Overriding the Heaven

C1367 It's All Here

C1367 It's All Here

It's all here.    


Zhao Tong led his horse and walked in front.    


The moment the gate opened, although it was noisy and bustling, it was just like how it was in the past as it came straight at them.    


However, at this moment, he felt as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over his head in the middle of summer.    


His entire body was suffused with a bone-piercing coldness.    


But at this time, he couldn't say anything.    


Zhao Tong could even imagine that the young lady cultivator behind him was definitely confident that she could grind his bones and scatter his ashes before he could even say the first word.    


Because of bandit's bountiful harvest these few days, it was as if she was celebrating.    


Even though every single mountain bandit looked exceptionally ugly and sinister, a happy expression could be seen on their faces that even a fool could see at a glance.    


If you did not count Chu Chan'er and Chu Yan who entered randomly, Zhao Tong's group had returned with a great harvest this time.    


The cart that he had brought back was filled with gold and silver, as well as all kinds of medicine that was scarce in this mountain.    


These were naturally not worth mentioning to cultivators.    


But to the vast majority of martial artists and mortals present, this was a matter that concerned their lives and life.    


After the carriage entered the village, mountain bandit immediately went to unload the goods.    


Chu Chan'er did not let Zhao Tong stop, so Zhao Tong naturally did not dare to let go of the reins.    


With a bitter face, he continued to walk into the village.    


In fact, from the moment Chu Chan'er entered the gates of Three Kingdoms, she had already attracted the attention of everyone present.    


Since they were the mountain bandit s who killed and plundered, the number of females in the Three Kingdoms were naturally extremely few.    


Amongst the two hundred or so people in the Three Kingdoms, the number of female mountain bandit s did not exceed five.    


Moreover, these female mountain bandit s were ferocious, if they really wanted to kill someone, they would be fiercer than the male mountain bandit s.    


Thus, their gender had long ago been ignored by the other mountain bandit s.    


However, there was a fundamental difference between Chu Chan'er and these female mountain bandit s.    


She was the princess of state, and had an extremely good temperament and looks.    


After becoming a cultivator, his spiritual energy circulated daily, his body shaved and his marrow washed, and with the addition of his age, his entire being was already an unparalleled beauty that could topple cities.    


It was impossible to conceal the beauty of her youth and her thin veil.    


At this time, Chu Chan'er entered the Three Kingdoms, and it was as if a scorching sun had suddenly risen amidst the pitch-black darkness.    


Even a blind person would be able to breathe the fragrance and sweetness of her body.    


As for Chu Yan who was currently lying on the horse without moving, he was completely ignored by everyone.    


Given Chu Chan'er's identity, and the thinking of the mountain bandit s, it was naturally simple and straightforward. Zhao Tong had gone down the mountain and robbed his with that group of living creatures, but such a beautiful, well-built girl had let Zhao Tong benefit greatly.    


At this moment, the nearby mountain bandit couldn't help but drool when they saw Chu Chan'er.    


Zhao Tong could actually feel the jealous gazes of these people towards him.    


Right now, he truly felt bitter but could not speak of it.    


The more these people thought about it, the more Zhao Tong's scalp went numb.    


What the hell are you thinking! The person on the horse was a cultivator lord! If you used this kind of gaze on her and on me, you would only complain that I didn't die fast enough!    


Zhao Tong felt chills down his spine, when suddenly, a crashing sound came from a place not far away from him.    


Zhao Tong raised his head and saw a shattered wine jar.    


Seeing the figure that stood beside the wine jar, Zhao Tong's gaze focused: That was the Three Kingdoms's Second Leader, Song Gang that he had not dealt with before.    


Second Leader Song Gang only had one eye, the eye that he had been blind with was stabbed by a warrior of the opposing caravan when they were hijacking the caravan.    


Song Gang had lost an eyeball in that battle.    


As for the martial artist that had stabbed him, all of his flesh and blood had been gouged out, leaving only skin behind. He had died an incomparably painful death.    


Having lost an eye and at the same time not needing to hide anything like an eye patch, Song Gang appeared to be even more sinister and terrifying than the rest of mountain bandit who had complete facial features.    


It could be seen that before Zhao Tong had returned, he had already drunk quite a bit of wine.    


At this moment, he was burping, and his face, including his exposed chest, was completely red.    


The jar of wine that just fell on the ground was obviously aimed at Zhao Tong.    


If he had encountered such a situation in the past, Zhao Tong would definitely teach Song Gang a lesson.    


Even if your cultivation is lower than the enemy's, but in an environment like mountain bandit's, if you don't react when someone provokes you, your position will not be preserved anymore.    


But today was different from the past. Behind Zhao Tong sat a person that he could not afford to offend.    


He coldly looked at Song Gang and was about to lead his horse to the side.    


Song Gang naturally would not let him leave so easily.    


Furthermore, Zhao Tong's abnormal display of weakness encouraged him to act arrogantly.    


Taking a step forward, he stood in front of Zhao Tong, who pointed at Chu Chan'er who was riding on his horse, and laughed sinisterly: "Zhao San, Manager, what, you got yourself a little beauty today, why are you so impatient to get married, you don't even greet your brothers anymore?"    


As he spoke, he deliberately emphasized the three words, 'Third Boss'.    


Without waiting for Zhao Tong's response, Song Gang immediately shouted again: "In your heart, you only look down on us brothers who are on par with you!"    


At this time, many people had drunk their wine once again. In addition to the jealousy of Zhao Tong for obtaining the beauty, and Song Gang's provocations right now, with all these factors added together, Zhao Tong could instantly feel a change in the gazes of the people around him.    


Although there were only two hundred or so people in the Three Kingdoms, there were many mountains.    


Zhao Tong had his own trusted aides and direct disciples, Song Gang did too.    


When Song Gang made his move, his subordinates immediately stood to the side and mocked and ridiculed him.    


The atmosphere in the village became tense.    


Zhao Tong and the others who had just gotten back from the bounty were suddenly turned into traitors who wanted to betray the bandit for a woman.    


Song Gang spoke until stars started to fly around, his chest hairs were trembling, seeing that Zhao Tong did not reply like usual, although he felt that there was something fishy, but with the alcohol, he did not think too much about it.    


Song Gang took another big gulp of the strong wine, he walked towards Zhao Tong and cursed: "What, Zhao Tong, are you not convinced? If you think that what I have said is not right, then drag this lady down and open her eyes to the brothers. What kind of trash is this lady whom you have taken a fancy to!? "    


Zhao Tong's face turned green.    


If it was possible, he really wanted to step on Song Gang and curse him loudly: Fuck you, if you want to die, go die, don't drag this daddy into the water!    


was extremely worried that Chu Chan'er would vent her anger on him.    


It was also at this time that Zhao Tong felt a fragrant wind blow from behind him.    


At the same time, Chu Chan'er's voice sounded behind her head, and she said with a smile. "All of you from the mountain stronghold, are all here?"    


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