Overriding the Heaven





March 24.    


It had been three days since Chu Yan and the others left the Bai Clan in Tongzhou and headed for the Evil Barbarian Rain Forest.    


In the morning, gray clouds gathered in the sky.    


The sound of muffled thunder could be faintly heard from within.    


Although the air in the Boat City was a little cooler than usual, it still gave people a comfortable feeling in their body and mind.    


At the end of March, Tongzhou City finally welcomed the spring thunder and the first rain of spring.    


Not long after noon, fine raindrops fell along with the thunder.    


With every breath he took, his heart and lungs felt extremely comfortable.    


On this afternoon, six guests arrived at the Bai Clan in Boat City.    


The leader of the six was a tall, thin man. The most eye-catching part of him was his swarthy complexion.    


In this world, there were indeed people with darker skin than normal people.    


However, it was extremely rare to find someone like this, who seemed like a piece of charcoal.    


Under the guidance of the Bai Clan clansmen, the six of them met with the Bai Clan's Bai Ju and the Bai Clan's ancestor.    


In fact, Bai Clan males were scarce these days.    


Even if there were, most of them were still young children, and their cultivation realms were not high either.    


Thus, there were many matters that could be resolved with the appearance of a deacon in the other families.    


But in the Bai Clan, he had to do it himself for free.    


As for the Bai Family Patriarch, even if he had fallen into the Pulse Condensation realm, it was not something that everyone could see.    


The main reason why he had appeared so often these past two days was because the identity of the person who had arrived was not ordinary.    


For example, the six people who had come out of the rain today, not only were all at the Earth Origin Stage realm, their identities were also extraordinary.    


They were all disciples of sects from the upper countries.    


Maybe the Heaven's Edge Sect was unfamiliar to some cultivators, maybe even unheard-of.    


But he had never heard of the fault of not Heaven's Edge Sect.    


These cultivators he had never heard of were too low in level.    


In the history of the Bai Family, at the peak of their history, there were more than a dozen masters of celestial mood stage who had appeared at the same time.    


With such a prominent position, the Bai Clan naturally knew what kind of colossus the Heaven's Edge Sect was.    


For a disciple of the Heaven's Edge Sect to be present today, it was only natural for the highest ranking ancestor of the Bai Family to appear.    


The two sat down and chatted for a while.    


During this period, of the six disciples that came to Heaven's Edge Sect, only the leader, the dark-skinned disciple, spoke.    


The content of the conversation was not very important.    


However, just as he was about to leave, the dark skinned disciple took out a palm-sized box and slightly opened it.    


In that instant, a refreshing fragrance overflowed from the box.    


In the span of a breath, it caused one to feel relaxed and refreshed, as if their body had become much lighter at this moment.    


"This is …" Bai Jian's breathing immediately became hurried.    


Even though he hadn't seen this pill, just the medicinal strength that was gushing out was enough to make his heart beat faster.    


"Ancestor of the Bai family, this Boundless Longevity Pill was personally concocted by Emperor Taiqing of my Heaven's Edge Sect. Just this pill alone can extend one's life by sixty years." The dark skinned disciple said.    


A sixty-year cycle meant sixty years.    


Upon hearing this, Bai Jian's breathing became even more hurried. Even his face became flushed.    


He couldn't be blamed for losing his composure like this.    


As the head of the Bai Clan, he was very clear on the importance of the ancestor to the clan and was also clearer than anyone on the current condition of the ancestor.    


If he could obtain this Boundless Longevity Pill, the other treasures would be useless for the time being.    


With the ancestor holding power for another sixty years, the younger generation of the Bai Clan would have already grown by then.    


These sixty years, to the Bai Clan, was way too important.    


However, compared to Bai Jian, the Bai Clan's ancestor calmed down very quickly after the initial shock.    


This pill was indeed valuable, but it was definitely going to be very popular.    


"Are you here to enter the Evil Barbarian Rain?" The ancestor asked indifferently.    


Upon hearing these words, Bai Jian's breath caught in his throat, and his originally excited mood gradually calmed down.    


Naturally, the other party would not so easily give him such a precious gift.    


"Patriarch is still the most considerate one." Bai Jian thought to himself.    


"For the time being." The dark-skinned disciple faintly smiled and gave an ambiguous answer.    


As he spoke, he closed the box containing the Myriad Domain Pill and placed it on the tea table beside him.    


"When presents are used, there is naturally no reason to take them back, and Heaven's Edge Sect disciples never coerce or coerce them, because doing so would harm their own merits." The tanned disciple then said, "I heard that the Bai Clan has the most detailed map of the rainforest in Boat City. However, we did not come here for the map."    


"Then who are you?" Doubt appeared in the eyes of the Bai Clan's Ancestor.    


"Just asking for a piece of information isn't really that important." The dark skinned disciple laughed, "I just want to ask, have there been any people who want to enter the Evil Barbarian Rain Forest recently?"    


After he finished, the dark-skinned disciple cast a glance at Bai Jian.    


The Bai Clan ancestor pondered for a moment, then said, "There are many cultivators entering the Evil Barbarian Rain Forest every day, and just the cultivators from the local clans and sects in the Zhou City have plenty of people entering and exiting the Evil Barbarian Rain Forest every day. The question you're asking is a little too general."    


"That is — —" The dark-skinned disciple thought for a moment, then gave a simple and honest laugh. "A relatively special person."    


"Is there?" The ancestor of the Bai Clan looked towards Bai Jian, who was standing at the side.    


Bai Jian pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "I haven't heard anything about it lately, but a few days ago, there was a movement outside the city, and a celestial mood stage cultivator died in the same city, which is currently under heavy scrutiny by the City Lord's Mansion.    


"Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything else special."    


With that, the ancestor nodded and looked towards the dark skinned disciple, "Bai Qi is in charge of the current affairs of the Bai Clan. Since he has said no, then I guess not.    


However, it was also possible that his information was limited, so some matters were still unclear.    


If you want to know more about it, you can go to the City Lord's Mansion and inquire about it.    


For the disciples of the Heaven's Edge Sect to come, the City Lord's Mansion should have been welcoming them as well. "    


"Alright, then I know." The dark skinned disciple smiled and indicated the pill by his side, "I hope that the Bai Clan can have a good time again."    


"Thank you very much."    


With that, the dark-skinned disciple stood up to bid farewell, then led the five people behind him away.    


Bai Jian sent them out of the house.    


After walking a distance, the dark skinned disciple stopped. The faint smile on his face gradually disappeared.    


He raised his right hand and a person next to him immediately placed a completely black brush in his hand.    


When he turned around again, the other two people had already spread out the white paper in front of him.    


The tanned disciple muttered to himself for a moment before writing.    


He was not writing, but drawing.    


After a moment, a face, vivid and lifelike, appeared on the paper.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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