Overriding the Heaven

C2332 Go Straight to the Sixth Floor

C2332 Go Straight to the Sixth Floor



Chu Yan immediately felt something unusual when he scanned the area with his divine sense.    


These few jade slips actually made him feel a little scorching.    


Instantly, his attention was drawn over.    


These few jade slips looked rather simple and unadorned.    


What was different from ordinary jade slips was that there were a few dark red marks on the surface of these few jade slips.    


And if one observed carefully, one would discover that these jade slips were arranged in a certain order. These seemingly messy engravings actually turned into a slightly rough pattern.    




Chu Yan recognized it at a glance.    


Although the dark red pattern was only a few strokes, it looked like a person had drawn it after getting drunk. However, it was obvious that it was a phoenix that spread its wings.    


Moreover, this phoenix was somewhat similar to the phoenix phantom that appeared when Hao Dong executed his divine ability.    


"Could it be..."    


A bold guess appeared in Chu Yan's mind.    


All of his actions had been accomplished with his divine sense. Therefore, on the surface, he was still meditating with his eyes closed. No one had discovered his true actions.    


After pondering for a moment, Chu Yan resolutely smashed open the restrictions on the surface of the jade slip and looked at the contents within.    


Sure enough, it was exactly as Chu Yan had expected.    


What was recorded in this jade slip was precisely the refinement method of the Vast Heaven Mirror!    


More accurately speaking, it was the same treasure and a cultivation method that complemented each other.    


The treasure was naturally the Vast Heaven Mirror.    


And the cultivation method was the Phoenix Creee Burning Heaven.    


Chu Yan knew that normally speaking, the cultivation method cultivated by cultivators and the magic treasures used were not related to the same origin.    


For example, For example, if a cultivator cultivated sword qi, then most of the magic treasures he used were flying swords.    


However, this was only a magic treasure used to complement divine abilities.    


It was not a magic treasure specially forged for the sake of displaying the Phoenix Creee Burning Heaven like the Vast Heaven Mirror and Phoenix Creee Burning Heaven.    


The two complemented each other, and they could completely attain a might that far surpassed ordinary divine abilities.    


"In this way, the regret Yin Luo said earlier doesn't exist anymore." Chu Yan thought to himself.    


Yin Luo felt that the Vast Heaven Mirror was Hao Dong's famous magic treasure, and its power was formidable. Unfortunately, it was shattered by Chu Yan all of a sudden.    


But now, through the method on this jade slip, Chu Yan could refine a new Vast Heaven Mirror again, and could even increase the power of the Vast Heaven Mirror a step further.    


It was just that the prerequisite was that there were sufficient materials.    


As for the Phoenix Creee Burning Heaven, Chu Yan also understood all of it very quickly.    


This divine ability belonged to the Fire element of the Nine Great Elements. It was divided into nine levels.    


Hao Dong had already cultivated to the third level now. Coupled with the Vast Heaven Mirror, he could release the phoenix phantom image, making the divine ability's power increase a step further. Burning Heaven Boiling the Sea, it was easy.    


But Hao Dong cultivated this divine ability, and there was a very big flaw, which was that he did not fuse phoenix essence blood.    


If a cultivator possessed the phoenix blood essence or the phoenix constitution, not only would they be able to cultivate twice the result with half the effort, they would also be stronger at the same level.    


"The Phoenix Creee Burning Heaven is suitable for Jiang Panmeng." Chu Yan recalled Jiang Panmeng's Flaming Phoenix Body and felt that this divine ability could be said to be tailor-made for her.    


Now that Jiang Panmeng was in the Cloud Pride Country, what she lacked the most was a powerful divine ability.    


One should know that the Phoenix Creee Burning Heaven technique was considered a pretty good divine ability even in ancient countries. If it was spread to a country, it would be a rare treasure. Once it was mastered, it couldn't be said to be invincible, but it was absolutely rare to meet an opponent at the same level. Killing people beyond their level would be as simple as eating and drinking.    


Not only was Jiang Panmeng suitable to cultivate, Chu Yan, who had fused a drop of phoenix blood essence from Su Chen, was also suitable to cultivate the Phoenix Creeing Heaven Burning Art.    


Therefore, Chu Yan didn't hesitate to memorize the divine ability's incantation in his heart, and then he immediately started cultivating.    


An hour later, Li Huayi, Yin Luo, and the others who were meditating suddenly felt a wave of blazing airflow that was vast and mighty, and it surged over like a tide.    


When they raised their heads and looked over, they noticed that Chu Yan was already within a distorted force field.    


The void around him seemed to be burning. Although there was no fire, it was still intimidating.    


The space began to distort like melted candles.    


"Senior brother already comprehended it so quickly!" Yin Luo couldn't help but cry out involuntarily.    


According to her experience, if a cultivator had gained enlightenment, it would take at least one or two days for them to be able to find any clues.    


As for those that went into seclusion for one or two years, they were all very common.    


Chu Yan, on the other hand, seemed to be showing signs of breaking through in less than two hours. She had never seen or heard of him before.    


Li Huayi looked at Chu Yan with a serious expression.    


If one observed carefully, one would find that Li Hua's eyes were full of admiration.    


After a while, the surrounding people felt as if they were in a country of flames.    


In the distorted space, raging flames soared into the sky and condensed into trees and silver flowers, turning into a forest of flames that filled the sky. It covered the sky and covered the entire sky.    


But these were all illusions created by them.    


If it was the real situation, they would have been burned to ashes long ago.    


When they saw a huge phoenix figure suddenly appear in the sky above the flaming forest, all of the illusions instantly dissipated.    


These female cultivators immediately became absent-minded, as if they had been separated for a lifetime.    


They soon discovered that the dao aura surrounding Chu Yan's body had also disappeared.    


Chu Yan had already opened his eyes. At this moment, he was stroking his chin with one hand. He looked like he was deep in thought.    


The female cultivators thought that he had some new thoughts while he was cultivating. Therefore, none of them dared to breathe loudly as they were afraid that they would disturb his train of thought.    


In fact, Chu Yan was only thinking about one thing at the moment. "That's it?"    


In less than two hours, his Phoenix Creee Burning Heaven had already surpassed the third level, reaching the fourth level, and there were faint signs of breaking through to the fifth level.    


If it wasn't for the doubt in Chu Yan's heart, he would have stopped temporarily. At this moment, he was probably not only at the fifth level, but also on his way to the sixth level.    


Chu Yan stroked his chin, frowning slightly, thinking in his heart, "According to Yin Luo, this Hao Dong is also considered a slightly famous disciple in the Divine Martial Sect. He has used the Vast Heaven Mirror for many years.    


But why did he cultivate for so long and Feng Li Fen reached the third level? And I directly rushed to the sixth level?    


Could it be that there is such a big difference without phoenix blood essence? "    


If Hao Dong did not fall, hearing his words at this moment, he would probably be angered to death.    


However, Chu Yan didn't dwell on this issue for too long.    


After his inspection, there were no problems with his body after his cultivation.    


The only possibility was that the problem was with Hao Dong himself.    


- The content came from [Miaow Reading].    


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