Overriding the Heaven

C2284 Liwei

C2284 Liwei

To Chu Yan, what Yao Guang said was just one side of her story. Naturally, Chu Yan wouldn't believe it all.    


However, the information contained in this statement could also help Chu Yan understand a lot of things that he did not know before.    


"In other words, there are indeed some people in the Divine Martial Sect who have been optimistic about Zhao Wuji.    


Zhao Wuji was already dead, but his influence was still continuing.    


" However, I've already thought about this a long time ago, so I don't feel too surprised. "    


Chu Yan quickly concluded the possibilities of these people attacking him.    


"The first possibility is to take revenge for Zhao Wuji.    


The second possibility is to covet the treasure left behind by Zhao Wuji.    


" It's just these two.    


Now, many people know that Zhao Wuji died in my hands.    


Therefore, it's very easy to imagine that the various Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures that Zhao Wuji plundered through the Violetwind Sect are now in my hands.    


My greatest disadvantage right now is that I haven't advanced to the True Immortal Realm yet.    


However, the suppression of Prince Han just now was equivalent to killing a chicken to warn the monkeys, and it could eliminate the thoughts that some people shouldn't have.    


But at the same time, I also exposed a portion of my strength.    


"This way, it will make some people who originally looked down on me take my attitude seriously."    


Various thoughts kept popping up in Chu Yan's mind.    


"I still need to improve.    


'I can kill him now. ' But this is far from enough.    


When I break through to the Violet Palace Realm and advance to the True Immortal Realm, At that time, my strength will once again complete a great leap.    


"In this way, if anyone else wants to attack me, I won't need to be afraid."    


With a clear line of thought in Chu Yan's mind, he quickly understood what he was going to do next.    


In Chu Yan's opinion, the cultivators who coveted him were at most in the True Immortal Realm, or perhaps even below the seventh level of the True Immortal Realm.    


Because no matter how high one's cultivation was, the Divine Abilities, cultivation techniques, and various precious materials possessed by them had already far surpassed what Zhao Wuji and the Violetwind Sect had obtained.    


In this way, no one would be interested in such a small amount of treasures.    


Just like an emperor, would he be jealous of the property of a local tycoon?    


"The trial of Glory City this time is an excellent opportunity for me to improve.    


When I enter it, I will seize every opportunity and strive to break through to the True Immortal Realm this morning.    


"When I come out again, I'll be reborn.    


"At that time, no matter who you are, I'll kill you directly and cut off the thoughts of these people."    


With that thought, a ray of firm divine light flashed across Chu Yan's eyes.    


At the same time, his state of mind and aura vanished.    


In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Yan was as motionless as a mountain, as deep and profound like an ocean. No one could guess what he was thinking.    


Yao Guang had wanted to remind Chu Yan a few more times, but after seeing the situation, she knew that her words wouldn't be of much help. Therefore, she decided not to speak.    


Just as Chu Yan expected, the number of eyes and divine sense that were spying on him didn't decrease. Instead, they were hidden in a deeper place. It would be difficult for others to detect them if they didn't pay attention to them.    


After all, Chu Yan had defeated Prince Han almost as easily as crushing him.    


Now, the title "Chu Yan who crushed Prince Han" had quietly spread among the disciples who were waiting for the trial.    




A folding fan that was suffused with a treasured glow was put away.    


The cultivator that held the folding fan seemed to be like Prince Han, and he revealed a noble aura. Moreover, he was similarly at the third level of the True Immortal Realm.    


However, compared to Prince Han's domineering aura, this cultivator seemed much gentler. If he was in the mortal world, he could definitely be called a cultivator of the True Immortal Realm. He was an elegant and handsome prince.    


Especially the red dot in the middle of his forehead, which made this male cultivator even more handsome. It made people unable to forget it when they looked at it.    


At this moment, the handsome male cultivator withdrew his gaze from the distance and turned to look at a female cultivator in a red dress beside him with deep affection.    


This female cultivator's appearance was extremely beautiful as well, and it could even be compared to Lin Miaoran, Wusilanma, Shen Qing, and the others.    


However, there was a stubborn and serious look that the others did not have in her eyes.    


At this moment, the surrounding cultivators were either discussing or meditating to cultivate, but all of this did not affect her at all.    


This female cultivator looked at the ground in front of her, seemingly focused on thinking about something.    


The handsome male cultivator was already used to this. He cleared his throat and smiled. "The one who just defeated Prince Han is Chu Yan, who killed Emperor Taiqing and Zhao Wuji.    


I didn't think that he was really only at the Zifu realm. It seems like there are quite a lot of experts in this trial in Glory City."    


Li Huayi only came back to his senses at this moment.    


She turned her head and looked at the handsome male cultivator with some doubt in her eyes.    


However, looking at her expression, she only realized that the other party was talking to her just now. However, she did not care what the other party was talking about.    


The handsome male cultivator was not embarrassed. He smiled and repeated what he had just said.    


After listening to what the other party said, Li Hua blinked her eyes. "Oh. Then she lowered her head and started thinking again.    


The scene in front of him caused the smile on the handsome male cultivator's face to stiffen. However, looking at the almost perfect side face of the erect flower, he revealed a smile once again.    


"Wei, don't you feel surprised at all?    


Even you seem to have never defeated a cultivator at the third level of the True Immortal Realm when you were at the Violet Palace Realm."    


"This time, because his words clearly mentioned me, Li Hua raised her head and looked at the handsome male cultivator with a focused gaze.    


The handsome male cultivator could clearly see his reflection in Lihua Wei's clear eyes.    


His heartstrings couldn't help but move slightly.    


Li Hua Wei's cherry lips parted slightly.    


However, the words he said didn't have any emotions.    


"Shen Xinghe, I don't like you calling me by my name like that. Please call me Lihua Wei in the future.    


In addition, I'm not very interested in other people's matters.    


" Whether this Chu Yan killed Zhao Wuji or Prince Han, it has nothing to do with me.    


Glory City is so big, there is no chance for us to meet in it.    


As for you saying that when I was at the Zifu realm, I didn't defeat the third level of the True Immortal realm... "    


Li Hua paused for a moment, then said in a very serious and affirmative tone," At that time, I merely didn't encounter an opponent at the Third Level True Immortal Realm. "    


"Hiss -" The handsome Shen Xinghe couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


The meaning behind Li Hua's words was very clear.    


She wasn't an opponent that couldn't defeat a Third Level True Immortal Realm expert, but she just didn't have the chance to encounter such an opponent.    


Looking at Li Huayi who lowered her head once again, Shen Xinghe suddenly lost focus as the words that she had just said echoed in his ears. "She's already at the second level of the True Immortal Realm. Doesn't that mean that even the fourth and fifth level of the True Immortal Realm can't suppress her?"    


- The content came from [Micoo Reading].    


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