Overriding the Heaven



Before this, Senior Sister Li wanted to send someone to find Chu Yan's position and then observe him in the dark.    


After that, he asked her about her brother's appearance.    


After comparing them like this, it was clear whether Chu Yan and Chu Yan were the same person.    


Not only had Junior Sister Xiao gained the love of all the elders, including the leader of the Sunset Valley, but her kindness had also been favored by many of her fellow seniors and juniors as well.    


The strongest person in the Sunset Valley was definitely not Xiao Pei.    


However, in the entire Sunset Valley, Xiao Pei would surely be at the top of the list for people who did not want to see themselves hurt the most.    


She was the favorite of the entire Sunset Valley.    


Senior Sister Li understood that there were many times when the sects did not intentionally display this.    


This was also to sharpen Junior Sister Xiao's dao heart.    


However, the care and attention he should have wasn't lacking at all.    


Very quickly, the Message Talisman that Senior Sister Li sent out received a response.    


Amidst the bustling crowd on the Immortal Island, a few unremarkable figures quickly began to search the area.    


However, in a place like this, where he was completely unclear about Chu Yan's appearance and aura, it was not easy to find such a person.    


After all, many areas on the jade platform were currently enveloped by formations that could cut off divine sense.    


Senior Sister Li could not be sure how long it would take to find Chu Yan.    


She only hoped it would be a little earlier than when she saw him.    


In this way, if the other party wasn't, then she would have been ready for enlightenment as soon as possible.    


With this thought, Senior Martial Sister Li could not help but sigh.    


"Junior Sister Xiao is delicate and smart, and also has a natural body made of wood. She is the only one favored by the sect.    


However, this was destined to happen.    


It was rumored that Junior Sister came from some unknown state. Under such circumstances, how could it be so coincidental that her separated brother would come to Precious Appearance Kingdom, and even become a celestial mood stage cultivator capable of killing Violet Palace Stage?    


Just by looking at the time, it was impossible for him to be Junior Sister Xiao's elder brother.    


Sigh, I think it's better if I make preparations early and think of how I can comfort her when the time comes. "    


While she was thinking about these things, Senior Martial Sister Li looked at the few Martial Sisters around her.    


One of the juniors looked into each other's eyes. They both saw sadness and regret in each other's eyes.    


Apparently, everyone wanted to go together.    


At this moment, a boundless golden light spread out, and the name on the Immortal Ranking no longer changed.    


This time, the number was coincidentally exactly one thousand two hundred names.    


Seeing such a coincidental number, Chu Yan couldn't help but smile.    


He had previously heard that the number of disciples in the Heaven's Edge Sect's celestial mood stage neared one thousand three hundred.    


In recent years, although there had been some deaths, there had been some increase.    


There shouldn't be too much of a difference in numbers.    


From this number, it could be seen that even if they failed, they could still obtain a spirit treasure. Most of the disciples decided to participate.    


Even if he lost, it would at least increase his fighting experience.    


A battle of celestial mood stage s was naturally not something that could be fought together by many matches.    


The battleground on the Immortal Island was only the one that was previously covered by the clouds.    


This was to say that the first round of sparring required one person to finish six hundred matches.    


Although Chu Yan and the others' names were placed in the middle section of the Immortal Ranking, the two sides of the competition were randomly chosen. Thus, they could be either the first battle or the last match.    


After this thought appeared in their minds, the High Scholars of the Heaven's Edge Sect s on the Immortal Island immediately had a strange feeling.    


When traveling outside, they killed all kinds of demon beasts and demons, so the disciples of the Heaven's Edge Sect were naturally on a half-step level.    


However, everyone here was a prodigy from the sects and a genius cultivator. Moreover, the opponent was still in an unknown situation the moment the magic battle began.    


Therefore, it was inevitable that some ripples would appear in the hearts of the crowd.    


However, Chu Yan wasn't too conflicted.    


He was very clear about his own strength.    


In the celestial mood stage, he was invincible.    


Even though there might be a variable in Mo Yu's silence, it was not able to create too much of a storm.    


What he really cared about right now was Emperor Taiqing's return.    


On this Immortal Island, he could feel a very strange atmosphere.    


However, this atmosphere seemed to be deliberately concealed by someone, making it impossible for him to find the source.    


"The Conclave of Immortals has just begun. According to the time taken, it should continue for a period of time.    


Emperor Taiqing's return, no matter what, had to wait until the end.    


So right now, I don't have to worry too much about it. "    


While thinking about this, Chu Yan suddenly had a thought.    


He could faintly feel that he seemed to have thought of something.    


However, that thought was captured in an instant.    


As for his mastery of the Wisdom Dao and the Great Way of Time, they had not yet reached a very deep level. Thus, it was impossible for him to recall them clearly.    


"Alas, if I had mastered the Way of Time a little more, I could have moved time to the moment when the thought came to me.    


When that time comes, I will naturally be able to understand what I was thinking at that time. "    


Chu Yan shook his head and his gaze fell on the jade talisman in his hand once again.    


The person who was about to ask the door of hell to explain his past experience to him, however, something troubled Chu Yan.    


Chu Yan temporarily put away the jade talisman and removed the surrounding array as he met with Xiao Qin and Cao Jing.    


The two of them came together, and their expressions were grave.    


Seeing their expressions, Chu Yan knew that something had happened.    


Lin Miaoran and the others naturally knew Xiao Qin and Cao Jing's identities. Seeing that they had something to discuss with Chu Yan, they took the initiative to move a bit further away.    


"Do I need to use a formation?" Chu Yan asked the two of them to sit down beside him.    


In the end, Xiao Qin did not speak and instead used the voice transmission technique.    


His voice went directly into Chu Yan's ears without his mouth moving. His tone was also a bit nervous.    


"Junior Chu, did you see the number of disciples on the Immortal Ranking that are participating in the Grand Immortal Conference?"    


Xiao Qin asked for the number, not the specific name. Chu Yan's eyes suddenly narrowed.    


"One thousand two hundred." Chu Yan also passed on: "Shixiong Xiao, do you feel that this number is not right?"    


"Of course there's a problem." Xiao Qin's tone became even more anxious. "Junior Brother Chu, you should know that a lot of the disciples in Heaven's Edge Sect have joined the Purple Wei Sect, right?"    


Seeing Chu Yan nod his head, Xiao Qin continued, "Then Junior Chu, do you know that in the last year or so, the threshold to join the Purple Wei Sect has been lowered?"    


"Hmm?" Chu Yan immediately understood the problem and asked, "Among these 1200 people, how many disciples are there in the Purple Sun Martial School?"    


"800 something, nearing 900!" Xiao Qin said a shocking number.    


And his words had not stopped.    


With a deep gaze, Xiao Qin looked at Chu Yan and continued, "The real reason why I came here personally is not just because of this."    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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