Overriding the Heaven





The blue sky, the sea, the bright sunshine, the fresh sea breeze --    


All of this made Que Longjian feel as if he had been given a new lease of life.    


However, the pain from his wound reminded him that the danger was not over yet.    


From the darkness behind him came deafening booms and roars of unwillingness.    


Que Longjian felt his scalp go numb.    


At this moment, he didn't dare to stop at all.    


It wasn't easy to get out of this predicament, and if there was any more trouble, he would definitely die here today.    


Therefore, he gritted his teeth and urged his flying wings forward. He didn't dare to waste even a blink of an eye.    


After he flew off into the distance and disappeared into the horizon, the twelve tombstones above the sea began to sink.    


At this moment, the sea water from all directions also came pouring back.    


In a moment, the sea returned to its normal appearance.    


At the same time, Chu Yan also appeared on the surface of the sea.    


He faced the direction that Que Longjian had escaped in and a profound look appeared in his eyes.    


In Chu Yan's hand was the spirit weapon spear that Que Longjian had just abandoned.    


The long spear was entirely gold in color, and with a slight movement, it emitted a golden light that gave off an extremely profound and mysterious feeling.    


"Middle grade five spirit weapon." Chu Yan looked down and put it into his storage ring.    


A middle grade five spirit weapon could actually be considered a pretty good magical equipment to ordinary celestial mood stage cultivators.    


However, Chu Yan clearly knew in his mind what good items were hidden in Ji Fengtang's thirty-two treasure troves.    


There were many treasures in the treasury that were better than this spirit weapon spear, so Chu Yan's heart was as still as water and he was not moved at all.    


"I've opened up a path to survival for you. From now on, you should run towards death by yourself."    


After Chu Yan said that sentence, he changed the direction of the Spirit Boat and flew forward.    


After leaving that sea area, Que Longjian risked his life to fly forward.    


After consuming the pill, his wounds had already started to improve.    


However, this injury was too severe for him.    


Especially the fact that he was still in a stable state after being promoted to celestial mood stage.    


If he didn't treat his injuries well, his cultivation realm would most likely drop again.    


Thinking about this, Que Longjian's eyes couldn't help but turn black due to embarrassment.    


"This won't do. If we continue flying like this, it will cause even more serious injuries. We need to find a place to rest for the time being."    


Que Longjian looked around anxiously.    


The vast sea around him had no place to rest.    


However, he soon discovered that he had not used up all of his luck today.    


At the end of the line of sight, there was a black dot.    


It had to be an island.    


"Forget it, let's head there first!" Que Longjian took out a spiritual energy recovery pill, covered the wound on his chest and quickly flew over.    


When they arrived at the sky above the deserted island, Que Longjian was suddenly shocked.    


That was because he found two familiar faces on the deserted island.    


"Why are you two here?" When Que Longjian landed on the deserted island, he was bewildered to see Tang Zhiran and Feng Gang in front of him.    


What made it even more difficult for him to understand was their current state.    


Tang Zhiran and Feng Gang both looked as if they had just experienced a huge battle and appeared to be in an extremely sorry state.    


Not far behind them, the old Spirit Boat dived into the ground diagonally, only exposing half of it to the ground.    


"Master Eunuch, you …" Tang Zhiran and Feng Gang were also stunned.    


Actually, the distance between the two sides hadn't even been two hours.    


However, when they met again, both of them looked severely injured.    


"Don't speak, answer my question first!" Que Longjian's gaze turned cold as he shouted, "What happened to you all!"    


At this time, he was most worried about the people chasing after Tang Zhiran and Feng Gang, whether they were nearby.    


He was heavily injured, and the spiritual energy in his body was less than 10%.    


If he met another enemy with a cultivation base lower than his, it would be hard to predict the other party's life or death as the enemy was at its peak and he would be seriously injured.    


If Tang Zhiran and Feng Gang died, so be it. He was an honorable teacher. How could he risk his life again?    


"Master Eunuch, do you want me to not speak, or should I answer your question …" Feng Gang revealed a bitter expression.    


"Less glib words!" At the moment, Que Longjian was infuriated. He raised his hand and sent a palm strike towards Feng Gang.    


Feng Gang's face was filled with fear, he retreated a step and pleaded, "Master Vereng, please calm your anger!"    


The step he took back, he didn't know if it was a coincidence or what, but it just happened to avoid Que Longjian's palm wind.    


The wind from his palm blew up the dust on the ground, but it did not touch Feng Gang at all.    


If it was in the past, this slap from Que Longjian would at least send Feng Gang flying.    


However, Que Longjian didn't think too much about it at this moment. He instinctively thought that it was due to his injuries and the lack of spiritual energy.    


Also because he was too concerned about his injuries, he didn't notice the flash of surprise in the eyes of Feng Gang and Tang Zhiran when they saw him.    


"Cut the crap, hurry up and tell me what's going on with all of you!" Aren't you following behind me? How did I get here? What happened to your injuries? " Que Longjian asked in one breath.    


"Reporting to Master Everwood, we … we've been ambushed by cultivators!" Right after you leave! " Tang Zhiran said in grief and indignation.    


"A sneak attack!" Que Longjian was shocked, "How many are there? What about the realm? "Where are they now?"    


"About seven or eight people have all been killed due to Earth Origin Stage." Feng Gang answered.    


"They've all been killed …" Que Longjian felt relieved.    


However, the next moment, Feng Gang continued, "But before they died, one of them sent out a distress signal. I think it won't be long before their people arrive."    


"What?" Que Longjian jumped up from the ground with his hair standing on end. He was shocked and angry at the same time.    


As the movement was too big, he waved his hand and the wound on his chest was exposed.    


This scene stunned both Feng Gang and Tang Zhiran.    


Originally, when they saw Que Longjian's hair in disarray and his whole body covered in blood, and he even lost his right hand, they thought it was the other party's most serious injury.    


However, he did not expect that a hole the size of a bowl would actually pierce through his opponent's chest.    


If he moved a little more, his heart would probably shatter.    


Feng Gang's and Tang Zhiran's bodies immediately started trembling — they were completely excited.    


Que Longjian didn't know what they were thinking and thought that the two of them were scared, so he quickly covered his wound again and said without changing his expression: "What's there to look at, I also met some trouble, the other party is a Grand Monster of Manifestation, but he was forced back by me.    


While the reinforcements from the other side have yet to arrive, we should hurry back and not fall into danger again.    


However, your Spirit Boat s have been destroyed, and your flying swords are unable to fly for a long period of time, so I will return first and then ask the disciples of my sect to come and help you. Don't be anxious, just wait here quietly. "    


With that, Que Longjian hurriedly left.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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