Overriding the Heaven



At this moment, Chu Yan could feel the thick essence of life and pure spiritual energy from his arms and palms.    


"Sure enough, your Violet Palace Stage is extraordinary."    


Chu Yan opened his eyes and sighed.    


Although his current accumulation of blood and spirit energy was far more vigorous than those of the same level, in terms of purity, it was still inferior to that of his arm and palm.    


This difference was like mixing copper with gold, and gold without any impurities.    


Gold mixed with copper, no matter how heavy it was, was definitely worth more than pure gold when it was the same size.    


"Tianxin... After that... Every level … Large realm … Du … will get. Heaven and Earth … Spiritual energy... "Perfusion..."    


As if sensing the change in Chu Yan's state of mind, the person behind the Gates of Hell explained.    


Chu Yan pondered for a moment and revealed a smile. "Don't worry, I'm not affected. I'm just sighing."    


After saying that, Chu Yan changed the topic and continued: "According to what you said, there must be other realms beyond the celestial mood stage.    


The Heaven's Edge Sect possessed the true fairyland, so it was a foregone conclusion.    


But I feel that whether it is true fairyland or Precious Appearance Kingdom, they are only a small part of the continent. "    


Chu Yan had such a feeling. On one hand, after advancing to the celestial mood stage, reading the《 Crossing Worlds》 and《 Immortal Road》 given by the Heaven's Edge Sect had greatly increased his knowledge and experience.    


On the other hand, during this period of time, he had frequently used the Overlapping Waves Void Bracelet, which could easily travel tens of thousands of miles.    


After travelling for hundreds of thousands of miles, Chu Yan felt the vastness of the world more and more.    


He was just like a tiny speck of dust, an ant.    


That was why he felt that what he saw was like a frog at the bottom of a well. What he saw and heard was absolutely not everything he had seen on the path of immortality and the world.    


"Indeed... "If that's the case..."    


A moment later, Chu Yan received a positive answer from the door of hell.    


"How exactly?" Chu Yan's eyes immediately lit up.    


"Since... You asked. Then I... Just … A little. Explain... Part of it... You. "Listen well..."    


At that moment, the person behind the Gates of Hell used his stuttering tone to expand Chu Yan's vision.    


In Chu Yan's heart, it was like ringing the bell. All kinds of shock shook his heart.    


Listening to the other party's narration, he was also mumbling to himself in his heart, repeating the same words over and over.    


"The realms of the Immortal Path are divided into three parts: odd numbers.    


Genuine Force, Pulse Condensation, and Earth Essence were all at the first level.    


Heartlord Solewind, Zifu, and True Immortals were all at the first level.    


This was the limit of the realm Chu Yan knew about, and it was also the highest realm the Precious Appearance Kingdom and Heaven's Edge Sect possessed.    


"Above the true fairyland, there are higher levels!    


In fact, true fairyland was just the threshold to step into the Immortal Realm.    


Just like how Pulse Condensation were to the path of immortality.    


Above the True Immortal level, the Jade Immortal, the Nirvana stage, and the Chief Sovereign rank one. "    


"Above the true fairyland, there's also the Jade Immortal Realm, the Nirvana Realm, and the Chief Sovereign Realm!" This sentence, Chu Yan kept repeating in his heart as if he had seen the gateway to a new world.    


"For example, the Pulse Condensation can absorb spiritual energy, the earth essence can unleash a divine art, the heart can control divine abilities, the Zifu can tear through the void, and True Immortals can condense aurous cores.    


Jade Immortal, Nirvana, and Hegemon; each of these major realms not only gained the approval of the heaven and earth, but also gained more and more power and power.    


If one wanted to step onto the immortal path, the Pulse Condensation was sufficient.    


To get rid of an ant, Tianxin was enough.    


If you want to snoop about on immortality, a True Immortal is the starting point! "    


The last two lines were enough to start from, and it shocked Chu Yan deeply.    


But just like before, this seemingly unreachable realm did not affect Chu Yan's dao heart in the slightest. It did not cause him to feel defeated or helpless.    


On the contrary, waves of excitement and anticipation appeared in Chu Yan's eyes.    


His breathing couldn't help but become rapid and his chest heaved.    


"Although I don't know how high the Return to the Ruins Tower is, but so far, I have seen at least the twenty-first floor!" Chu Yan muttered.    


The twenty-first floor was a tower that could only be opened after one had reached the third level of true fairyland.    


"Since mother left this Return to the Ruins Tower to me, to be able to obtain at least the twenty-first floor, it means that mother is a cultivator, and her realm would definitely not be lower than true fairyland!" Chu Yan speculated boldly.    


As such, the anticipation and confusion in his heart became even more intense.    


If his mother was a cultivator, she would be a peerless expert that he could only look up to.    


But if that was the case, why did his mother end up like a mere state who didn't even have a Pulse Condensation realm?    


"I must ask this question when the time comes." Chu Yan took a deep breath to calm himself down.    


Right now, his dao heart was unbelievably stable.    


Although the narration from the man behind the door of hell had caused his heart to surge, he was able to calm down. His heart was as calm as still water, as undisturbed as an ancient well.    


This also made the Hell's Gate disciple click his tongue in amazement.    


"If that's the case... Will of Mind... There really was … That day … But... No need … Worry... "The demonheart tribulation …"    


"What demonheart tribulation?" Chu Yan asked in confusion.    


"At that time... I naturally. Can you say... Now. You don't have to. Consider... This...    


First … This Zifu … Refine … "Alright..." The one from the Gates of Hell said lightly.    


Since the other party said so, Chu Yan didn't pursue the matter any further. However, he still remembered the word "demonheart tribulation" in his heart.    


His gaze returned to the arm and palm in front of him. Chu Yan breathed in and out the spiritual qi in his mouth as a ball of fire appeared in his palm.    


These flames were not ordinary mortal flames. They were the flames that Chu Yan had refined at the cost of burning his life force.    


To put it simply, it was similar to the "fire" in the "Three Fires of Man" that mortals spoke of.    


However, even if an ordinary cultivator were to be refined, it would be impossible for such a bright flame to appear. At the very most, it would appear as an extremely faint shadow, which was quite impressive.    


On the other hand, what Chu Yan condensed out from his palm was a real flame. Not only did it illuminate the surroundings, it even made sounds and gave off a feeling of vitality.    


"Start... "Alright..."    


"Yes." Chu Yan responded with a smack of his palm.    


The flame of life force suddenly whizzed out from his palm and wrapped around his arm and palm.    


In an instant, the arm and the palm started spinning from top to bottom, surrounded by the flames.    


As for the jade-like skin, it gradually melted like ice as the flames roasted it, turning into a wave of clear air that floated out.    


This fresh air was the source of life and the pure spiritual energy that Chu Yan needed.    


If he had a special ability to condense this clear air, then any random wisp of it would be a top grade spirit stone!    


After three days, the stone room was completely filled with the fresh air.    


Chu Yan sat cross-legged, as though he was soaking in it, continuously breathing in and out, while continuing to refine the Violet Palace Stage's palms and arms.    


Time passed in a flash. Soon, twenty days had passed.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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