Overriding the Heaven



The sea breeze blew and the waves surged.    


The sky and sea were the same, the sky and sky were blue as though they were washed.    


Chu Yan hovered in midair and watched the disciples of the Sun Moon Divine Sect leave.    


Chu Yan opened Wei Changge's handwritten letter in front of the two Sun Moon Divine Sect disciples.    


In the letter, Wei Changge once again expressed her gratitude to Chu Yan.    


It also showed that not only him, but his master was also extremely impressed with Chu Yan's noble and pure character.    


In addition, he would also ask his teacher, who was an elder in the Sun Moon Divine Sect who had enmity with the Black Flood Dragon Ancestor, to investigate.    


If there was any news, Chu Yan would be notified the moment he came out of seclusion.    


Wei Changge was at the end of the letter, and sincerely invited Chu Yan to visit the Sun Moon Divine Sect.    


It could be seen that Wei Changge was not as cold as he appeared to be. She was just a person who was cold on the outside but hot on the inside.    


As for him getting rid of the gifts that were sent by his junior brothers and junior sisters, it was naturally not good for Chu Yan to check them out in front of the other party.    


However, since the two disciples from the Sun Moon Divine Sect had already left, Chu Yan used his spiritual sense to scan the two storage rings.    


Spirit stones, heaven and earth treasures, as well as a jade slip that recorded cultivation methods.    


Mm, not bad.    


Even without the recorded technique on the jade slip, just the spirit stones and heaven and earth treasures alone, Chu Yan felt that he could praise Wei Changge for her kindness.    


As to how many spirit stones were there, what kind of treasures were there, and what cultivation techniques were recorded in the jade strips, Chu Yan would naturally open them after returning to the palace.    


Just as he turned around and was about to fly back to the island, a fish jumped out of the water beneath him.    


Although the Heaven's Edge Sect was in charge of a region, it did not mean that they would expel any living being within their territory other than the cultivators.    


On the contrary, it provided more protection for the fish, sea, and prawns in the territory of the sect.    


These fish and prawns, because they lived in this place where spirit energy gathered, were much fatter and more intelligent than the rest of their brethren in the sea.    


However, Chu Yan's gaze immediately locked onto the fish.    


The appearance of a fish didn't feel strange at all.    


A fish leapt out of the water just beneath his feet, unnoticed.    


But it was a carp.    


In the sea, the carp appeared.    


Moreover, it was only a few dozen feet away from the island's defensive array.    


That not only made people care, but it also made people's imagination run wild.    


Chu Yan's first reaction was to lift his hand to smash this fish into pieces.    


But immediately, a voice sounded in his ears.    


"We shall meet six thousand miles southwest of Heart Island."    


As soon as he finished speaking, the carp turned into a stream of water and fell back into the sea, disappearing without a trace.    


It appeared to have appeared like a carp in order to attract Chu Yan's attention.    


And this voice, belonged to Tang Lianxing.    


Chu Yan muttered to himself for a while, and in the end, still decided to take a look.    


However, in order to prevent it from being a conspiracy of the Purple Wei Sect, he let Ji Shi, who was hiding at the bottom of the sea, go first.    


When there was no problems from Ji Shi's side, Chu Yan flew over.    


Six thousand miles to the southwest, above the sea, this was actually a very vast area.    


However, Chu Yan told Ji Shi to scout around, so when he arrived, he set his sights on a few nearby islands.    


Within this region of the sea, there were three islands similar to Sui Xin Island. These were all prepared by the Heaven's Edge Sect for the disciples of the celestial mood stage.    


However, none of these islands had an owner yet.    


The island was lush and verdant, as if it were a primitive forest. It gave off an extremely savage and beautiful feeling.    


Just as Chu Yan arrived, another fish surfaced under his feet.    


This time, it was a very common sea fish.    


"The island in the middle."    


After saying that, the fish turned into a stream of water and merged into the sea.    


Chu Yan flew towards the island in the middle, and just as he landed on the island, he saw Tang Lianxing.    


She was looking at him from under a big tree not far away.    


"You came out just like that?" Chu Yan walked to a distance of about a hundred and thirty meters from the other party and asked, "Didn't you say that you were always being watched by the people from the Purple Wei Sect?"    


Before Chu Yan had landed on the island, he had already used his divine sense to scan the surrounding thousand kilometers.    


However, at this moment, he did not let down his guard.    


He and Tang Lianxing had indeed exchanged some secrets, but in terms of trusting each other, Chu Yan was still unable to do so.    


"In the sect, sometimes things are a bit more relaxed than outside." Tang Lianxing frowned as she looked at Chu Yan, "Why did you only appear this time? I've waited outside for you for a few days, and if I still can't see you in two or three more days, then half a year will probably pass the next time we meet."    


Chu Yan did not respond to his complaints, and directly asked: "Is there something important?"    


Tang Lianxing frowned, obviously not satisfied with Chu Yan's attitude.    


But after hesitating for a bit, she shook her head and decided not to bother about this matter with Chu Yan.    


She turned around and said, "Follow me."    


Chu Yan's consciousness had already swept across the island before, and he had confirmed that the few basic formations laid out by the Heaven's Edge Sect's elders were the only things on the island, so he now followed Tang Lianxing into the forest.    


Even so, his fingers were still resting on the Waves Void Bracelet, just in case.    


After walking for a while through the forest and arriving at a slightly flat place, Tang Lianxing stopped and said to Chu Yan: "You should set up the illusion array and the soundproofing array."    


Chu Yan's finger moved quickly, and after a few rays of Spirit Qi seeped into the air, he looked at Tang Lianxing. "Alright, what's the matter?"    


However, Tang Lianxing did not directly answer Chu Yan's question. Instead, she looked at Chu Yan's finger with an unexpected gaze. "So it turns out that you've already reached this level. It seems that my confidence in you has increased by quite a bit."    


Seeing that Chu Yan did not bother with his, she continued, "I have already heard about your relationship with the Lei Yun Sect, but you don't need to mind. I have already thought of a way to clear up your relationship with them.    


But did you know that Golden Dragon was killed? "    


"I'm not sure." Chu Yan shook his head.    


Tang Lianxing stared at Chu Yan intently, as if to judge if he was speaking the truth from her expression.    


But in the end, she shook her head, "Actually, his death is a good thing. However, this matter has already passed and no one will pursue it, so you don't have to worry about it anymore.    


I called you here today because I have another very important matter to tell you.    


Emperor Taiqing has already decided on the candidate to be the new Northern Heaven King. "    


"Hmm?" Chu Yan blinked his eyes, then asked: "What does that have to do with me? He can't possibly choose me. "    


"Of course it's not you. However, I have never heard of this person before. This time, it's as if he appeared out of thin air. Do you feel that it's inconceivable?" Tang Lianxing said.    


"You don't know either?" Chu Yan muttered to himself, "Actually, it is not strange for him to be investigating further. After all, how could he possibly tell you everything he does?"    


"Not only that." Tang Lianxing continued: "Amongst the four great heavenly kings of the Violet Myrtle Sect, this newly established Northern Heaven King only has a cultivation level of ? second level of celestial mood stage."    


? ? The content is from [Mick Read]    


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