Overriding the Heaven

C979 Message from Adai

C979 Message from Adai

Chu Yan did not tell anyone about the contents of that night's exchange.    


Just as Chu Yan had initially predicted, the Gates of Hell deep within his sea of consciousness were still a huge source of trouble.    


It seemed that Gates of Hell had helped him greatly at several crucial moments.    


Even saved him several times.    


But all poisons are sweet to the mouth.    


The sweeter and more fragrant it was, the more potent and potent the poison.    


The more benefits they brought now, the more severe the backlash they would bring in the future.    


Chu Yan didn't want to go through so much effort in his cultivation, but in the end, he ended up getting married for someone else.    


"In the end, I have to think of a way to resolve this."    


"But before we do that, it's better to squeeze out all of his value."    


Chu Yan would take a little time out every day to seemingly cultivate, but in reality, he was actually thinking about this problem.    


In this period of time, Chu Yan's life had been very orderly.    


Most of the time was spent in meditation.    


For the rest of the time, he would allocate a portion of it to impart some of his own thoughts to Shen Qing.    


These thoughts were not only limited to cultivation, but also included some of Chu Yan's own ideas.    


Shen Qing was Chu Yan's disciple.    


For a long period of time, Chu Yan would not be by her side.    


Therefore, Chu Yan hoped that he could pave the way for Shen Qing in any way he could.    


Of the pills that he had obtained from the Qing Qiu Sect, Chu Yan had also given a few to Shen Qing.    


Previously, when Chu Yan had instilled his concept in Shen Qing, he did not hide it from Zeng Bi.    


Although Zeng Bi was also listening, she did not express any objections.    


Her attitude towards Chu Yan was filled with both fear and dread.    


In other words, the unluckier Chu Yan was, the happier she was.    


Therefore, she would not tell Chu Yan anything useful in cultivation.    


However, if Chu Yan asked in his capacity as the owner, she wouldn't reject him either.    


She instinctively disagreed with Chu Yan's idea, but she did not refute him.    


But when Chu Yan gave the pills to Shen Qing, she could not help but frown.    


Not only did his face change, but his heart was bleeding as well.    


Even breathing felt painful.    


You prodigal son!    


Do you know the value of those pills!    


You didn't even have the time to use it, yet you're still giving it away!    


You idiot, idiot, your head is full of bean curd!    


But Zeng Bi scolded him in his heart.    


She didn't dare to say it out loud.    


In regards to Zeng Bi, Chu Yan was currently treating her indifferently.    


Although Chu Yan had prepared the pill furnace he had gotten from the Qing Qiu Sect, he felt that it was far from the time to give it to Zeng Bi.    


As for refining pills, he decided to put that aside for now. After all, there were still a lot of days left.    


Zeng Bi was just a pawn in Chu Yan's plans to level up.    


However, this chess piece was not important enough to have an immediate effect.    


In this life's chessboard, there were some chess pieces that only needed to be left behind first.    


When the time came, it would naturally come in handy.    


Although Chu Yan treated Zeng Bi with the same attitude as she was now, it was not like he was going to let him think about how to take her revenge everyday.    


A female slave was different from a female servant, they had to have the appearance of a female slave.    


Therefore, Chu Yan had arranged for Zeng Bi to do many small things that he was flustered and exasperated about.    


For example, repairing the cabin that she had broken.    


As the Spirit Boat continued to fly day and night, the calm and tranquil days passed one by one.    


More than ten days later, on August 20th, noon.    


Chu Yan was currently playing a very boring game with the handsome man: who could eat the demon beast meat in front of them faster than him?    


The two chunks of flesh and blood from the dire beasts were sliced into square pieces, and were around the size of an Eight Immortals Table. One could clearly see the hard bones and strong tendons within.    


Under normal circumstances, this kind of meat was not easy to cut even with a mid-grade sharp weapon.    


However, Chu Yan and handsome were different.    


It was an unreasonable way to swallow a Swallowing Whale Spirit Art.    


Furthermore, since Chu Yan had now reached the Earth Origin Stage, his teeth would not even be considered close to high quality spirit energy. If he were to open them wide and bite, it could only be described as sweeping away everything in his path.    


As for the other one, he had the appearance of a pig. In terms of eating, he was a Kylin cub that had never admitted defeat.    


Its famous ultimate skill was the self-made "Aura Devour the Mountains and Rivers". It was commonly said that it didn't matter what you were or how many you had, I would swallow them all in one gulp.    


This was also one of the few casual activities that Chu Yan did during his travels these days.    


Their referee was, of course, High Master Bi Tong, who was resentful in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.    


A grand celestial mood stage was actually forced to do this kind of thing as a judge, it was simply an extreme humiliation!    


But today, just as Zeng Bi was prepared to shout and start, a thought came to Chu Yan's mind.    


Then, his face revealed an incomparably joyful expression. With a slap, he pushed the mountain-sized beast's flesh and blood to the side.    


"Hey, hey, what are you doing!" Handsome muttered in dissatisfaction.    


Just at this moment, it saw Chu Yan take out a Consonance Jade.    


Zeng Bi was also startled, and then cried out involuntarily: "Consonance Jade! You actually have a Consonance Jade! "    


This was a treasure that was countless times more convenient than Message Talisman and required a very low consumption of spirit energy. It was one of the few that even Pulse Condensation Period Cultivator could use.    


However, the materials needed to refine this magical equipment were not easy to obtain, and the refining process was also very complicated, so it was very rare.    


Even Zeng Bi had never owned one.    


But what she saw in Chu Yan's hands right now was something that caused her to be filled with envy and jealousy.    


However, Chu Yan didn't pay attention to their reactions at all.    


At this moment, Chu Yan's attention was completely focused on the Consonance Jade.    


The only person who could send a message to Chu Yan through the Consonance Jade was Lin Miaoran.    


Lin Miaoran returned to the Profound Moon Sect at the beginning of May this year.    


After that, she closed up and began assailing the Earth Origin Stage.    


It was the end of August.    


Considering the time, there was only one possibility for her to send him a message.    


Chu Yan suppressed his excitement and looked towards the Consonance Jade.    


The contents of the abbreviation, was exactly as Chu Yan expected.    


"A Gua, my Earth Origin Stage is here."    


The name that Lin Miaoran called Chu Yan when she first wrote to him.    


Instantly, a warm feeling flowed through Chu Yan's heart.    


"You really are my wife!"    


Although he had expected it, when he confirmed the news, Chu Yan still couldn't help but clench his fist.    


"A natural body made of pure jade. It's much easier to be promoted than ordinary cultivators."    


Taking a deep breath, Chu Yan calmed himself down and looked at Shen Qing: "Where are we now?"    


He suddenly wanted to quickly meet Lin Miaoran.    


Furthermore, Your Highness Chu does not plan to tell Lin Miaoran that you are already on your way to the Profound Moon Sect.    


This way, when the other party arrived, he would be able to give them a pleasant surprise.    


After Chu Yan asked, before Shen Qing could even answer, the Spirit Boat that was flying in the air suddenly released a loud boom.    


In an instant, the Spirit Boat seemed to have lost its balance and began to shake violently in midair.    


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