Overriding the Heaven



Shadow Shattering Sword of Radiance, that was the skill that Xiao Taijin had mastered among Ji Fengtang's four disciples.    


This technique of Xiao Taijin came from Ji Fengtang.    


Since Chu Yan had seen all of Ji Fengtang's memories, he had naturally also mastered this very weak art.    


This time, under the gaze of everyone, he performed a very discerning technique, and at the same time, added with the panicked expressions of the two celestial mood stage s.    


In an instant, the entanglement within it caused one to let their imagination run wild.    


This was also the effect that Chu Yan wanted to achieve.    


When the two of them started fighting, Chu Yan launched a palm attack from the sky.    




The cloth shop's structure completely collapsed, and the ground also deeply caved in.    


After a series of explosions, a deep crater appeared on the ground.    


At this time, before the mortals and cultivators in the distance could react, multicolored jewels appeared from the crater.    


Chu Yan grabbed at the air and all of a sudden, countless treasures entered his storage treasure like a large river.    


After doing all of this, Chu Yan quickly folded the void. Within an instant, he had hidden his skills and reputation hundreds of miles away from Silver City.    


As for Silver City, it was only after a long period of time had passed that some cultivators finally mustered up the courage to approach the huge pit and take a closer look.    


After all, the previous burst of precious light had dazzled everyone's eyes and made them unable to control themselves.    


At this time, if they were able to find a loophole, they would feel as if they had made a huge profit.    


Unfortunately, the enormous crater was now completely empty.    


Not to mention the fact that there were no treasures left behind, even the materials that had been used to set up the formation had all been taken away.    


After cleaning up the treasury in Silver City, Chu Yan went to the next location without stopping.    


Actually, from the perspective of the celestial mood stage Cultivators, Ji Fengtang's treasure vaults were not too far apart.    


But of course, from the perspective of mortals or low-level cultivators, the path was still far away.    


Using the Overlapping Waves Void Bracelet to fold the void, Chu Yan advanced quickly.    


Handsome grabbed Chu Yan's shoulder and chattered nonstop. He complained that Chu Yan was too rough in Silver City and didn't even give him a chance to show off.    


Although it was a chance to show off, Chu Yan could tell from the handsome look on his face that this guy was greedy.    


He chuckled, but did not speak. He continued onward.    


Handsome became even more infuriated as he continued blabbering on.    


At this time, Chu Yan had already traveled over 6000 miles.    


Taking a step out of the folded space, in front of Chu Yan, there was a lush and verdant mountain range.    


All the mountains looked the same. There was nothing out of the ordinary about them.    


However, Chu Yan looked at the sun and chanted a few chants. Then, he headed towards one of the mountain peaks.    


"Chu Yan, are you listening to me at all?    


You say, as a brother, shouldn't you let me have a full meal?    


Up until now, I haven't eaten in almost four hours …. "Hmm?"    


Handsome was still complaining to himself, not paying attention to the changes in his surroundings.    


However, at this moment, it suddenly became alert.    


He raised the corner of his eyes and saw a bunch of white lights shooting towards him.    


The mouth that was originally open suddenly snapped shut.    




A small silver sword the size of a palm was caught by its teeth.    


On the small sword, his spiritual consciousness was still trembling.    


It was clear that the cultivator controlling the small sword was trying to pull it out.    


The moment Chu Yan's small sword shot over, his consciousness had already caught the direction of the assailant -- It was right above the side peak he was about to go to.    


But Handsome didn't notice.    


It held the little sword in its mouth, at first it was startled, but soon after, it became furious: "Who is it! How dare you interrupt me? Are you tired of living? Hm? "He still dares to resist?"    


The young lord stared with wide eyes and exerted force with his upper and lower jaw. Kacha! The small sword was bitten off from the middle and swallowed. Kacha! It was like chewing a biscuit, and in a short while, it was chewed into pieces.    


At the same time, he could feel that the Spiritual Sense that was originally attached to the small sword had been swallowed by Handsome with a groan.    


Seeing this scene, Chu Yan couldn't help but feel sympathy for the sword's owner.    


His divine sense had been damaged.    


Anyone who had been hurt by His Highness' spiritual sense would be aware of the pain.    


At this moment, there was a faint moan of pain coming from the top of the mountain.    


It was clear that the cultivator's divine sense had been damaged, and the momentary pain made it impossible for him to remain in a concealed state.    


"Ha!" How dare you provoke me! Do you really think that I can't find you!? " Handsome had followed Chu Yan for a long time. Not only did Chu Yan speak with a learned tone, he even added his own innovations.    


At this moment, its nose moved forward, and after sniffing around, its eyes blazed with fire. Its four little hooves stomped on the ground, and it immediately pounced towards a spot on the mountain peak. "Little thief!" Give me your life! "    


When the tiny figure was still more than a hundred meters away from the mountain peak, it suddenly enlarged and in an instant, it became a gigantic white pig that was more than ten meters long. It was even heavier than steel by a hundred times and with a boom, it smashed onto the mountain peak.    


Instantly, the mountains shook and the earth quaked.    


The mountain peak directly split open horizontally, then slanted, broke, and fell down.    


Amidst the dust and rubble, a figure staggered out, covering his mouth as he ran. When he coughed, blood could be seen seeping out from between his fingers.    


At this moment, Chu Yan could clearly see that this cultivator, who was not tall, but gave off a sense of vitality, only had two big words in his eyes: shock! Shock!    


Just a guess was enough to understand the situation.    


From the start, this guy did not even put Chu Yan in his eyes, much less his handsome appearance.    


Therefore, even if he was chewed into pieces by Handsome, he was still full of the mentality of being lucky and felt that he would not be discovered by the other party.    


When Handsome revealed his true form, this stroke of luck was completely destroyed.    


Chu Yan even had reason to believe that if this cultivator was given another chance, he would never be able to cross a hundred miles of the mountain, let alone ambush Chu Yan here.    


But there is no such thing as' if 'in the world.    


Once it happened, it happened.    


Handsome twisted and turned on the collapsed mountain peak. His eyes stared at the small cultivator who dared to challenge him with a cough.    


Its body pounced forward.    


It was obviously very huge and huge, but at this moment, it was showing an agility that completely defied common sense.    


In the blink of an eye, Handsome chased after the staggering cultivator and bit down on his head.    


He felt that something was wrong behind him. The moment he turned around, he felt his vision turn black, as if he had gone from day to night in an instant.    


Then, he didn't know anything.    


"Keep the storage bag." Seeing that Handsome was able to eat the cultivator's upper body with a single bite, Chu Yan reminded him at the same time he released the candy.    


"Got it." "Eat well!" Handsome grinned from ear to ear and answered vaguely. He waved his hoof, which was as thick as a tree stump, and threw a small storage bag towards Chu Yan. Then, he raised his head and swallowed the other party's waist and legs.    


Chu Yan took the storage bag and opened it.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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