Overriding the Heaven

C1069 I Know I'm Scared

C1069 I Know I'm Scared

If Chu Yan did not exist this time, then after these ghosts were awakened, they would gather in the godly temple to seek revenge.    


This was because there was a treasure left behind by that person.    


Chu Yan appearing here was just a coincidence.    


In other words, if Chu Yan was not in the temple right now, but was somewhere else in the Great Demonic Palace, then the armoured guy would also go find Chu Yan, and would not have come to the temple.    


It was easy to tell whether he was going to seek revenge from the living or tear off a piece of clothing.    


"In the end, you were still the one who attracted me here." After roughly deducing the crux of the matter, Chu Yan said helplessly.    


"Neither did I. Thinking of … They're dead... So long... Also... "The ghosts won't disperse …"    


"They're being used, too." Chu Yan said: "Then what exactly did you leave here that you want this person to use such a large sum?"    


"I generally... Remember is... What... "The item is here …" That person suddenly smiled sinisterly. "But …" who used them... "    


"I'm not sure for now."    


"Really not …" "You know …"    


"I don't know."    


"Heh …" "Heh …" This person obviously didn't believe him, "Then you …" He didn't want to … Know... That person wanted to... To get... "What …"    


This was an undisguised temptation!    


Such a large sum just for a single magic treasure.    


Therefore, this magical item would definitely be shocking to the extreme!    


Prince Chu gave a cold snort, "Are you threatening me? "Then I'll tell you."    




"It's not hard to guess exactly who it is, but this person must be very close to the Heaven's Edge Sect.    


As long as they knew who selected the Spirit Severing Road here, they would know when the time came.    


"And …"    


Chu Yan gestured at his feet: "The illusion array must be created by that person."    


"Heh …" Heh … Answer... "It's about to come out …"    


"It's a very obvious thing. Just think about it and you'll be able to deduce it.    


And I can draw some other conclusions. " Chu Yan paused for a moment before continuing, "This person must be extremely confident in himself, to the point where he can look down on others.    


He wasn't worried at all that his purpose in choosing this place would be exposed.    


He wasn't worried that others would use this reason to attack him.    


So this person must have an extremely high status in the Heaven's Edge Sect. "    


"Then …" "Don't worry …"    


"That's in the future. Now I should worry about your trouble." Chu Yan said coldly.    


"Heh …" Heh … Since you said a little … Not worried at all... Then I will also... Rest assured …    


Watch carefully... That person wanted to... From Here... what you get... "Here …"    


At the same time Chu Yan moved his body, his black heart expanded to an astonishing extent.    


Under the bulging skin, not only were there many distorted faces, one could even see the liquid that was filled to the brim like ink, and gurgling sounds coming from it.    


At this moment, the ground began to crack under the pressure.    


"Kill you!"    


"Kill you!"    


"You can't escape your doom!"    


The roar of rage shook the walls of the godly temple, causing them to crack and crumble. One by one, the stone pillars began to crumble.    


Compared to the gigantic black heart, Chu Yan's reminder now was like a little mantis.    


At a glance, it was as if the moment the heart falls down, it would crush Chu Yan to death.    


The huge difference in size made the face on the heart become even more arrogant.    


They wanted to struggle free from the skin and completely grind Chu Yan to pieces, turning him into blood and flesh.    


"Heh …" "Heh …"    


Amidst the curses that filled the air, Chu Yan sneered.    


He slowly walked back to the place where he had just taken out the Flame Slasher.    


Even though that black colored heart caused his movement space to become smaller and smaller, to the point that it seemed to cover the sky and stretch through the heavens, Chu Yan was still not in a hurry.    


In the center of this area, there was a huge hole with a diameter of four to five Zhang.    


The hole was so deep that one could not see the bottom. One could not help but feel their legs go weak upon seeing it.    


And after the fire, the edges of the hole had been charred black.    


For some reason, this charred area gave off a feeling of endless extension, as if it was the deepest part of hell, a mountain of corpses and a sea of fire.    


"What magic treasure are you going to take out from inside to destroy this guy?" Chu Yan asked suspiciously, "If I were to chop flames, I should be able to shatter the souls of these resentful people."    


"It looks like... "Too much trouble …"    


As the man spoke, he controlled Chu Yan's body and stood in front of this bottomless hole. Then, he slowly turned around to face that black heart.    


In front of him was a monster formed from countless vengeful souls.    


Behind him was the abyss where he would definitely be smashed into smithereens if he were to fall down.    


It looked to be a hopeless situation, but at this moment, the corner of Chu Yan's mouth raised into a disdainful smile.    


"Swoosh …" "Ants …"    


After slowly spitting out these two words, Chu Yan's body leaned backwards.    


"What are you doing?" Seeing this scene, Chu Yan asked in confusion.    


If he fell down now, wouldn't he be falling into the abyss?    


But at this moment, Chu Yan realized that his body was actually suspended in midair.    


Looking at this posture, it was as if he was sitting on an air chair.    


"Hmm?" Although he could not control his body at the moment, Chu Yan could still see everything clearly.    


Right now, his body was indeed in a sitting position as it hovered above the black hole.    


It was just that there were no seats, which made this posture look a little strange.    


However, an even weirder scene occurred.    


As Chu Yan sat down like this, the black heart that was originally constantly expanding, suddenly emitted a loud boom, and actually stopped devouring the space in front of him.    


The twisted and roaring faces on the surface of the heart had stopped abruptly at this moment.    


The thundering sound disappeared in an instant.    


The entire temple descended into a deathly silence.    


Such a change in speed even made Chu Yan, who was watching, feel like he was hallucinating.    


"What's going on?"    


At this moment, he discovered that on the surface of his heart, the faces that had been gnashing their teeth and roaring were now all filled with fear. It was as if they had seen something that they were extremely afraid of.    


Not only did their expressions change, these faces were all desperately trying to squeeze their way into the heart.    


Even the black threads that interweaved into a huge black net shot over from all directions and began to tremble like humans at this moment.    


And this change, started from the moment Chu Yan sat down in the air!    


"Now... Know... He was afraid … Already... "Too late …"    


Chu Yan slowly spat out a sentence from his mouth.    


As the sound of his voice faded, a ball of flames suddenly ignited beneath his feet.    


The black flames spread out in an instant.    


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