Overriding the Heaven



Tribal ruins    


With a "pa da" sound, a fist-sized, pitch-black rock was sucked into Chu Yan's palm.    


The rock looked unremarkable.    


It was no different from how it was in the past when it could be seen everywhere.    


However, at this moment, Chu Yan exerted a little strength in his palm.    


A scorching heat burned the rock until it was almost transparent.    


In the next moment, Chu Yan's palm became as cold as ice and snow.    


The stone immediately began to cool down.    


If it were a normal rock, it would have shattered long ago.    


But this rock did not.    


After it cooled down, its surface was no longer black, but a color similar to brass.    


"Hibiscus Evil Repellent Sand..." Chu Yan muttered.    


This piece of rock was the common ore used for setting up the formation, the Raw Stone of the Evil Splitting Hibiscus Sand.    


After grinding it into powder and mixing it with other materials, he poured it into the inscription liquid. It could also be used to inscribe inscriptions.    


Chu Yan flicked his finger and put the ore into his storage ring. Then, he looked towards the direction he came from.    


Along the way, he had discovered more than ten kinds of ores.    


And they were rich.    


Some of them were rare on the surface, and would usually sell for a high price.    


"It would seem that, when compared to the surface, the inside of this crevice is only a treasury." Chu Yan thought.    


The appearance of ores had a lot to do with the environment.    


Since ores were found here, it was impossible for them to be just a few pieces.    


In a deeper place, there must be a vein.    


For example, some of the rarer ores could be bought with hundreds of Spirit Stones.    


Once a mine was discovered …    


Imagine, how many spirit stones could a mine that stretched several li or so sell for, in exchange for many other cultivation resources?    


"Looks like I can discuss this with Kong Xian after I return."    


There were many things about ores here that he should not know about.    


Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to have such a treasure trove, forced to this state by those dynasties. "    


Chu Yan thought about it and felt that it was normal for Kong Xian to not understand this.    


After all, before this, generations upon generations of Kong Family had only thought of exterminating the Demon Dwellers and never stepped into this crevice.    


And when Kong Xian led his troops in, he was also in a hurry.    


Furthermore, with his cultivation level back then, as well as his subordinates' cultivation level, he wouldn't have been able to search around here without restraint.    


"Looks like this trip was the right one."    


His original plan was to make use of the environment here to temper his mind and find an opportunity to break through.    


There are still surprises. "    


With this thought, Chu Yan continued to fly deeper.    


The surrounding darkness became increasingly thicker.    


The darkness at this moment was not only caused by the absence of light.    


It was as if there was something in the sky that turned this place dark.    


Under these circumstances, even if you ignited a torch now, it would not be able to illuminate the surroundings in the slightest.    


Only at this point would he truly become blind.    


However, the darkness at this moment still had a limited effect on Chu Yan.    


And even if his vision was affected, he would still have a powerful spiritual sense.    


Many times, divine sense was even more useful than vision.    


After flying forward for a while, Chu Yan arrived at the place where Kong Xian stopped.    


That was because he had found the mark left behind by Kong Xian.    


"The information provided by Kong Xian will serve as a reference for the road ahead.    


After that, it was a completely new path.    


I hope it doesn't disappoint me.    


With my current realm, if I want to break through, it's far from enough. "    


Chu Yan took a deep breath of the cold air and flew deeper.    


If they continued to fly forward, Chu Yan felt that the space around them became narrower again.    


The distance between the top and bottom was getting closer.    


But soon, everything became clear again.    


This change made him feel as if he was flying through a giant's body.    


The fissure that ran through the north and south was the mouth of a giant.    


What he had passed before was the mouth of a giant.    


The space was shrinking. That was the throat of the giant.    


Now that he had passed through the giant's throat and arrived at his chest area, he was even more spacious.    


Along the way, Chu Yan didn't discover much other than that the atmosphere became more and more oppressive and the oppression of his mind became more and more intense.    


Just when Chu Yan thought that nothing would happen in the near future, he suddenly saw rows upon rows of buildings in front of him.    


Although these buildings were dilapidated and appeared to be very simple and crude like the residences of barbarians, they were very well-arranged and had a very large scale.    


Chu Yan flew higher and looked down. His gaze suddenly froze.    


Judging from the size of the tribe, if it was filled with people in the past, it would probably be no less than two or three hundred thousand.    


If placed on the ground, it could be considered the size of a small town.    


And naturally, there was only one possibility for the "humans" living in this underground crevice, and that was the Demon Dwellers.    


"Did I find a tribe that the Demon Dwellers used to live in?" Chu Yan thought.    


He remembered that Kong Xian had mentioned this to him before.    


Kong Xian's army had suffered a crushing defeat to the Demon Dwellers. He had captured the leader of the Demon Dwellers and attacked back to this underground crevice.    


However, they had never attacked or even found the nest of the Demon Dwellers.    


This was also one of Kong Xian's worries.    


Since he didn't destroy the nest of the Demon Dwellers, he always felt that the other party still had a chance to make a comeback.    


With this thought, Chu Yan flew towards the tribe.    


The distance was not far. After a while, Chu Yan arrived in the sky above this short and dilapidated building complex.    


After looking down for a moment, Chu Yan was sure that no one had lived in this building complex for a long time.    


The original construction was similar to tents and tents.    


There were many of them now. They were all in tatters and had collapsed.    


Furthermore, the environment here was so quiet that people could hear their own heartbeat and breathing. If there really was an underground demon dweller active here, it would have long caused a commotion.    


However, due to curiosity, Chu Yan still descended and came to the tribe.    


Kong Xian had introduced the demon dwellers as tall and sturdy. Even though they were called "demon dwellers", the truth was that the demon dwellers were a completely different species from humans.    


In comparison, the Demon Dwellers were like half-beasts and half-stones.    


A normal demon dweller was as tall as a floor in the real world. He had a cruel personality and great strength.    


The Demon Dwellers often fought with each other and tore the defeated party into pieces, let alone coming to the surface to kill ordinary citizens.    


To them, the flesh of the people living on the ground was delicious. It was simply the best delicacy.    


At this moment, when Chu Yan recalled Kong Xian's description, his feet had already landed on the ground.    


It was just as how Immortal Kong described it to be.    


Although the shacks in the surroundings looked ordinary from the air, when one got closer, they would notice that every single one of the shacks was taller than he was standing on.    


Between the shanty houses, it was either congested or scattered, and there seemed to be no pattern to it.    


The ground was littered with broken stones.    


In addition, there was a huge stone pot not far from Chu Yan.    


In the stone pot, there seemed to be more things.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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