Overriding the Heaven

C1377 Avalanche

C1377 Avalanche

The village chief was stunned by Chu Yan's words.    


Because everything Chu Yan said was right.    


This was the current situation in Shijia Village, including a few nearby villages.    


Seeing Chu Yan's interested look, the village chief tried to probe: "You seem to be very good at these things, have you experienced something like this before?"    


"Probably not." Chu Yan shook his head, "These are all obvious. I have experienced something similar with him, it shouldn't be a problem."    


"Obviously?" The Village Chief was stunned once again.    


Is this person really amnesia or is he just pretending to be amnesia, is this really his first time in Shijia Village, or has he already come here before?    


In a short while, the village chief who prided herself as the number one wise man in the Shijia Village, actually realised that she could not understand Chu Yan a little.    


In fact, at this moment, Chu Yan felt as if something had resurrected in his mind.    


A sense of imminent danger was brewing in his mind.    


But this feeling, at this moment, was like a ball of thread without a thread, looking a bit messy.    


"As long as I can find the thread, all of my memories should be restored." Chu Yan said confidently.    


Thus, he greeted the village chief and walked towards the village entrance.    


There were not many people around the village entrance yet, Chu Yan planned to find a place to sit quietly and see if he could recover his memories faster.    


Looking at Chu Yan's leaving figure, the Village Chief could not help but feel a little melancholy in his heart, "Sigh, looks like what I just said reminded him of something. In the end, he is still a pitiful person.    


After so long, there was still no news of her companions.    


Maybe, all of his companions had already been killed by the mountain bandit.    


In this case, if it were me, I would rather not remember the past and not carry the burden. "    


Shaking his head, the village chief controlled his emotions and temporarily put them aside.    


After all, managing the affairs of the village was what he should do.    


There were many caravans passing by the villages recently. Although the Shijia Village was at the outskirts of the Dragon-Ridge Mountain and was not a big village, because of him, a once strong warrior, some villagers that could fight with the mountain bandit for two moves had been trained by him over the years.    


For example, at this time, at the back of the village, there were over twenty children around the age of ten who were waving their fists at the wooden stake, letting out loud huffing sounds.    


Beside them was a strong looking middle-aged man, who was introducing the difference between the fifth and sixth levels of the Genuine Force Stage.    


In the eyes of the village chief, these people were the future strength of the Shijia Village.    


Once a person got busy, time would pass by very quickly.    


Soon, the morning had passed and it was already noon.    


For the entire morning, Chu Yan meditated on a rock outside the village entrance.    


The images flashed through his mind faster and faster.    


A few faces, full of a strange yet familiar feeling, appeared in his mind many times.    


There were also girls that were both elegant and proud. There was also girls that were thin but delicate like porcelain dolls. There was also girls that were filled with the gentleness of sisters …    


There were even scenes that made people blush.    


"These people should be very close to me. Un, I can already remember their looks now.    


Their Names... Yes, and my name too …    


My Origin...    




Just then, Chu Yan suddenly had a thought. Whoosh.    


He didn't know how to do it — at least, that's how it looked to him now.    


He simply flipped his wrist and a bell appeared in his palm.    


When this bell appeared in Chu Yan's hand, he saw that the surface of this bell had a hint of yellow light.    


He was wondering where this bell came from and why it was emitting light.    


At this moment, he suddenly realized in his mind that this was a warning, indicating that danger was approaching.    


"Huh?" Chu Yan could not help but open his eyes wide, muttering to himself, "Do I even have the ability to do that?"    


Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a boom coming from the distance.    


This sound caused the ground to tremble.    


Chu Yan withdrew his gaze from the bell, and stood up from the boulder.    


At this time, he saw that not only him, but the surrounding villagers, including those caravans that had just arrived and were resting, had all stopped what they were doing and were all looking towards the distance in bewilderment.    


The entire Shijia Village was so quiet at this moment, that even a pin drop could be heard.    




Another sound.    


The sound was like a landmine crashing into the ground.    


The tremors in the ground were twice as intense as before.    


"Wow!" From within the village, the cries of children could be heard.    


The caravan horses that were in charge of pulling the carriages let out waves of hissing sounds as if they had gone mad. They broke free from the reins and in a short while, disappeared without a trace.    


The carriage fell to the ground with a thud. In an instant, the entire place was in chaos.    


However, everyone's faces were now filled with panic.    


Chu Yan turned around and saw that the village chief, along with a few other able-bodied villagers, were also rushing towards the village entrance.    


The village chief only glanced at Chu Yan who was standing in a prominent position, and then immediately turned to look at the direction of the sound.    


That was the direction of the Dragon-Ridge Mountain.    


It would not be an exaggeration to say that the earlier commotion had caused the mountain to collapse.    


However, when the Village Chief arrived, the rumbling sound suddenly stopped.    


Everyone held their breath, waiting for the voice to sound again. However, after waiting anxiously for a long time, nothing happened.    


Everyone present looked at each other.    


When he thought of the flustered look on his face and the chaos at the scene, he couldn't help but laugh.    


But the next moment, along with another earth-shaking rumble, the smiles on everyone's faces froze.    


The roar this time was not only huge, it was also much closer than the last two.    


Chu Yan could even see the rise and fall of the ground.    


From the village came waves of exclamations.    


Everyone hurriedly turned around to look, and they immediately saw that the village seemed to have just collapsed.    


If it was an earthquake, it would definitely not be one like this.    


It was also because of this that everyone was confused and frightened at the same time.    


"What the hell is going on?"    


Just as everyone was puzzled, the peak of a mountain in the distance suddenly broke and fell down.    


At the same time, an ear-splitting explosion rang out once again.    


This mountain peak was extremely close to the village, only less than thirty miles away.    


Below the mountain peak, was the only way for the Shijia Village to enter the Dragon-Ridge Mountain.    


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the peak of the mountain crashed down like a meteorite from the heavens. At the same time of the shock, a large area of trees was crushed down like wheat.    


Crackling sounds could be heard as the broken wood flew everywhere and dust billowed. It was as if thousands of men and horses were charging toward Wang Lin.    


A large part of the forest was instantly swallowed up by the smoke and dust.    


This scene instantly stunned all of the mortals present. All of them stood there in a daze.    


In the next moment, an even more shocking scene appeared.    


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