fellow sect members die."    


After pondering for a moment, Chu Yan decided not to tangle with this problem.    


For him, the hardest part had already been overcome.    


Later on, if Cao Feng and the rest came back to their senses and questioned him again, it would be much easier to deal with.    


At this moment, only three people had yet to arrive.    


As the sun set and the sky became as red as blood, another disciple appeared in Beast King Pavilion.    


Thus, the number of disciples in the Beast King Pavilion had finally reached five.    


This number finally made Cao Feng's face no longer look so bad.    


Later, when night fell, Fan Cheng came to the foot of the mountain to meet up with the group.    


When Fan Cheng appeared in their line of sight, the Shattered Star Pavilion let out a burst of surprised cheers.    


Yet, the expressions of the Profound Moon Sect and Beast King Pavilion Disciple s were evidently not that good to behold.    


Because at this moment, the disciples that Shattered Star Pavilion had gathered at the foot of the mountain were already comprised of six people: Jiang Chengxin, Fan Cheng, Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan, Jiang Panmeng and Shen Qing.    


There was still one more person that was extremely likely to be Chu Yan and the number of disciples on Shattered Star Pavilion's side would reach a total of seven people!    


With each sect having only nine participating disciples, it was tantamount to Shattered Star Pavilion losing two people.    


Among the five disciples, other than Cao Feng, Liang Qing, Meng Yong and "Luo Tiancheng", the last disciple to arrive was called Ge Hongfei.    


This number of people was already considered quite a lot.    


However, they could not accept a Beast King Pavilion Disciple who was proud and arrogant, and felt that only they, the Blue Feather Sect, could contend against.    


At this time, only Chu Yan was hiding behind the crowd, pretending to heal his injuries.    


This was because there were only four people in Beast King Pavilion and not five people.    


And his existence, would cause the fighting strength of the five from Beast King Pavilion to be even lower than that of four people, or even three people.    


As for the Mystic Moon Sect, they were now the weakest of the three major sects.    


In total, only three disciples had arrived at the foot of the mountain.    


However, it was fortunate that Lin Miaoran's cultivation had risen to the perfection-stage of the Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage, otherwise, they would have given up this competition for the Orthodoxy with their small number of people and weak strength.    


Until the dawn of the second day, when the Pantheon was about to open, Chu Yan still had not appeared.    


In fact, Chu Yan could not possibly appear — he was currently standing in the middle of the Beast King Pavilion team with Luo Tiancheng's identity.    


Since Chu Yan did not appear, the people on the Shattered Star Pavilion's side would naturally not be relaxed.    


From time to time, they would lift their heads to look around, hoping to see Chu Yan.    


Lin Miaoran also showed an anxious expression.    


Seeing Lin Miaoran's performance, Chu Yan couldn't help but admire him in his heart. This act was too realistic, if he didn't know the truth, she would probably be tricked too.    


As for the people of the Shattered Star Pavilion, Chu Yan wanted to secretly tell them his real identity, so that they wouldn't worry about him.    


But after considering it for a long time, Chu Yan finally gave up on this idea.    


At the very least, if they were a little bit careless, they could expose their identity due to some subconscious action or expression.    


In that case, all the preparations he had made to impersonate Luo Tiancheng would have been completely wasted.    


But when Chu Yan looked at the people of Shattered Star Pavilion again, he realized that Jiang Panmeng's expression was different from the others.    


When the others were anxiously looking into the distance, Jiang Panmeng looked to be deep in thought. From time to time, she would glance at the faces of the people from the Profound Moon Sect and the Beast King Pavilion, as if she was trying to find some clues.    


Jiang Panmeng was present when Chu Yan obtained the Thousand Swords Ghost Face, so Chu Yan could not help but suspect that the other party had guessed something.    


But Chu Yan believed that as long as he did not reveal it, even if Jiang Panmeng had a guess, he would not reveal it.    


When noon approached, the mountain peak occupied by the Pantheon suddenly released a ball of rainbow colored light.    


In an instant, this dazzling light spread out in the sky like a peacock spreading its tail, attracting the attention of everyone present.    


Although the light was rich and beautiful, one could at least pay attention to it for a moment. They could immediately feel waves of golden lance and iron horses, iron and blood, as if a battlefield was falling from the sky.    


"Killing Array!"    


"What a powerful killing array!"    


Li Xiu and the rest frowned.    


Although the Profound Moon Sect and Beast King Pavilion Disciple could not recognize this killing array, they could still sense an incomparably dangerous aura.    


This dangerous atmosphere made them feel as if needles were pricking their backs, and all the hairs on their bodies stood on end.    


The seven-colored light lingered in the sky for a while, then suddenly retreated towards the top of the mountain peak like a receding tide.    


In an instant, the vast and mighty Pantheon finally appeared before everyone's eyes.    


Rather than say that the Pantheon was built on top of a mountain, it would be more accurate to say that the entire mountain was the Pantheon.    


As the killing array retreated, a straight mountain path appeared in front of the Pantheon from the foot of the mountain.    


"The Eight Desolations Soul Extinguishing Halberd is inside the Pantheon!"    


"If we obtain the Eight Desolations Soul Extinguishing Halberd, we will obtain the victory of the General Election of the Orthodoxy."    


"Some of our fellow sect members have already given their lives for this, so we have to obtain Eight Desolations Soul Extinguishing Halberd s even more. We can't let their previous efforts go to waste like this!"    


When they saw the mountain path, almost everyone had the same thought.    


After ten days, the killing array would be reactivated.    


In other words, they had ten days to explore the Pantheon and fight for the Eight Desolations Soul Extinguishing Halberd.    


There would definitely be more deaths in these ten days, and the victor would be revealed after ten days. Everything would be settled.    


At this time, Cao Feng from the Beast King Pavilion suddenly laughed coldly: "Everyone, Pantheon has not entered yet, I feel that there is no need for us to start a fight on the way up the mountain. I have something that I want to say, I don't know if you are willing to listen to it."    


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