Overriding the Heaven



Chu Yan looked like he was deep in thought as he tossed this simple and unadorned magic treasure that looked more like an oar in his hand.    


"Naturally, I can't go to all twenty of the Blessed Paradises opened by the Purple Wei Sect.    


That was impossible and unrealistic.    


I can only focus on the parts that I need to strengthen and obtain some heavenly and earthly treasures.    


Furthermore, during this period of time, fights were unavoidable.    


Mo Yu was beaten into that state by me last time, the Purple Wei Sect must also know that his opponent at that time was me.    


I just don't know if they have any plans to deal with me. "    


Chu Yan thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't think so, because it has been more than half a month since Tang Lianxing saw me.    


If they were to target him, they should have started a long time ago.    


It's impossible that Tang Lianxing didn't know that I had already met Mo Yu.    


After he returned, the island remained as it was before.    


Hearing Senior Martial Sister Zhuang's tone today, the entire sect didn't seem to have anything out of the ordinary.    


However, the more it was like this, the more strange it was.    


Mo Yu remained silent. What kind of status does he have in the Purple Sun Martial School? What is Emperor Taiqing's motive for pushing him to the Heavenly King of the North? "    


Chu Yan closed his eyes and threw the eight Elemental Rulers in his hands. This time, he didn't toss them back into the air.    


In Chu Yan's mind, a meridian that was like a branch of a big tree began to spread.    


Every branch moving to the side represented a possibility.    


As for the main force of thinking, it was Emperor Taiqing's return.    


Mo Yu's appearance and position were naturally to complement Emperor Taiqing's return in a few years.    


As long as this general direction was not wrong, then there must be one of these countless speculations, and that was Emperor Taiqing's true idea.    


Thinking of this, five days and five nights had passed.    


It was all thanks to Chu Yan's strong brain and powerful physique that supported him.    


Otherwise, it might even affect his Dao-heart.    


While he was thinking, because he unconsciously absorbed the surrounding Spiritual Qi, the peach blossoms in the peach forest were blown down by the air current, and at this moment, the ground was covered with flowers.    


Chu Yan sat cross-legged on the ground, as if he was sitting in a sea of peach blossoms.    


After five days of thinking, Chu Yan finally managed to come up with a few ideas.    


What he could do now to deal with the problems that might arise from these thoughts, aside from a few small plans and plans, was of course to increase his strength and cultivation level. Of course, that was his top priority.    


This was also the first problem that Chu Yan and Mo Yu realized after their battle: the Purple Wei Sect did not lack geniuses, and they also did not lack all kinds of heaven and earth treasures.    


"As long as Emperor Taiqing is willing, he can create countless experts at any time.    


And this was a thorough scheme.    


There was no point in trying to turn the tables and be smart in such a situation.    


The best and safest way to improve oneself was naturally to improve oneself.    


All the way to the level of the experts he had created, the only difference was how many there were.    


For example, in the secular world, even if you have an army of a million people, as long as we have a Pulse Condensation Realm, we can make your army not dare to act rashly.    


And if we had a celestial mood stage, a million strong army would just be a million ants.    


Even an army of ten million can only bow in front of me. "    


After Chu Yan had made up his mind, his mood became much calmer.    


Now that he had a direction, all he needed to do was to walk step by step in that direction.    


He did not have to worry that what he had done was useless work, and he did not have to worry that his hard work would be a waste of time. This was extremely important.    


Thinking of this, Chu Yan curled his fingers and clenched the Eight Elemental Ruler that he had taken out a few days ago.    


It formed a drop of blood that dripped onto the magical item.    


Moments later, a number appeared on each of the eight elemental ruler.    


The last time he examined the attributes in his body was after killing the Myriad Consciousness Berserk Dragon.    


Taking a look at the scale, and comparing it with the number in his memory, Chu Yan understood his current situation.    


Water attribute 18 points, two more than the previous 16 points.    


The earth attribute was 11 points, a bit more than the previous 10 points.    


The Qi attribute was 15 points, which was slightly more than the previous 14 points.    


The light attribute was 12 points, three more than the previous nine.    


He had 19 points for the thunder attribute, four more than the previous 15 points.    


The metal element was 14 points, a bit more than the previous 13 points.    


The Wood Attribute was 10 points, which was 1 point more than the previous 9 points.    


The last fire attribute not only increased, but it also increased by the largest amount. It reached 39 points, which was a total of 18 points more than the previous 21 points, almost double that!    


"This should be the result of absorbing the Kylin's Intrinsic Flames, as well as devouring a Flame Grass from the Southern Li Sword Sect."    


Chu Yan himself was very surprised at the amazing increase in the fire attribute.    


He pondered for a moment, then raised his thumb and forefinger, channeled his spirit energy, and flicked them forward. He softly said, "Tai Yi Flame Saber."    


Chu Yan was already very careful, but at the next moment, with a hum, a three story tall flaming blade suddenly extended. One end was inserted into the ground as it charged forward.    




The blade of light slashed across, leaving behind an extremely horrifying charred mark.    


Not only was the ground split open, the peach blossoms on both sides were also burnt to ashes in an instant.    


The originally beautiful scenery was now violently ruined.    


"There really is a huge improvement." Prince Chu squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.    


Overall, all the elemental attributes in his body had been upgraded.    


Even though it only increased a little, in reality, even just a little was extremely rare for cultivators.    


This was because any cultivator was born with a fixed elemental attribute. They did not need to rely on their cultivation realm to increase their attributes.    


The only method was to rely on various heavenly materials to replenish his body.    


This was also the reason why cultivators chose cultivation techniques based on their element attributes.    


With a wood attribute physique and cultivation of wood attribute cultivation techniques, naturally he would be able to achieve twice the results with half the effort.    


If you let a wood attribute physique cultivate metal attribute cultivation techniques and abilities, it wasn't that you couldn't succeed, but along the way, you would stumble and suffer. The final result would be far from being comparable to others.    


And the most valuable thing about Chu Yan was not only that he had all eight elements in his body, every single one of them had the potential to reach the Genius level.    


More importantly, today, using the Eight Elemental Rulers to confirm his elemental affinity, he had actually broken the rule of not being able to rely on innate cultivation to increase his elemental affinity.    


The eight elements in his body could be increased with his current cultivation level.    


In addition, there was a portion of it that was growing at an astonishing rate.    


Aside from the fact that he had already eaten a lot of the tail of the Scarlet Fire Scorpion, he had also relied on the Kylin Primordial Flame and the Flame Grass to leave the other elements far in the dust.    


"Alright, I'll choose it." Chu Yan immediately made up his mind.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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