Overriding the Heaven



Chu Yan lightly patted TangTang's head, indicating for her to speed up, at the same time he looked over.    


Chu Yan immediately saw that the person who used the sacred art was a female cultivator.    


The blue cassock on this female cultivator's body had already been dyed with fresh blood.    


Although most of the blood did not come from her, it was clear that the female cultivator was also severely injured.    


Her hair was slightly disheveled, her face was pale, her lips had lost their color, and her breathing was extremely unstable.    


That ability just now was also the end of the line.    


After using this technique, although the ground had been cleared to form a white plain, more and more Sea Demons quickly rushed up to fill the gap.    


Seeing this, the female cultivator gritted her teeth, as if she was going to use her sacred art again.    


However, not to mention raising her sword once more, her body had fallen more than a hundred feet before she was able to stabilize herself once more.    


In the next moment, a ray of black light rose into the air several kilometers away from her.    


Inside the black light, there was a cultivator wearing black armor.    


Chu Yan noticed that this black armored cultivator was filled with dense demonic aura, he was obviously a Grand Monster of Manifestation.    


Compared to the female cultivator, who was on the verge of collapse, this black armored cultivator didn't even have a scratch on his armor, let alone a wound on his body.    


Seeing her opponent fly into the air, a hint of despair appeared on the female cultivator's face.    


She also knew that with her current condition, it was impossible for her to be a match for the enemy in front of her.    


However, when she saw the island engulfed in a sea of fire and blood, a strong sense of unwillingness surfaced in her eyes.    


With the help of the confrontation between the two sides, Chu Yan rode on TangTang and had already approached the island.    


The only thing left was that enormous wooden warship.    


These giant trees had only been cut apart before they were turned into battleships. There were still tree bark and branches on them, giving off a barbaric feeling.    


He spread out his divine sense and scanned the sky. In an instant, Chu Yan understood all that was happening on the island.    


Originally, Chu Yan thought it was just a battle of chicken pecking for each other, but he was surprised to discover that on this island, there were actually several celestial mood stage s.    


More accurately, it was three celestial mood stage Cultivators and three Grand Monster of Manifestation.    


However, out of the three celestial mood stage cultivators, one of them was with the three Grand Monster of Manifestation.    


The other two celestial mood stage Cultivators, one was a female cultivator who was heavily injured in mid air, and the other one was lying on the ground in a pile of ruins.    


As for the other four, other than the black armored Grand Monster of Manifestation in the air, the other three stood side by side on the island, watching the battle in the air.    


Chu Yan noticed that the three fellows on the ground were two Grand Monster of Manifestation who had one cultivator in between them.    


It seemed like they were on the same side, but the two Grand Monster of Manifestation were actually at a different angle, protecting the cultivator at the first level of the celestial mood stage in the middle.    


This discovery made Chu Yan pay more attention to the young monk in the middle who was dressed in cyan cassock.    


"He looks average, but his eyes are fierce. I can't wait to write the words' arrogant and despotic 'on his face." Chu Yan instantly made a judgment, "There are also two Grand Monster of Manifestation who are stronger than you to protect, so it seems that their status will not be low."    


With a thought, Chu Yan had a plan.    


From the very beginning, he had never planned to search the vast western sea like a headless fly.    


It was true that the Western Sea Demonic Cultivator and the Sea Demons had colluded this time, but Chu Yan's main goal was to kill the Western Sea Dao Ancestor, assassinate the Immortal Monarch or the Demonic Cultivator's Skeleton King and the Enlightenment Sea Saint.    


To find four Heavenly Heart Realm Siren and Demonic Cultivator in such a large area was even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.    


Therefore, Chu Yan's plan was to capture some surviving Sea Demons or Demonic Cultivator s and find out where the four of them were through interrogation or a direct soul search.    


Even if they didn't know the exact location, they could still find out a rough idea of where they were going or their base of operations.    


In this plan, the higher the status of the Sea Demons and Demonic Cultivator caught, the more advantageous it would be for Chu Yan.    


On the way here, Chu Yan was still thinking about how to catch some Siren or Demonic Cultivator with a high level and status.    


The result was that it was fine now. Just as he was dozing off, someone brought a pillow over.    


The young celestial mood stage cultivator on the island had all the obvious negative characteristics of the celestial second generations.    


"Good luck." Chu Yan thought.    


After a few jumps, Chu Yan was less than twenty miles away from the black-armored demon.    


Actually, when Chu Yan was still very far away, that seriously injured female cultivator had already discovered her.    


However, the female cultivator did not think that Chu Yan would come.    


After all, Chu Yan looked like he was riding a demon beast.    


And on the island, there were a total of four Heavenly Heart Demonic Cultivator s.    


Normal cultivators would not come throw their lives away in such a situation.    


So when Chu Yan rode over on TangTang, the female cultivator had a sudden thought and subconsciously thought that Chu Yan was in cahoots with the Demonic Cultivator and demon beasts on the ground.    


"Even if I die, I will not let you live!"    


The female cultivator looked at Chu Yan, who was getting closer and closer. She gritted her teeth as a look of determination appeared in her eyes.    


Throwing away the long sword, he quickly formed a seal with his hands. The female cultivator's body started to emit a bright light, and waves of spiritual energy started to surge from her surroundings.    


The expression of the young cultivator on the ground suddenly changed, "Sky Heart Self-Detonation!"    


Seeing this scene, the eyes of the three Grand Monster of Manifestation suddenly contracted.    


celestial mood stage detonated its own body, the caster was destroyed, never to reincarnate.    


To pay such a terrible price, the amount of injuries and injuries would also be extremely terrifying.    


For a first stage celestial mood stage cultivator to self-destruct his heart, even if it was at the third stage of the celestial mood stage, he still had to be careful, otherwise, he would definitely suffer.    


As such, at this moment, the black-armored demon turned around and was about to retreat.    


The two Grand Monster of Manifestation s on the ground caught the young monk from the left and right and prepared to quickly fly away as well.    


At this moment, the spirit tide surrounding the female cultivator had reached its peak.    


The pure white light was like the blazing sun, causing the air to begin to melt and collapse, and rumbling sounds could be heard.    


Seeing that the other party had retreated, it was highly likely that he had reached the safe zone the moment he detonated his own fist. There was no way for him to catch up now.    


With this thought, the female cultivator's eyes were filled with hatred and unwillingness.    


She raised her head and stared fixedly at the distant black-armored demon.    


At this moment, she saw the "Demonic Cultivator", who was riding a White Tiger, suddenly stand up.    


In the next moment, a flaming blade beam was sent out from his palm, tearing through the void. With a crackling sound, it cut the black-armored demon in half from the center.    


A Manifestation stage greater demon was killed just like that before he even had time to react.    


What followed next was something even more inconceivable for the female cultivator.    


A big white fat pig appeared out of nowhere and suddenly appeared in the air. It opened its mouth and swallowed the black-armored demon's corpse, then threw it straight at the young male cultivator and the other two Grand Monster of Manifestation s on the ground.    


Before this, the female cultivator had never imagined that a white pig falling from the sky would actually give people a terrifying might like a meteorite falling from the sky.    


He also didn't expect that this unimaginably fat white pig would actually stop the three fellows on the ground even before it landed.    


Swish swish!    


Two rays of sharp light shot out from the two Grand Monster of Manifestation's hands.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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