Overriding the Heaven

C2349 Enter the City

C2349 Enter the City

Hearing Chu Yan's words, the old man trembled even more intensely.    


Cold sweat poured down his forehead. In just a moment, it was as if he had just been fished out of water.    


"I was wrong, I was wrong! Please forgive me!" The old man kowtowed hard, and every time he did so, banging sounds could be heard.    


Although he was a Zifu Disciple... But at this moment, his head was still smashed to the point of bleeding, and his face was covered in blood. The way he looked at Chu Yan was filled with pleading.    


"Hehe." Chu Yan sneered. If I wasn't stronger than you guys, would you let me go?"    


The old man was speechless.    


Even though he quickly reacted and continued to kowtow with a pale face, the momentary pause just now still expressed his true thoughts.    


Chu Yan raised his hand and slapped down.    


With a loud bang, it was like a clap of thunder on the ground.    


The old man's body was instantly torn into minced meat, and his soul was destroyed.    


The four cultivators were all killed by Chu Yan in just a few moments.    


Chu Yan was invincible amongst those at the same cultivation level.    


Therefore, those two True Immortal realm cultivators were just chickens and dogs in front of Chu Yan.    


After killing the four of them, Chu Yan raised his hand and sucked at the thick blood.    


In an instant, several storage bags flew out from within.    


Chu Yan opened the storage bag and swept it.    


Other than some medicinal pills, jade slips, and magic treasures, Chu Yan also saw a total of more than ten round coins.    


These coins looked like iron, but not iron. They looked like gold, but not metal. There was a big word "ancient" on the surface of the coins.    


The most mysterious part of the coin was the "ancient" character.    


After scanning it with his Divine Sense, he immediately sensed a vast and powerful Divine Sense that seemed to be a pillar that supported the heavens and the earth. It was extremely magnificent and stirring.    


"It seems like this is how this ancient coin is used to prevent counterfeiting."    


Chu Yan instantly understood the function of this word.    


Ordinary cultivators' divine sense couldn't give people the feeling of the vast universe.    


Therefore, it was impossible for ordinary cultivators to fake it.    


Under normal circumstances, this ancient coin would only circulate within these neutral regions.    


Therefore, there was no need for the powerful cultivators of the ancient countries to fake it, as it would not be of much use to them. Instead, it would consume a lot of time and energy.    


Putting these things into his storage ring, Chu Yan soared into the sky and headed towards the Black Furnace City.    


This huge and monstrous thorn was at least hundreds of thousands of miles long.    


When he passed through the sky, when he looked down, he looked like an endless python, causing people's scalps to go numb and their hearts to be filled with fear.    


However, Chu Yan had already passed through the area that was previously protected by the formation under the lead of the old man.    


Therefore, Chu Yan didn't encounter any trouble at this time. After passing through the thorny vines, he arrived in front of Black Furnace City.    


Black Furnace City was formed from a treasure of unknown origin.    


At this time, Chu Yan couldn't see the exact appearance of this treasure.    


This was because looking down from the sky, one could see that there was a section of the Black Furnace City that was buried deep underground. It should be the place where it fell back then.    


And the part that was exposed on the surface became the current Black Furnace City.    


It was precisely because Black Furnace City was originally a magic treasure that there weren't any orderly buildings or roads in the city.    


At a glance, there were only some caves for materials and ordinary stone houses. They looked very shabby.    


Compared to the cities in ancient countries, Blackfurnace City was like a village.    


However, even though it looked very simple and crude, Blackfurnace City was not something that could be easily looked down upon.    


Chu Yan arrived at the distance from Black Furnace City. When he was still a thousand miles away, he felt a wave of divine sense sweeping towards him from all directions.    


Some of these Divine Senses came into contact with Chu Yan and immediately moved away.    


There were also some who were sizing Chu Yan up without any restraint, just like how a human would look at him.    


Chu Yan could deeply feel the powerful Qi hidden behind these divine senses.    


Without looking at his strength and cultivation base, his cultivation base was only at the second level of the True Immortal realm. In Black Furnace City, his combat strength wasn't considered to be at the top.    


In the divine sense he had just come into contact with, there were more than a dozen that were at the third level of the True Immortal Realm and above.    


And within those seemingly simple and crude houses in Blackfurnace City, there were even more powerful auras hidden, as if they were hidden beasts.    


After pondering for a moment, Chu Yan flew a bit more forward and landed at the entrance of Blackfurnace City.    


Although the city gates of Blackfurnace City were also made of stone, there were guards.    


The realm of the guards was at least at the True Immortal Realm.    


Chu Yan even saw a guard captain nearby who had reached the fifth level of the True Immortal realm. That blazing aura on his body was like a burning volcano, making people not dare to look at him directly.    


People kept coming and going through the city gate.    


Chu Yan saw someone take out a token and then enter the Black Furnace City.    


There were also people who handed over two ancient coins and entered the Black Furnace City.    


It was obvious that the cultivator who handed over the ancient coins did not have the token.    


Chu Yan also found the token in the storage bags of the old man and his family.    


However, he found that these tokens contained the essence blood and Qi of the family of four.    


If the blood essence and aura were erased, the token would become an ordinary token.    


And his own aura would not be able to enter the tokens.    


In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Chu Yan did not use the token. Instead, he gave two ancient coins and entered Black Furnace City.    


When he entered the city, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.    


Two ancient coins was equivalent to twenty crystals.    


Spirit crystals were a natural treasure that was essential for cultivation, and it was even more precious than high-grade spirit stones.    


If it was in Shangguo, they would want to exchange twenty spirit crystals for the right to enter a city, and it was only once. It was afraid that very few families or sects would be so extravagant.    


However, for Chu Yan, not to mention the large amount of crystals in his hands, The ancient coins that entered the city... He had obtained them from the four families of the old man, so there was no pressure at all.    


After entering the Black Furnace City, Chu Yan headed straight for his destination.    


The Black Furnace City was divided into four regions, east, west, north and south. Each region was filled with complicated forces.    


What Chu Yan wanted to go to at this time was a consignment store in the south city.    


Although it was called a consignment store, it actually had virtually all kinds of business.    


Pawnshop, trading, auctioning, even buying vicious people to kill could be done.    


This consignment store in the south city could be considered a medium-sized building in Black Furnace City.    


The entire piece of giant rock that was cut off, the towering tree that was directly cut down, was built within Blackfurnace City, giving people a wild and domineering feeling.    


As soon as they entered the consignment shop, a deacon immediately came forward to greet them.    


If it was in the upper reaches of the country, then the deacon's cultivation level would be enough to become an Elder of a sect, the Violet Palace Realm.    


Because Chu Yan had already reached the True Immortal Realm, the deacon's attitude towards Chu Yan was very respectful.    


When he heard that Chu Yan wanted to inquire about information, he immediately led Chu Yan to one of the rooms and sat down, then served him some spirit tea.    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading].    


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