Overriding the Heaven



Terrifying pressure    


This area and this building should have been the forbidden area of the Xi Family.    


But since the Patriarch was already gone, what was there to worry about?    


The people outside were still anxiously waiting.    


But strangely, not a single person who rushed in came out.    


Time passed slowly.    


The number of clansmen waiting outside gradually increased.    


Everyone's expression became even uglier.    


Was there some kind of killing intent in this building?    


Conjecture and waiting were the hardest things to bear.    


After a while, the crowd suddenly parted like a tide.    


A man in his thirties, with a gloomy face, walked over.    


When they saw this male cultivator, all the members of the Xi Family were moved.    


Some of them even had red eyes.    


The reason was simple, this male cultivator called Xi Chen was the fourth celestial mood stage Master in the family.    


Now, it was the last celestial mood stage of the Xi Clan.    


As one of the top warriors of the Xi Family, he knew the purpose of this building.    


After walking over, he did not say a single word. Instead, he headed straight into the building.    


Seeing Xi Chen walk in, the people from the Xi Family looked at each other in dismay.    


In the end, they mustered their courage and followed him inside like a swarm of bees.    


He had originally thought that there was some sort of killing move in this building.    


However, after entering, these Xi Family members did not discover any danger.    


Furthermore, all the Xi Family clansmen, including Xi Chen, were fine at this moment.    


However, the people who had entered earlier were now standing in front of them in a daze.    


From their backs, they could even feel the despair in their hearts.    


As for the people from the Xi Family who followed them in, they followed the line of sight of Xi Chen and the others.    


In the next moment, the scene fell into a deathly silence.    


In front of everyone's eyes, there was nothing.    


Judging from the marks on the ground, there should have been a lot of things inside the building.    


But now, all these things were gone.    


Most importantly, those things were not from the Xi Family, but from the Purple Sun Martial School!    


At this moment, the situation slid in the direction that the Xi Family members did not want to see the most.    


The feeling of utter despair instantly weighed down on everyone's heart like a heavy, dark cloud.    


After an unknown amount of time, these Xi Family clansmen walked out slowly with heavy steps.    


All the members of the Xi Family had an exceptionally ugly expression on their faces.    


Compared to these ordinary Xi Family clansmen, he understood more clearly how a crime it was to lose something belonging to the Purple Sun Martial School.    


In fact, when he saw that the building was empty, his mind buzzed and he did not know anything. He did not even remember how he led the group out of the building.    


Like a walking corpse, Xi Chen walked until he stopped in front of the iron gate.    


The tall and heavy iron gate blocked the falling sun, and the thick black shadow instantly made Xi Chen's heart hurt even more.    


He took a few deep breaths and instructed the people behind him, "Go and lead the Patriarch, Deputy Chief, and the others … "Bring it back..."    


The moment he opened his mouth, Xi Chen found that his voice had become extremely hoarse and unpleasant to listen to. It was as if daggers were rubbing against each other; it was difficult to hear.    


Even Xi Chen himself was shocked.    


Why did the sound become so unpleasant to hear?    


Although the voice was rough and hoarse, the meaning had been expressed.    


The members of the Xi Family, who had heard his orders, planned to do this. However, they suddenly stopped when they were about to take a step forward.    


"What's wrong?" Xi Chen frowned and turned his head to look. However, he found that all the other members of the Xi Family were looking at the sky with a complicated expression.    


When he followed the crowd's line of sight, Xi Chen immediately saw a mass of red clouds rising up from the horizon and heading straight for his home.    


"That guy's back again?" Xi Chen's heart skipped a beat.    


However, he quickly realized that this was not the same guy from before.    


"Is that the guy who came to rob us nearby, or the Grandmaster of the Purple Sun Martial School returning?" While Xi Chen was thinking, the red cloud had already fallen from the top of his head.    


In an instant, an unprecedented pressure descended on the spot.    


Xi Chen's body suddenly trembled. His face turned pale and his knees turned weak.    


As they were all part of the celestial mood stage, even though he was doing this, the clansmen behind him all collapsed onto the ground with terrified expressions on their faces.    


Xi Chen gathered his courage and looked towards that red cloud.    


At this moment, the red light in the clouds gradually dissipated, revealing several figures within.    


When these figures clearly appeared in front of everyone, the terrifying aura that was like a oncoming storm instantly magnified ten times!    


At this moment, Xi Chen could no longer bear it and knelt down on the ground with a thud. The sweat gushing out of his pores instantly soaked through his entire body and even trickled down his hair. Looking at him, people even suspected that he had just been fished out of the water.    


And this mighty and vast aura covered the entire Xi Family.    


The Xi Family, which had appeared to be in chaos, instantly became silent. It was as if the air had frozen into an iron plate.    


No matter what they had been doing at this moment, all the members of the Xi Family were either kneeling on the ground or lying limply on the ground, trembling in fear.    


At this moment, the only person who had managed to obtain celestial mood stage, Xi Chen, gathered his courage and raised his head to look at the newcomer.    


It was the High Scholar of the Purple Sun Sect!    


However, it wasn't just the High Scholar of the Violet Myrtle Sect who came.    


Behind the opponent, a few expressionless Earth Origin Stage cultivators stood there.    


Xi Chen did not know why the other party had brought a few Earth Origin Stage with him, so after a moment, his line of sight once again returned to the figure of the High Master who had arrived.    


This Master celestial mood stage looked to be about the same age as Xi Chen, perhaps a little younger. However, his body exuded an incredibly tyrannical aura.    


This made Xi Chen feel as if he was facing a volcano that could erupt at any time, and he was standing on the edge of the volcano's crater.    


When he saw that the other party was looking at him with an indifferent gaze, Xi Chen immediately felt goosebumps rise all over his body.    


At this moment, he even felt as if his soul was about to fly out of his body.    


However, he also understood that since he was the only celestial mood stage in the family, he had to say something.    


"Master... Master..." Xi Chen wanted to explain the current situation.    


He believed that the current situation still had a turning point.    


This was because the Violet Myrtle Sect Master who had arrived earlier had been defeated as well, and he had fled in panic.    


The Xi Family had already done their best to deal with an enemy that not even the Purple Sun Sect's master could deal with.    


As a result, losing the treasure seemed to be within reason.    


Therefore, Xi Chen wanted to reverse some of the situation.    


Furthermore, he had an 80% confidence that he could let the Xi Family pass through today's crisis.    


However, just as he spoke half a sentence, the face of the Purple Vine Sect Master in front of him suddenly sank, and a hand grabbed towards him.    




The ground under Xi Chen suddenly turned into lava.    


Before Xi Chen could react, the magma had already swallowed him up.    


A moment later, a pile of bones floated up from the magma and slowly sank. After that, there were no more movements.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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