Overriding the Heaven



The Fury of the Monsters    


The appearance of the six-man team gave Chu Yan a new idea based on his violent thinking.    


After muttering to himself for a moment, he flipped his wrist and took out the Lifeless Ghost Face that the Bai Clan Patriarch had bestowed to him.    


Chu Yan smirked as he covered his face with the Lifeless Ghost Face.    


In an instant, his face became blurry.    


After a moment, when Chu Yan's facial features became clear again, he had become a completely different person: the marsh sparrow of the group of six.    


The reason why he chose the marsh sparrow was because its nose was too big.    


This physiological characteristic could be said to be extremely memorable.    


Just imagine, a person's nose is like a clenched fist pressed against his mouth. No matter who sees it, they will still remember it vividly.    


After his appearance had changed, Chu Yan's realm started to drop as well. From the perfect third level of Earth Origin Stage, it quickly fell to the first level of Earth Origin Stage.    


Looking at the two of them being as different as they were in the water, and then looking at his flawless state, Chu Yan could not help but let out a laugh, "Zeng Bi still said that this spell is useless, but now it's useful, isn't it?    


Their appearances and realms are completely different, so how could those demon beasts' brains possibly think that it was me? "    


After getting ready, Chu Yan used Clear Vision's Eye to check again. After confirming the group's current location, he immediately changed directions and dashed towards another direction.    


… ….    


In the dense forest, a wolf-headed demon had a murderous look in his eyes as he looked around wildly.    


He still had six or seven subordinates beside him.    


This greater demon was already in the transformation phase, but because he felt that wolves were more powerful, even though his body had already transformed into a human form, his head was still a wolf's head.    


He was nine feet tall, with thick arms and wide arms. His eyes were like lightning, and his face was full of malevolence. In fact, with this kind of appearance, coupled with the demonic beast's natural ferocious aura, the enemy would often be scared by his terrifying appearance.    


As for the subordinates of this demon wolf, they were a group of demon beasts with enlightened period. At the moment, they were still in beast form.    


"Master Ling, there are traces here." A bat roughly half the height of a human opened its mouth to speak to the Demonic Wolf.    


Following the direction the claws were pointing, the demon wolf's eyes suddenly became serious.    


Besides a few drops of blood, there were also a few fresh finger marks hidden by the tree roots.    


Although the blood had yet to congeal, the demonic beasts had already gained experience from chasing and killing that cultivator. For some reason, that cultivator's blood could stay fresh for a very long time, so they could not judge the time of that cultivator's appearance based on the traces of blood.    


However, at this moment, the finger marks imprinted on the moss looked extremely fresh.    


In the eyes of the demon wolf, a deep sense of joy was instantly revealed.    


"That fellow just left not long ago!" He immediately let out a loud roar as he mentally transmitted this message to the Mt. Lord level greater demon while pointing at the bat, "You fly higher and look around!"    


The bat immediately scurried into the air.    


However, before he could reach a height of three stories, a white light shot out from a nearby forest and pierced through the bat's chest in the blink of an eye.    


The bat let out a blood-curdling screech. Blood gushed out from the back of its chest as it plummeted down from the air.    


The Demonic Wolf and the other Demonic Beasts were immediately startled. They only saw a black shadow flash before their eyes and the bat had already fallen in front of them.    


The bat smashed a large hole in the ground and after struggling for a bit, it stopped moving.    


From its chest all the way to its back, a large hole had been penetrated.    


A layer of frost had formed around the wound. Not only that, the blood that had flowed out of it had also turned into sand and ice. As it slowly flowed out, it was emitting waves of cold air.    


Seeing this scene, the demonic beasts present all felt a chill run down their spines.    


At this moment, the dense forest, which had just shot out a white light, suddenly exploded. A figure shot out from within like a cannonball.    


The black shadow held a translucent spear in its hand.    


The moment the spear light changed, even the air seemed to freeze.    


In the blink of an eye, the frosty aura actually caused the water vapor in the surroundings to condense into clear icicles.    




Frost followed the shadows of the spears, and in the blink of an eye, all of the surrounding demonic beasts let out miserable screams as they were sent flying.    


It was as if a storm of frost had kicked up at the scene.    


The most miserable one was the bat's corpse. It was the first to be sucked in, and in an instant, it was torn into countless pieces. Blood dyed the ice and snow red.    


Sweeping away the six or seven enlightened period demon beasts in front of him, the figure that appeared held a long spear in his hand. With a torch-like gaze, he charged towards the Form Transformation Stage demon beast.    


With a thrust of the long spear, freezing air gushed down from the top of the demon wolf's head in an instant.    


The biting cold wind was like a knife as it swept out, leaving behind trails of sharp marks on the ground.    


The demon wolf gave a loud roar as it swung its spiked mace.    


Crack! Crack! Crack!    


In the blink of an eye, the ice wall was smashed into smithereens. Icy shards flew everywhere, sparkling and translucent.    


The cold wind and the mace clashed fiercely against each other, and dazzling sparks blossomed on the pure-white ground.    


Borrowing this momentum, the demon wolf leaped out of the cold wind, stared at the figure, and shouted in shock and anger: "It's that … That's not right! "Who are you!"    


Standing in front of him was an unfamiliar Cultivator with a long spear in his hand. He wore a strange expression on his face.    


However, the nose on this face was unforgettable. It was like a fist, bulging and large, glued between the eyes and mouth.    


The sudden turn of events stunned the demon wolves.    


He didn't expect that other than that cultivator, there was another cultivator.    


Moreover, he was certain that these two people were absolutely different.    


Their appearances were different, and their realms were also different.    


Just as the demon wolf was in a daze, all the other demon beasts, including the Myriad Consciousness Berserk Dragon, knew about the face with a big nose.    


In an instant, waves of shocked roars came from the Evil Barbarian Rain Forest: "What! "There are also other cultivators!"    


And demon beasts with intelligence beyond their peers, such as demon monkeys, immediately made an extremely accurate judgement: "This must be that cultivator's companion! His companions have come to save him! "    


In the next moment when this conclusion was made, Myriad Consciousness Berserk Dragon's order that was filled with anger was transmitted through his spiritual will to the hearts of all the demons under the Mountain Lord and his command, "Let's catch them all in one fell swoop! Other than the cultivator from before, kill everyone else, don't leave a single one alive! "    


The Myriad Consciousness Berserk Dragon's order was naturally accepted by the demon wolf.    


But now he was powerless.    


When he sensed the anger coming from the Barbarian Dragon Lord, the bone chilling spear swept out violently, creating a terrifying ice layer and sending the Wolf Fanged Mace flying out of his hands.    


The shaking force even ripped the flesh from the palm of his wolf claw, leaving it in a mess.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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